Friday, July 31, 2009

How much does it usually cost to have a female cat spayed??

I would recommend calling around to the vet clinics in your area and getting price quotes. It varies from clinic to clinic and some charge for routine things like nail trims to be done as well while the cat is under. Make sure to find out if the quote includes pre-surgery bloodwork, anitiotics, and pain meds if needed so you aren't suprised when those are on there as well. You are not bugging the clinics by doing this, it is something they deal with everyday. And yes, callyour humane society, sometimes they offer vouchers to give your vet for so much off the spaying and neutering of your animal.
your best bet is to call your vet. also call animal shelters around your area they will usually have spay neuter clinics that will do it for a reduced rate.
I don't know about females, but I got my male cat neutered thru a low-cost program for $30. Check your local shelters and rescues to see if they offer low-cost programs.
Mine ran 140 at my vet with extra pain meds
go to the vet.
It costs anywhere from $40 to $60 for female cats, it depends on where you go.
In our area it varies between 35.00 - 60.00. But check with your local humaine society, animal shelter's they offer spaying and neutering program. may your local ASPCA in your area. Good Luck with your pet.
Ovariohysterectomy (spay) is an open abdominal surgery, and you should NEVER skimp if you care about your pet and her future health. A quality spay should cost $180-220 even with discounted rates (we charge only the minimum for our spays, but we don't cut ANY corners during surgery).

$30 spays are great if that's the ONLY option for you financially, but if you can afford a better quality surgery please do it. Low cost spays result more often in partial stump pyometra (when part of the uterus is left in the body and becomes a cesspool of pus), incontinence, and infection of the surgery site due to poor sterilization procedures.
We charge about $230. That includes all medications and the followup visits and suture removal.

Low cost spay/neuter clinics will change considerably less. You can contact your local animal shelter to get a listing of them.
It depends on how much your cat weighs. Ussaly around60 dollars.

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