Friday, May 21, 2010

How will i know if my cat is in heat?

I dont know anything about cats, he's just a gift so no choice but keep him. I found him cute and very entertaining. Lately, i saw blood on his butt. What is that all about?
Believe me, you will know. She will be very restless, calling in a peculiar yowling voice. She will be determined to get out of the house. Tomcats may come to your door. If you pet her she will assume a characteristic position, chest down between her front paws and rear end in the air...the "come and get it" pose.

But if you have a boy kitten, he won't be going into heat. That's for girls. Since you say you don't know anything about cats, have someone who does look at the kitten and tell you if it's a boy or a girl...they can look very much alike when they're very young.

If it is a boy and you see blood under his tail, most likely it is caused by being somewhat constipated and having big BMs. Giving him moistened food should help. Moisten it with warm water, never milk. Cow milk is bad for cats. (There is a type of milk available in pet stores called KMR that is fine, but he shouldn't need it.)

Whether he's a boy or a girl, he should be "fixed" -- spayed or neutered -- by the time he/she is four months old.

To be a responsible pet owner, you should learn as much as you can about your cat and how to care for it properly. Not to do so is irresponsible and possibly harmful -- literally, his life is in your hands. There is a world of good cat information online.
Maybe worms. But he will spray in your home if he's in heat. Better to get him neutered.
If he's a He, he won't go into heat. That's for females only.

When female cats go into heat, they meow very, very loudly %26 pee everywhere. Don't worry, if you have a female in heat, you'll know.

Female cats in heat DO NOT BLEED FROM ANYWHERE. Any cat that has blood coming out of its butt is ill. It's likely serious. Take the cat to the vet.
Is it still eating and pooping? If not take to vet now. If so, it might be worms, still needs to go to vet but not an emergency. A cat in heat usually gets real lovey dovey with you and meows more. A male cat in heat might start peeing(spraying) in stange spots.
Well, a HIM can't go into heat.
Male cats do not go into heat. Female cats go into heat, and that is when they can get pregnant. Female cats do bleed some when they are in heat. If he is a boy cat, then something is wrong if he is bleeding. Hope this helps.
if she starts to lose alot of hair and starts to get a big tummy.
ok... so were clear male cats can not go into heat. if you have a male cat then you have a problem. he might have worms. check in his litter box to see if you see any worms in his stool. also check for diarhea. Take him to the vet immediatley and report all symptoms. cats are usually very good at letting you know they are hurting or uncomfortable. watch his behavior and see if you can detect any distress in his temperment.

if you have a female cat, she must be at least 9 months to a year before she is mature enough to go into heat. If she is too young, then take her to the vet. If she is of age, and seemes to be acting normal with no signs of pain or distress, then shes probably in heat and she is fine.

i recommend getting him or her neutered or spayed as soon as possible. Its a better peace of mind for you and your carpet and it helps prevent the number of cats that get uthenized in the shelters every day!

i hope this helps. good luck.
Blood on him is not good, could be worms, cats don't bleed when in heat, take him to a vet to be checked.
The blood is not normal, he should be checked by a vet ASAP. Male cats don't go into heat but you will know when they are trying to find a mate (they howl very loudly and often spray). You will want to get him fixed as soon as he comes of age.
Boys don't go into heat for one thing, for another get him to the vet! Blood on the butt might mean somthing very serius! i would getoff the computer right now and go!
Male cats do not go in heat.

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