Friday, May 21, 2010

I am at the end of my tether!!! Why are my 2 cats bringing so many animals into the house???

I have 2 cats a brother and sister who are 1 years old, the last couple of weeks they have been bringing more and more mice in either dead or they let them loose in the house and then chase them. Today I have come home from work to the carnage in the kitchen!! there was bird feathers absolutely everywhere and a leg here and there then the head and body splattered all over the place :0(

What should I do???
Put a little bell on it's collar. That scares the birds away before the cat can get near. Works a treat and you can buy them in most pet shops.
its a sign of affection you know, they just think they're bring you nice gifts, they dont understand you think its awful!!!
They are bringing you gifts - seriously - to them you are the keeper the ALPHA cat - they all do this at some point - my neighbours cat always catches rats for him
Kitties are just sharing the wealth! Mine used to do that, but hers was alive. Not sure how to stop it other than lock the kitty door when you are gone.
These are your presents your babies must love you a lot - to bring so many gifts - not sure if you can stop it. It is just in cats nature to do so. You could tell them off tap them on the nose and say no!! good luck
dont allow your cats to kill local wildlife.

put bells on their collars (two or more bells because they can actually learn how to move to keep one silent)... so that any wildlife can hear them coming.
also keep them inside at night - cats are generally nocturnal hunters and this will help lower the amount of animals they kill.
Its because they love you. They are bring you gifts as a sign of their affection. Gross as it is.
Im sorry mummy, i wont do it again.
Cats are born hunters. They get their thrills chasing mice and birds. I once had a small cat who actually dragged in a live rabbit nearly as big as herself. We caught the rabbit and put it back outside, only to find the rabbit headless the next morning.
I think the only real solution is to convert your cats into indoor only cats. It is possible. I've successfully done it with three of my cats. They'll be unhappy for a few months but eventually they'll adjust. Be sure to provide them with kitty toys indoors to make up for not being able to go "on the hunt."
It's them bringing you a gift. Can you not shut them out while you are at work?
They sound bored and are looking for sport while you are away. Stop letting them go outside while you are not home to supervise thier play.
Both of my cats do this so i know what you are going through.
I brought them both collars with bells on and it did not make a difference, it must be the stupid birds and field mice around our way.
They do this to show how much they love you.
But i know i would rather have a cuddle from them than what they bring in.
There's not much you can do. Cats are natural hunters. You could always not let them out when you're not there. At least then you could stop a few incidents. Or maybe they need more toys!!
Your cats are showing you how well they can protect their property for you and they bring this to you because you are the alpha cat to them. Do they have toys in the house? Do you feed them catnip?
I had a cat that was very smart. She would come to the glass screened door and push on it to make noise to let us know she wanted in. We learned that when she didn't meow when we came to the door she would have a critter in her mouth. We would refuse to let her in and shut the door on her. With in about 15mins she would come back and meow to let her in. I assume you have a cat door for them. LOCK IT! do not let them in unless they meow first. lol
Truly they do this to please you (cat way of thinking) and to thank you for you feeding them. Weird but true. Just try to be patient and try some new toys with catnip and that will usually control their predatory killing nature some.
Good luck.
They are providing for you. Here's what I've learned:

1. Invest in good rubber gloves and disinfectant.

2. Don't use poisons to get rid of your rodents. It can cause secondary poisoning in your furry friends.

3. Never command a cat to "drop that mouse." thinking it's dead. It's probably not dead. Trust me, the carnage that follows is not something you want to be in the middle of.

4. Take the trash containing the deceased, or what's left of them, out right away. Don't forget and leave it in and go away for the weekend and come home to the foul stench of death.

5. Never flush a dead mouse.
Hi, They are bringing you presents, it's to show you how clever they are at catching other animals and to show how much they love you, I know it's not nice when you are presented with a dead bird/mice but that's what cats do. I had one cat that even got to the ornamental bird i had on my Christmas tree and ripped it to shreds. It's their instinct to kill other animals/birds and at this time of year there are a lot of animals/birds about. i used to make a big fuss when they used to bring things home, they still do from time to time but as they have got older it's not as frequent. Good Luck.
Your kitties are trying to provide you with food. When they bring you a dead "present", tell them thank you and quietly dispose of it. Live ones are more of a problem, for one, your kitties think you need practice hunting. Catch the live ones and get rid of it quietly. Either way, don't make a big show of it, they should stop bringing you these gifts soon.

