Friday, May 21, 2010

How would one stop a mother cat from allowing her kitten to nurse?

We currently have three cats in our house, two kittens and their mother. The kittens are over 4 months old now. While both kittens do regularly eat solid food, one of them is still insisting on milk from his mother and she allows it. What steps can I take to keep this from happening?
The only way to stop this would be to separate the mom and kitten for about 7 days to dry up the milk. Usually, the mother will growl or hiss at the kitten to make it stop. Once milk is dried up, kitten should lose interest.
They will stop on there own eventually. If it is a problem for you; keep them separated for a few days to speed things up.
well you can get the cat into the habit of drinking water by just giving the kitten water and only water
Just let the Cat and her baby work it out, there is really no way you can prevent a kitten from nurseing off its mother. Our cat stopped letting her kitten nurse when he was probably five months old.
I can't believe you would want to stop it, it is the healthiest possible thing for your kitten to be drinking. It's not like humans where people start looking at you weird if you nurse too long, but if you really want to stop it I would simply separate them, and put a closed door between them. I wouldn't want to do that myself, but that's the solution.
Let them keep drinking. Their mother's milk is the healthiest thing for them. When its time to stop, the mother will hiss at them or do something to show that their too old. You shouldn't have to do too much to your kittens, the mother knows what to do. We had a kitten like that before, and the mother took care of it on her own.

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