Monday, May 24, 2010

I found a baby kitten barely a month old...?

I found a baby kitten barely a month old if even that. I think someone left it on my doorstep since I already have one cat. What do I do. Its very tiny. I went and got some mothers milk but is there more I should do? Its soo cute but I am worried and cant afford to take it to a vet yet.
1. Get small basket (Clothes Basket) or anything easy to carry because you need to take this kitten everywhere with you. Now get you a empty 2 litter bottle, and fill it up with hot water. Take a big sock and slide over it. Now get a blanket and lay over that. THis will keep your kitty warm. VERY important. Get another blanket to keep over the top of your basket to keep it dark while the kitty is sleeping. WHen water get cool in bottle, empty and refill.
2. Bottle feeding - make sure you use very small nipple, kittens get choked very easy and can develop phunumonia which can be fatal. Feed this kitten every two hours minimum. Make sure the formula you have the kitty on is high quality - unless you have had the kitty on the current formula for 3 days or more and it is doing fine then DONT change it. - It may give it upset stomach which can dehydrate kitty make it sick.
3. Kittens do not use the bathroom unless stimulated by "mother" usually by licking- if you have not seen your kitty use the bathroom, then its not old enough to go on its on - after feeding kitty, get a papertowel and wet it with warm water. Now take it and rub gently across the "private" areas. Usually b/w 3 and 4 wks the kitten starts this on their own, so if you have to do this, you shouldn't have but a few days of this. When you hold your kitten constantly rub it with your thumb in a firm motion like its mother would. Kittens needs lots ot stimulation and attention.
4. When you think the kitten is 4 wks start slowly intoducing something mild solids like lamb and rice. Make sure it it very wet with formula and easy to lick. Your kitten will get very dirty learning how to eat. But try not to wet it to clean it as least as possible - you dont want it to get chilled.
5. Potty trainning- When your kitten gets old enougn to start climbing and playing its time to train your kitten as it mother would. After feeding take the kitten and put it it a box with litter. Take your fingers and let it see you scatching in the litter. The kitten will follow your lead and this stimulate it to use the potty.
6. ENJOY having a precious spoiled little baby!
This kitten will be very close to you - b/c u are its "mommy" and u will be proud to have the experience of raising a kitten! Hope u the best
go to a pet supply store and buy some kitten milk and you will have to bottle feed it.
You could try hand raising it. Here is a website that will help you. Good Luck
Did you think about the ASPCA.THEY ARE A RESCUE.
you will need to feed the kitten every four hours or so. as long as you keep it warm and feeding it the milk it should be fine.
ummm. i've never really had a cat or kitten but i study about animals alot. i would say to try to get a part time job to help pay 4 a vet. remember you hav a small kittens life at state.
Contact your local shelter. They may have a mother cat that has kittens that would accept this one. Also contact your vet he may know someone who has a mother cat that is nursing. Trust your vet.
What i think you should do is take it to your nearest humane society and there they will find a great home for it.
Take the cat to a veterinarian anyway and explain the situation (e.g. the kitten was abandoned on your doorstep, and you can't afford to pay for an office call). There aren't many vets who, under the circumstances, won't give you free advice on how to care for it, and most will also give the kitten at least a cursory examination. If no vets will help, then do what was suggested earlier and take it to an animal shelter and get advice there.
You can take it to, a shelter where they can provide and take care of the kitten until it finds a good home. There's also animal police. They wont send it to a pound, or anything. If you tell them the situation they will take the kitten to the animal hospital and make sure nothings wrong, and give the kitten vaccines, thus keep it there until it can find owners.
If I were you, i would go to the pet store and tell them and ask if they have any bottled milk for the kitten and make sure you take good care of the kitten and make it feel like it is home.

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