You could also prehaps leave out a small bowl of kibble as some cats do this behaviour as a sign they need more food.
Having to kill the poor half dead gifts for so long TI'AMO , JOVI AND PEROGIE DON'T GET OUT . cruel to be kind
They really are bringing you a gift as a sign of affection its also because they are well fed if they weren't they would eat them.
You must be a great cat owner they love you and they're well fed.
Keep it up or they will find another home and owner. You should be thankful they come home some cats just disappear to someone else.
There isn't anything u can do im afraid. Believe it or not they are bringing you presents, i know its cruel but thats what cats are like.
they are proud of their catch and think you will be too.
Adding to the family food coffers, doing their share. It's instinct.
Bell the cats, and give the little critters a chance to hear them coming and hopefully escape.
BECAUSE DEY YUV YOU!! You dey mommy %26 dey rirry wanna do sompin' special for ya... So dey make a special 'Birdy Soup" for dinner. up so they don't get sad!
By now, you've probably already figured that they're bringing you presents and that there's no real answer to completely get rid of this behaviour - they're meant to do it, after all.

However, I've always been told that the recommended advice is this (It's from a book so I'll copy it :) :

"The Hunting Instinct
Cats are natural hunters; however much you scold a cat for hunting, you will never be able to eradicate this instinctive behaviour.

The Hunter's Gift
Your cat may come home with a bird [or many if it's just that damn good] or mouse in its mouth, which it proudly drops at your feet. This is meant as a contribution to the family larder, and the best thing that you can do is to accept it. If you scold your cat for bringing you a gift,** it will think that you are not satisfied** with its offering and may hunt again in an attempt to please you. "

You won't be able to stop your cat from hunting in the same way that you can't stop a human from eating. I personally believe that it's rather cruel to put a bell on a cat's collar - they're animals and by keeping them, you kinda have to accept that they're going to need to hunt.

"Interestingly, domestic kittens which for some reason have not been able to hunt or learn, grow up to be either uninterested in hunting or very bad at it, and consequently are easily bored and become zombie-like."

I know I haven't got my cats so that they can become zombie cats. ^_^

Your cats should settle down as they get a little older though. They're still in the teenage part of life and gods know they'll be into everything and all the time. They'll grow up soon ^_^
They are saying "here mom .. here ya go, look what i got for you! Look what i can do mom"

Trying to get your attention .. they think they're showing you what a good kitty they are.

Personally i recommend having inside cats, that way non of that happens, but outside kitties are happy too :)

Anyways, my cat, whose 4 now .. lived ouside for a year before my mom would let me bring him in [i'm all moved out on my own now] buuut he would bring me home mice and birds. And the first time i went "good boy" and praised him with treats, it started more and more.

I say maybe give it more attention if you arent already .. i would also say, make it so the cats cant just come in and out. That way you can prevent it.
Ha - We (my family growing up) had a brother and sister pair that did the exact same thing. We thought they were bringing them in to us to share in the excitement and also as a present for us. I would suggest putting a collar with a bell on them. Also, how do they get into your house during the day, while you are at work? We always kept our cats inside while we were out for a number of reasons, including 1) the whole mouse/bird gift problem and 2) we wouldn't be there if there was an emergency (for example there was a coyote that came and tried to attack them one evening (we lived in a city near a river), had we not been there, they would have been dinner). So, I suggest keeping them inside when you are not there and letting them out only when you are there, so you can monitor what is coming and going, in terms of their 'gifts' to you ;-)

Hope that helps!
That's why you should keep cats indoors, it is not healthy for them to be out, they are not really wild animals. They are trying to mimic wild animals, and are just sharing their prey with you. I don't know what you can do, besides get a bell collar (with a safety latch!) for both of them to help warn the prey, or keep them indoors.
my friend has the same problem not a day goes by when the cat doesnt bring something home-she never eats it just plagues it to death-and she has tried everything to stop it to no avail-its just in some cats more than others-i have 3 cats and theyve never caught anything so yours are just very good hunters-my friend goes home from work most days to find robins and such like splattered all over her walls-she gets really upset as im sure u do-but ill be honest ive not heard of anything that really deters them from doing this
its in their natural instict to do this, thay want to share the kill with you..

you wont stop it, unless you move house, then they will still find something to bring you..

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