Monday, May 24, 2010

I found blood in his urine...?

so off to the vet we went.he has crystals in his bladder so the vet gave us a very expensive RX cat food...this was 3 weeks he pees in my computer chair on a daily basis...sometimes 2 or 3 times a he mad at me? I caught him today and grabbed him and took him back to the chair and said no and showed him where he urinated then told him no he sits lurking behind the door!
cats don't do well with scolding. Most likely he's found it uncomfortable to pee from the crystals and sees the litter box as what made him uncomfortable. my boy now stands to pee so i had to get a very high sided box so he didn't pee out the side. you may try moving the box to a spot where he feels comfortable for a bit. then slowly move it back to where it is now. If he associates the box and that spot to the discomfort then it may take some time. If you continue to scold him you may provok him to do it when you aren't looking and yes then it will be because he's trying to get back at you. I'm so sorry and i know it's frustrating but patience will help. Just remember it probably still hurts a little when he pees.
Once a cat pees on something it's almost impossible to get them to you really need a computer chair that reeks of urine? Consider if it would be worth it to get rid of the chair to make it stop.
Its pretty odd for a cat to pee anywhere but a box. You have one, right? So if he's peeing in your chair? Is he not in control of his bladder? Call your vet. This is a continuation from the visit you made 3 weeks ago. He should be willing to talk to you on the phone without charging you. But if he insists, get a follow up visit. This could be a medical problem related to the original problem. He's lurking because he doesn't understand why you're mad at him. Get him help. And not here. Call the vet.
OK so your cat is urinating somewhere he shouldn't?

Ok so lets take a step back, and look at where you expect him to pee.

yes the litter tray.

cats are amazingly clean animals, and im willing to bet your tray is a bit stinky.

what you saw 3 weeks ago was cystitis (inflamation of the bladder) and this can be caused by infection (crystals are usually secondary) but 98% of the time it is caused by stress, relating often to litter tray use.

so here's what to do
1/ dont punish you cat for urinating in the wrong plce. not his fault - your fault
2/ change the way you manage your litter trays
- add 1 more liter trya for 1 cat you should have 2 trays, 3 cats, you need 4
- line the tray with news paper, and a small amount of cat litter, then picking up the 4 corners, you can replace 1005 of the cat litter every day
- ensure the tray is in a quiet place, not where people are walking past all the time

he has unfortunately for you found somewhere he prefers to pee than your litter tray, on your chair, this is because he feels safe there and it is clean

you must make him feel this way about the litter tray

you can also try other stress reduction measures such as Feliway spray or diffuser

any way good luck
You did not say whether the cat's condition had improved. It is possible that he still has irritation from the crystals, and that first urination in your chair was an accident. Unfortunately, once the scent is in a material or surface, the cat will return to urinate there, even if the bladder is not a problem.

I would take him back for a check-up if he has not been already, and I would also buy some Cat Attract litter which will make his litter box more appealing to him. The other poster's suggestion about replacing the chair is a good one, unless it is possilble to replace just the seat.

It *can* be a behavior problem, but the physical causes should be ruled out first, and the urine smell that is attracting him should be removed. If you replace the seat or whole chair, make sure the next one has a protective cover, just in case. Should the cat pee on that, and the vet says he is doing well with the urinary problem, then it likely is psychological and you need to examine what changes have taken place in the home. Cats normally do not do this marking of territory unless they are upset, and their favorite targets are personal things of their people, like couches, beds and chairs.

Your scolding him is pointless and will only give him the idea you are angry, without knowing why. Cats are not like dogs, who interpret voice tones, and not exact words. Dogs know what a scold is for if done immediately after an action that is not acceptable. Cats do not. All they know is the anger in the voice that makes them afraid of you. It will not cure his problem, and may make it worse.

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