Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How long can a 4-week old kitten live without eating/drinking?

My sister's cat put her 4-week-old kittens under my mobile home, up in the insulation...we thought we had gotten them all out Monday evening. We patched the hole in the underpinning where the mama cat was getting in about 6:00 p.m. Monday evening, but about an hour ago, (4:00 p.m.), I heard one kitten mewing under there. Then, the kitten got really quiet and I haven't heard it since; I need to hear it to know its location.they were in a couple of different spots, so I'm not sure if it's moved or not. How long can a kitten go without eating/drinking before it dies? It's cool under there, so if it dies, will it have a really bad smell...I'm only asking that in case I can't find it.
you need to immediately bust holes in the wall.

not doing so is terrible and the farthest thing from humane.
Usually about 24 hours with out food and water and being able to pee will kill a kitten. I would be opening that hole tight now and finding it. If it sees light and is alive it will mew.
They can't live long at all. You really need to get under there and find it ASAP. It is going to be scared, hungry and dehydrated so get it out ASAP and get it to a vet to be checked ASAP!!

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