Thursday, July 30, 2009

How long does it take for cats to have their babies?

A healthy cat gestation period is typically anywhere from 57 to 69 days, but you'll hear different numbers in or around that range, even from veterinarians. You can estimate the expected delivery date by calculating the days from the last heat. If you've adopted a pregnant cat, well, your vet will have to estimate the timeline.
The actual birth can last anywhere from a few hours to most of the day. Depends on how many kittens she will have. If she looks like she is in severe distress or she is still pushing but hasnt produced a kitten in over an hour take her to the vet.
The gestation period for cats is 63 to 70 days. Most cats deliver around day 65-67. That would be 65-67 days from the very first day that the female was in with the male.

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