Monday, May 24, 2010

I got a couple kiitens from a lady in my neigborhood and they are supposed to be siblings but...?

The boy is way smaller than the girl. They are supposed to be 8 weeks old, but the little boy only appears to be 4 or 5 weeks old. He doesn't like to play and he sleeps a LOT! He is eating solid food and using the litter box, but he just seems so tiny. Should I give him some kitten milk, or just wait for him to catch up on his own?
He is probably the runt. Give him time to catch up. You'll probably be surprised at how big the runts can turn out to be.
He may need extra TLC and food, so watch to seee that he gets enough to eat. (His siblings may be hogging the food.) If you don't notice a difference in his appearance and activity levels soon, I'd take him to a good vet for a check up.
I'm sure they are probably siblings...Chances are, the boy is the runt of the litter...That tends to happen in most litters.In most cases, they grow very fast...And he may stay small for a while, but in my experience, the runt always grows up to be the biggest...My year old cat, Monster, was the runt.when he was born, he could fit in the palm of my hand, while the others were probably at least twice his size.And now, he's bigger than all of them! At a year old he weighs 11 pounds and it's solid muscle!! So no worries...As long as he's eating and drinking like normal, he will just just fine and will definately grow like a weed!!!

Happy Tails!
I have a cat that the shelter called me about. They were about to put her down because of her size. She had three siblings that were twice her size. They were afraid to let her go to someone that didn't know cats because of her size so they called me and I'm glad they did. At 8 weeks old she was smaller than the palm of my hand. I took her to the vet and he said she was fine but that I should wait until she was a year old to get her spayed (my cats are indoor only). She never even came into heat and at a year I had her spayed. She's six years old now and my little joy. Take both of them to your vet and see what they say. He could just be the runt and will catch up, hard to say. Also it may be that they have different fathers and his was a small one that too can happen. Good luck;^)

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