Friday, May 21, 2010

I am worried about my 3 day old orphan kittens umbillical cord, what should I do to care for it?

My 3 day old orphan kitten still has the umbillical cord attached to him/her. I went to pick the kitten up today and the cord got hung up on a string and pulled at it. It has sepperated from the skin a little and I tryed using a warm wet cloth to remove it and it did not work. I am worried that the area may become infected. What should I do to prevent infection and any other ideas on how to remove the cord.
If it was orphaned three days ago and still alive you are doing good. Is he eating okay and you are stimulating his bowels and urine? A little neosporin will moisten the unbilical cord it should be ready to come off anytime but since mom wasn't there keep a CLOSE eye on it at every feeding.
Call your vet. I'm sure they can take it off for you!
Use a rubbing alcohol wipe. Just like with newborn babies, the alcohol wipe dries out the umbilical cord and falls off on its own. Same idea!
i would just put neosporin on it, eventually the umbilical cord will fall off
DON'T use alcohol if it is open!! Can you imagine how bad that would hurt!! Don't try to remove it - it needs to dry out. If it is bleeding, try putting a little triple antibacterial ointment on it. Don't mess with it if you can help it. Tomorrow you can clean the ointment off and THEN use the alcohol so it can begin to dry up and fall off.
call or take it to a vet they can prolly take it off or give u a medication to put around the area so it don't get infected
Clean it with peroxide and then put some betadine or iodine on the area to cover and close the wound. Remember hospitals are still using betadine to cleanse the body before they do an incision so the betadine must still work good.

I use it on the umbilical cord on my kittens
Hi!I just wanna say to you that the umbilical cord shouldn't be touched.It goes off when it is ready to.Perhaps you should take your cat to a veterinarian.Don't try to pull it off yourself.The umbilical cordon may come out its self.You should disinfect the area.
I found this on the catsite, tells you what to do about the umbillical cord if the mother has not chewed it off...

Use blunt scissors (to cut the umbilical cord should the momcat not chew it off).
Dental floss (to tie off the kitten's umbilical cord).

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