Thursday, July 30, 2009

How long does it take to get over your pet dying?

My cat died after 15 years. I have two new kittens and 3 other cats. This one was very special to me. Died in October. But I still miss her so much that I wish I hadn't gotten the kittens because it makes me sad. What do you do?
I had to have a dog put to sleep15 years ago and it is still a sad memory. People don't realize that pets can be your babies. A woman I worked with at the time we had to put him down was pretty mean to me about it(like some answers you have received). I asked her how someone would feel if her brand new baby died~She told me it WASN'T AT ALL the same and I told her she was right. The comparison was not even close b/c her baby was only a few months old and I had my dog for YEARS. Anything you spend YEARS with you get attached to (Even some guys to cars, etc.) My suggestion is to figure out a way to give you some peace.a memorial stone or tree in your yard, a grief group or online support, even a weekend cry fest...the one thing I would suggest is don't take it out on the poor kittens...why don't you take some time to tell them all about their "sister/brother/aunt/uncle" that was so special to you, just like you would do if they were "human" children. I hope you can find some solace soon.It always helps me to know God made all creatures, so my little friends that have passed away are surely waiting for me in Heaven!!!
it's called freedom, lady. give them a rest. even pets get paroled
I've learned never to try to get over the death of an animal or person. Best to learn to cope.
it is very hard to get over a death, u never really get over it, but u can move on, getting new pets is a good step. also just try to keep busy with friends and family. i hope u feel better about this!
animals are like humans and when they're in the family for so long they pretty much are part of the family.
you'll get over her in time, try thinking of the happy times and things like that and how if she had problems she's no longer in pain.
I had a dog for 12 years and one for 7. They both have been gone 5 years and I still think of them almost every day.
I created a Yahoo Web page and uploaded my cat's picture. Sounds corny, but it made me feel a better.

You are a new mom--take care of the kittens. They need you! Give them your love in memory of your cat.
Everybody is different. It just depends on you and your grieving process. Nobody can tell you when you are finished grieving except yourself.
You never do especially if it's your first pet. If they are the second or subsequent ones, then it's either 13 months or until the next pet that comes along.
hey that stuff happens its ok and if u ur really close to the cat then its ok
when my 18 year old cat died I vowed to never get another cat. my samantha was the greatest cat ever and I could never replace her. and till this day I haven't gotten another cat. I haven't been able to bring myself to getting another cat. sounds strange because it was three years ago, but there is never going to be another cat like her. so, I got a rabbit instead and he plays with the kids like a little puppy. I don't think you ever get over loosing a pet, it's like loosing a family member.
it really takes as long as ur heart wants it to
sorry about your lost i had to put one of my dogs down last month and it was very hard to do, but I know I did the right thing. she is not suffering anymore, but you never will get over a death of a pet or anyone. it just gets easier and you just have to realize that there not there in flesh but lives on in your soul. keep busy and enjoy your kittens. they need your love. too. and there is a whole lot of love inside you just let it out.
You never "get over" losing a pet or a person. Today I was thinking about a dog my cousin had that died. I really miss Dusty a lot If you have a spiritual life just believe that you will see her on the other side. I know it hurts but you will see her again I promise! With your kittens I think eventually they will help fill in the gap in your heart.
You won't ever get over it. You'll learn to deal with it. I always adopted older or sick animals no one wanted. They were usually with me only long enough to realize how special they are. I think about them quite often but you have to think about all the good you had with them. You'll realize how special they were to you and how much you miss them. And if it works like it did for me you still adopt and find that special feeling all over again. In a different way. I know its hard but try and see the special in your new kitties. I wish you luck. If you wanna talk e-mail me.
My companion dog of nine years died suddenly in Dec of last year. It was very traumatic for me. I cannot say that I am over her death and sometimes I still cry about it, but I still move on with my life. You must remember that cats and dogs have short life spans. Even the healthiest ones only live 8 to 15 years, depending on the breed. You need to remember the good times and that your pet had a good life. A cat that lives 15yrs had to have been happy and well cared for. Your new kittens are not your old one. So love them for the kittens they are and not compare them to the cat that you lost. I have had some very, very special animals over my life and all of them were completely different. I am making a scrapbook of my little girl so I can put my memories and stories on paper. If you cannot move on by yourself, then think about joining a grief group in your community or online. There are many out there.

I am sorry for your loss. But only you can decide when you are ready to stop grieving. Take care.
you may need to come to terms with death itself. whether you believe in heaven and want to know that you're cat's in a better place, or simply that your cat lived a full life and would have wanted you to be happy. whatever your spriritual beliefs are; you need to remember that death is a part of life. when something reminds you of her, don't think of it as a bad thing because it will never happen again; try to think of it as a memory of a happy time in both your lives.
It's hard and you may never get over it but getting the kittens is a good thing because you can still have a close relationship with them or have a closer relationship with your other 3 cats. Try not to do things that remind you of that cat. I've had pets where i would really get sad and wished I spent more time with them but i tried not to think of them to much and think about the present pets. Your pets are like your friends or family. No matter what people say they have souls. They can be just like us.
the death of a pet is very hard trust me i work at a vet and i see death every day then againg i see life every day to you will always miss you loved pet it just takes time
I think everyone has a different time frame. I lost my cat, K.C., of 13 years just last week. She was my best friend, my pet soul mate. I miss her most everyday. I pull out my pictures of her and remember all the special fun we had. I still feel her in my heart, and I will swear I hear her meow at times. I get a lot of comfort from remembering the MANY times she made me laugh or the times she just sat in my lap and purred. She knew me better than my family. She always seemed to know just what I was feeling. I know that she would not want me to be unhappy or sad. She was a very happy, giving and sweet soul. To have had her in my life has made me a better person.
My husband has gotten us a very small puppy today. It will never replace K.C., but it has giving me a place to put the emptiness I have without K.C. The love a pet gives is special and unconditional. They love us no matter what we look like or wear. The look in their eyes says it all. Don't miss out on the love, tenderness and laughs those new kittens are just waiting to share with you. You can tell them all about your first love. They will come to bring you much joy. Our pets can sense our moods. Talk to them. They can be a true comfort. I can't think of a better way to let the memory of your cat to live on than in the joy of kittens.
I waited a year and a half before getting another cat after my precious cat of 18y died. --I just now got 2 kittens---
She remains my best friend in the world in memory. She is on rainbow bridge where she has a candle lit for her some Mondays.
There are several rainbow bridge websites-- dont go to the one which asks for money or special sign in procedures. The easy one, the international one, is the best- you can see all the love people had for their pets; even the the race horse Barbaro is on it!. There you can visit her and keep her memory.
I dont expect my kittens to replace what I had for my cat-- I just need to share that love with others.. so I am sharing all my left over love with these 2 small creatures who will have a good life with me...just as your little kittens will have the leftover love you store inside for your beloved pet. Your kittens are lucky to have you, your cat was lucky also, and now you are lucky to have love left over for other helpless creatures. Enjoy the wealth. Good luck to you.
i have two very lovable kittens atm, both I have since they were 5 weeks old, Layla is now 8 months old, and Dante is just 7 weeks old. I already would cry if Layla and dante was to for some odd reason to die on me, So i hope they grow to last 15 years and longer hopefully.
That is so sad!! :( Well, if you buried it you can go pray at it's grave and clean it. I know it might make you sad, but it helps you realize your cat is always with you no matter what.

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