Thursday, July 30, 2009

How long do you think I should leave the collar on my newly spayed female catt??? she is freaking out :(?

Wait. Is she freaking out because of the collar? Or because she was spayed??

If it's the collar, you should take it off her right away. She doesn't need anymore stress!!

If it's the spayed part, she may be in pain. If the vet sent you home with painkillers, you should give her one, according to his/her directions.

1 day
7 to 10 days, by the way how big is your cat?
I have had 3 females spayed and was never given the collar and they did fine. I don't think it's necessary. I would take it off and if she is not trying to pull out the stitches she should be fine. Licking is ok.
My cat doesn't like her collar either. I take it off when she is in the house and I put it on her when she goes outside. Take the collar off and see how she reacts. If she is still freaking out, check her stitches and the roundness of her belly. If you suspect things don't look right, just give your vet a call.
I've had many females cats and none of them wore a collar after being spayed. I would take it off now.
Please talk to your veterinarian about this. E. Collars are important after a spay surgery because it prevents the animal from reaching around and pulling out her stitches which can induce serious bacterial infections and even allow her insides to...fall out! I've seen it happen, not pretty!

Call your vet and inform him or her of your cat's reactions and ask for his recommendation. (phone calls are free). Most E. collars stay on for about 7 to 10 days after a spay to ensure that the incision is completely healed and there is no danger.

Your vet can give you the time frame that he or she feels is appropriate after the surgery and may be able to suggest an herbal remedy to calm the cat.

He or she will also be able to rule out any post-op pain felt by the cat by an examination. Depending on how long ago your cat was spayed it should have been sent home with oral pain meds the day after the surgery (spays should be kept for about a day for observation at the vet clinic to watch for reactions and monitor pain). If you feel the cat was either sent home too soon after the surgery or may be in pain, please call your vet!

(Registered Veterinary Technician and cat owner)
Take it off.

None of my cats (over the very long time I have had cats) have ever had a collar and I have never had any problems.

She will only start to lick or worry at the incision if there is a problem with it. And she is more likely to settle and carry on as normal without a collar.

None of the cats at the shelter are ever are put into collars, and they number in there many thousands over the years the shelter has been open.
just leave it on she'll get used to it
If the collar bothers her that much I'd take it off now, especially since she doesn't have stitches or staples.

These collars seem to be the going thing with some Vets now days and honestly I don't understand it.
I've had cats all my life and when any of them were spayed or neutered they NEVER got a collar, now within the past few years some Vets seem to use them for everything.

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