Friday, May 21, 2010

I applied advantage flee control to my cat but i think i applied it too low. Is it going to hurt him?

I applied advantage to my cat too low on his back
No, it won't hurt him, it just won't be as effective if he licks it off. As another poster said, feed him or play with him to keep his mind off of it until it soaks in. The purpose of the medicine is to be on the skin. In his stomach, it won't help the fleas!
The only reason that we put it on the back of the neck is to keep them from licking and scratching it and then licking paws. Just keep him from eating it for a little while until it soaks in and he will be OK.
If you put *way* too much on, then yes... It is a neurotoxin.

HOWEVER...if you put the recommended to even 2-3 times the recommended dose, don't worry. Unless he's allergic (in which case, applying it anywhere would have the same effect), he might be sick for a short time (few hours at most) from consuming it, but in all likelihood he'll be fine.

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