Thursday, July 30, 2009

How long til the baby kittens open their widdle eyes?

My cat is in labor under my bed. So far she's had 4 I think, it's kind of dark under there and I don't want to disturb them too much. How long til they open their eyes and I can move them? I don't want to touch them right away but I figured after their eyes opened I could.
WOW everyone says 2 weeks?
I have been rescuing cats for years and the longest ive seen is 8 days.
If your momma cat is a good kitty, who trusts you, she will let you touch them. Handling them is good, they will grow used to it, and be sweet babies.
After about 5 days they tend to crack their eyes slightly, usually the inside corner, bright blue lil marbles.
they should be open by the time they are 2 weeks old.
also, there eyes quite often will be blue when the open, but will change to a difrent color as they age.
let your moma cat have her babies to herself for a couple days, but make shure you check on them and see that they all look ok, if any are sick looking, or injured, call a vet for advice.
if they are just under your bed, if posible, move her and all the current kittens (very gently, and mabe wear gloves) into a box with a old blanket, so you have a confined spaceand so they don't wander off to much. (the little tikes will be able to move around before they can see)
They open their widdle eyes around 10 days to 2 weeks old.
I wouldn't move them till then at least and not far from where she had them even then. She chose that spot for a reason known only to her lol. Congrats on the new widdle ones.
One to two weeks, depending on how often you handle them.
The more you handle them, the more the momma cat licks
their eyes.
usually between 2-3 weeks there eyes will open. If you have had this cat for awhile you can move them into a box lined with paper, or a laundry basket. Keep mama and babies in a quiet location, where she is comfy. That is probably why she chose under your bed. So I would keep them in your room. Congratulations to you, and enjoy the new babes!
Congrat on the babies

If the mother will let you can gently move the kits soon I would wait until after you are sure she done birthing eyes can take 4 to 8 days to open I suggest that you get a box and move the whole nest yes everything that she birthed on excluded carpet if she gave birth just on that give her some old clothes of yours even just ones that are dirty they'll wash keep her near you she obviously ants you near at all times seeing how she had them under the bed were you sleep and spend most of your when your home , wait till she done and enjoy her and her mothering they will be dry and snugly and you may even get acouple of 1st hisses
aww congrads =) im fostering a kitten i got him at 2 days old and his eyes started opening by 8 days and were completly open at 10 days =) hope all goes well with momma and the babies =)
It is okay to pet them before their eyes are open. Just don't actually take them away from the momma!! Mommy will let you know if it's too soon!!
they open thier eyes in about 2 weeks and the ears a little bit adter that.its actualy best to check on them becasue if ur cat is a first timer then she might not know wut to do so its good to keep an eye on her to help out if needed. one of my kitties was a first timer and she had no idea wut to do at all!! so i had to help her out as much as i could...and ive had oher cats have babies..

about picking up the kittens i wouldnt suggest picking them up unless u and the cat are really close, sometimes the cats dont mind. like my cats they dont care at all cuz theyve been wit me for a long time so they actually welcome it to pick them up after they are born, but cats differ so dont pick them up right after they are born if ur not sure how ur cat will react.its true that some cats will eat thier young if they get picked up my friend had a cat she had just gotten and the cat was pregant and not soon after she got the cat she had her babies and my friend not knowing anything about kittens and thier moms picked upa newly born kitten and when that was done after my friend left the room the mama killed the kitten so be careful..

at least leave a couple days before u pick them up and if u need to help the mom make sure to use a clean towel and rubber gloves if possible

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