Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How long do you have to wait after your cat has kittens can you touch them/her?

she just had them in the last 1 hour and a half
It's best to avoid picking them up (no matter how cute they are) until their eyes are open. Even then, it's best to put them down as soon as they start calling for the mother.
Petting them is okay, as long the mother doesn't hiss at you. The kittens, however will probably gently hiss - just a protective response, don't pay much attention to it.
Just do everything in moderation and keep your distance for about a week or two.
I've had three litters and that's how I handled them - let the mother do her job, with a little help from me.
can handle them gently daily from birth,, good to get them used to people
you should be able to touch her straight away it will reasure her and the kittens to,,,,good luck,
If you touch them too soon or too much the mother will move them. I had a wolf who gave birth and I checked the sexes in a day or two.
You can touch them and hold them, just not too long and don't move them! Enjoy!
You can hold them. IT will not hurt them or her.
Do not let alot of people get around them. She will move the cats. My cat had kittens 17 days ago and three days after she had them , she moved them. My kids were very excited and I kept trying to keep my kids away. Good luck!

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