Friday, May 21, 2010

I bought bio spot for my cat?

i was wondering if its any good are what you think about bio spot for cats
Lots of people seem to have varying degrees of success with all spot-on flea treatments.

One of the causes of failure of spot-on flea treatments is dry skin. They use the natural oils found in the skin and coat to disperse and cover the entire body. But if the animal has dry skin, they cannot work. Check to see if your cat has flaky skin. Sometimes this can be hard to detect, especially on ligher colored cats. (Black cats, of course it's easy to see the flakes.)
No, in our case, it was a waste of money. If you're going to spend money, spend a little extra and get something that works. I know Frontline is ridiculously expensive, but if you need to get rid of fleas, it's probably your best bet.
II've used the bio-spot cat spray %26 it worked well. The cats don't like being sprayed with it, but it works. Be sure you use Bio-spot for CATS not dogs, as many dog flea repellents will kill your cat. I personally like Advantage best.

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