Monday, May 24, 2010

I don't know what's wrong with my cat...?

She seemed fine the day before yesterday but went outside alot, she's usually an indoor cat.. but when it starts getting warmer she likes to go outside.
Well yesterday evening I noticed that her chin looks abnormally larger than normal and all around her bottom lip it's hard and I noticed a small amount of what LOOKED like pus on her mouth.
She IS able to open her mouth.
But now she won't eat and she's getting weak from not eating.
She's pretty old. We've had her for about 10-11 years.
I'm wondering if anybody knows what could be wrong?
One of our other cats recently had an infection in his mouth and we took him to the vet n got meds for it but it went away on its own.
I'd try some of those meds with her but I can't seem to find them anywhere, and I don't know if they got thrown away.
We really are unable to afford taking her to the vet but if that's the only way to find out what's going on...
Anyone have any ideas what it could be?
get her to the vet ask them about a payment plan. you are causing unneeded suffering to this poor animal. probably if you were a responciable cat owner and didn't let your cat out none of this would have happend.

Poor kitty!

if you can't afford to take care of your cats then don't have any, take them all to a no kill shelter where they can be treated and put up for adoption and find loving homes.
Abscess - either a tooth or a laceration. Take her to the vet, have them clean it out and put her on antibiotics. Abscesses are a necessary and common evil of cats who go outdoors. If you can't afford to fix them when they come up, keep her inside.
something could have bit her. she really does need to go to the vet.
Sounds SERIOUS -- PLEASE take the cat to the vet.
She may have caught a bee and got stung. She shouldd be seen by a vet.
I'd take her to vet, it could be almost anything, an abscess tooth a spider bite, a cactus thorn pricked her lip and its infected...

Plus the other med may not be good for her, older cats livers are very susceptible to damage by meds and they vet will know what to give her.

The pets stores sell a protien paste for sick and weak animals, see if you can get her to lick a little or swab on her tongue but dont cause any more trauma to her mouth..

you dont want to wait to long and loose her for it, do you?
take her to the vet! even if you found the other meds from the other kitty, DONT give them to her. it could be something different, and you dont want to harm her by giving her a med she doesnt need. if you need some time before you can get her to the vet, feed her some babyfood if she will take it. feed her by spoon, just as you would a baby, this will be soft so she doesnt have to chew, and will help her regain some strength by eating. i wont say if you cant afford the vet then keep her in, cause i know sometimes that can be hard. my cat keeps sneaking out since its been warmer, and its not always possible to keep them in 100% if they want out!! good luck to you, and hope kitty's alright!!
It sounds to me as if it is an absess. It could have been caused by a tussle with a cat outside (the scratch getting infected), or a bad tooth which tends to happen in older cats. I fear the only way to know will be to take her to the vet. The cause doesn't matter, just knowing and being able to get antibiotics for it.

If your cat is cooperative and the injured area is visible, try cleaning it with peroxide. However, if it is causing loss of apetite I think it is beyond home rememdy.
Never give one animal some other animals meds. Like people it is giving by weight etc...
With that being said, if your cat is weak she needs to go to the vets. Could be a insect bite, or infection, or just about anything else. I believe sometimes in waiting as long as they seem to play and drink. but you said she is weak so go. At the very least call for advice. Older cats can go down hill fairly fast.
Hello there, alas it would appear that an abscess has formed and what a frightful area for the poor little soul, if this is so then the area will be swollen and a bit squidgy usually with an area that looks as though a puncture would has been inflicted, if this is the case try the following:

There are two ways of dealing with this first off go to the vets and get charged a fortune, or dare I say it burst it yourself ... yes this is disgusting but it would alleviate the pain as the puss will draw out when squeezed and alas you will need to do this with help to keep doing so until you are satisfied all the badness is out, then try to put tea tree oil around the offending area, this may hurt so keep a good grip on, or use a veterinarian powder or a combination of both.

If after all this you feel that this is not the case perhaps the poor thing has either fractured/broken the jaw after a fall or other misshap you will have to take your moggie to the vets.

I sincerely hope that the latter is not the case and hope all goes well, good luck
Of course I have to say that you must take her to the vet. Medications depend on weight and age (because older cats are more sensible to harsh medicines).
I can imagine that they would prescribe anti-inflamatory + anti-toxic, since you can never give a cat (and old one specially) one without the other and anti-biotics, which I'm guessing its a must.
Really when a cat stops eating its serious. Don't wait any longuer. If it stops eating for a long time and looses weight, you are at risk that it won't respond properly to any remedy.
Based on my experience, it could be anything from an absess which is infected, to an infected tooth canal, to a fungus, to even acid from the intestine. I've had all these cases with my cats. I always though I was sure what they had and the vet showed me otherwise.
It sounds a great deal like a tooth problem. Have you ever had an abscess? The pain is excruciating, and it isn't just in one place in your head. The network of nerves is so complicated that the pain gets referred all over your head, and it pulses. The danger of an abscess comes from the fact that the pus from the infection must drain away. If it cannot drain out through an opening within the mouth, then it can easily drain into the brain.

I really, really think you are going to have to bite the bullet on this one, and get her to a vet. She is in such pain she can't eat and doesn't want to be touched.

An indoor cat that is 10-11 years old is not really old. This is not an old age problem. Something is wrong.

I don't know what town you are in. Some places have cat or animal philanthropists, people who give money to animal welfare. Your local SPCA or Humane Society may know of someone, though support usually is for spay/neutering. Alternatively, citizen-based animal rescue groups often have veterinarians who provide care the the many, many creatures they rescue for a reduced fee. And sometimes, particularly affluent vets will reduce their fees in an emergency. Perhaps you could find and hook up with one of these.

But please get help. Your baby is in a lot of pain.
Please take your cat to the vet pronto! If she is in pain and you are doing nothing for her, then it's your fault that she's suffering! If she's not eating then she's starving and she's going to die soon! If you give her another cat's medicine then she could die from that because it might not be the same problem as the other cat had. If you don't have enough money to take them to the vet when they are suffering, you need to send them to a good home that does have enough money to take them to the vet! Poor suffering kitty, if I was her I would run away to a home that would take me to the vet! By the way, don't feed your animals baby food, it can be toxic to them. Baby foods can result in nutritional deficiencies, if fed in large amounts and some baby foods contain onion powder which contain sulfoxides and disulfides that can damage red blood cells and cause anemia, and cats are more susceptible than dogs.

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