Friday, May 21, 2010

I adopted a 8 week old kitten,its been two days and i havent seen her eat..whats wrong?

i have seen her drink water and use the restroom.i put out dry food for kittens and wet food..i dont know what else to do..can some one help..i dont want her to die..
First and most important do NOT feed her milk. It will cause diarrhea which could lead to death in such a young kitten. Call the people you got her from and find out what they were feeding her. She should be at the stage of eating some wet food. She's too young for dry food. Her teeth are developed enough yet to chew it and she could choke. If you can't get hold of the people who had her, go to WalMart or a pet food store and pick up something called "milk replacer". It's in a little carton like juice. If you ask for it by name the people will know what you are talking about. It's very inexpensive and it is to take the place of a mother cats milk. If she is drinking water, then you don't need to feed it to her with a dropper. It's a good idea to give her some immediately so she doesn't lose her strength. It will also give you some time to find out what she will eat. Another thing you can get her is some baby pablum. Rice is best and mix it either with the milk replacer or warm water. Also and this is very important. Make sure the bowl or dish you are feeding her on isn't too big. They can drown in a bowl of water. You need to use a saucer or very small dish until she is a little older. Also, if you go into a pet store often they can give you good information and advice. Good luck with your new baby.
When you adopted her was she eating on her own for at least a week before you picked her up. Have you tried feeding her from a med dropper will she take warm milk from you. I would try these things and if nothing works take her to the vet to be check out
your cat is most likely just gettin used to the place and should eat soon. Maybe she is scared to eat in front of the other cats cause she isnt used to them maybe think about puttin her and some food in a room together alone and seein if she eats any of it. if not take her to the vet. good luck
try bottle feeding/ taking her back to the place you adopted from for background check/ taking to vet
I agree.she may not be ready for dry food...and may not really know what to do with wet food yet. There is a mother's cat milk supplement/replacement that you can get at K-mart or Walmart (or a local pet store). Comes in a carton.we had to use this with our kitty. We found her when she was 3 weeks old and she needed to be bottle fed (worked a little better with an eye dropper than the kitty bottle since she didn't seem to know how to suck). Good news, we slowly introduced wet kitten food to her a little at a time on the tip of our fingers. Eventually she moved to dry food...she is now 4 years old and beautiful.eating Whiskas dry cat food (her fav) and healthy as can be. The one thing you really want to avoid is letting your kitty get dehydrated.that can cause lots of other problems like diahrea, etc. Good luck! BTW...if all that doesn't work...I'd definitely take her to the vet.
I know that with all my cats when they were kittens they would eat my finger if I got in the way of their food.
Kittens are normally greedy little things. Maybee your kitten is has just come off of her mothers teat and does not know how to eat solid food. Mix her soft or hard food with water. Never use cows milk for a kitten. Alternatively take her to the vet. Kittens should be eating small meals throughout the day.
Do something before she starves to death.

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