Thursday, July 30, 2009

How long does it take to adopt a kitten???

bc i wanted to get one in a few days but i dont know how long it will take to get one plz!!
10 years
Not long at all...just contact your local Humane Society.
As long as it takes to find one on the street and catch it
It depends. If you go to local pet shops it takes five minutes. If you want a top of the line cat it might take longer. All of the cats I bought only took 5 minutes. I just walked into a store, picked out the one I wanted, and it was mine!
if you get it from an animal sheltr it will only take about a week or sometimes less.
Depends on where you go to get the kitten. A rescue will normally approve an application the same day, and you will be able to take it home the same day. Shelters and humane societies tend to have less lengthy applications if they have them at all. It takes an hour or two either way, so you shouldn't be waiting for days.
When we got out last one, we paid $ 40.00 for neutering. They did this before we could take the cat home. Took about 2-3 days. then it's done. For the paperwork, 10 minutes.
To select the cat, 10 seconds.
Not that long...just look/ask friend is giving away kittens...if i knew you i would ask to give one to you,but since i don't..look/ask around

Good Luck!!!

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