Friday, July 31, 2009

How old before my kitten can be preg??

how old before your cat can be preg i have a kitten n a full grown cat i have 3cats total 1 female fix a kitten maybe 1month old or older n a male boi who is 1year i want kittens so bad i think there cute but how old before she can even get preg?
Most cats are spay or neutered at 6 months old, but many vets are are doing it as young as 6 to 8 weeks old. It quicker and easier to perform when the cat is young. Your cat could get pregnant at close to 6 months old. There a Q%26A about spay/neuter at
From 4months a female cat can be pregnant
I think around 5 or 6 months.....??
You'll find plenty of kittens at the shelter and then you won't have to worry about finding homes for the other 5-7 kittens.
You shoulden't have your cat have kittens just because you think they are cute. That's why there are so many animals put down every year.
Like people, it varies, but usually during warmer timers, as spring is usually the breeding season, it could be 5 months, even four months! It depends on the weather and your kitten.
Spay and neuter all of yours, there is a huge problem with cat overpopulation right now. And you should never breed any cat or dog on it's first cycle !!! So you'd have to keep it safe and separate from your male. And your male will start marking all over the house if you keep him intact.

Most intact male cats only live for 3yrs. They usually die from wounds from fights or hit by cars trying to fight or breed.

Volunteer at a shelter to see all the lovely animals that have NO homes before you say you want kittens. Don't be so self centered. Kittens aren't kittens very long, it's not worth it.
letting a kitten get pregnant young is very bad to her health. when i was little we had lots of cats on our farm, and i've seen plenty of kittens die during birth because they were too young, and if they didn't die, their kittens usually did. it was very sad. its not fair to ask your kitten to risk it, when there are plenty of homeless kittens at shelters and even (in my area at least) free in the papers. give an otherwise unwanted kitten a home, instead of adding to the overpopulation!
one year at the least so she won't have any problems with birth and sex.
Cats can get pregnant around their first heat, which can be anywhere from 4-112 months old.

However, "wanting kittens so bad" is not a reason to have them. An animal is KILLED in a shelter every 7 seconds in America. That's 2-4 million a year. A hefty percentage of those are cats and kittens. By allowing your cats to breed, you will contribute to that exponentially. I can't imagine being that selfish.

Shelters are loaded with kittens. If you want one "so bad", go rescue one. Don't risk your cat's life by forcing her to get pregnant. And don't risk any of your cats' lives by putting them at higher risk for UTIs, Cancer, Tumors, and numerous other ailments. Aside from the behavioural problems associated with female heats and male spraying.

You sound like you are quite young, so please, talk this over with your parents and let them know you want to save the lives of cats. To do this, alter your current ones and rescue whatever kittens you can personally care for for the next 20 years.
Don't be so selfish. "I want kittens" is never a good reason to allow your cat to breed. Get your cat fixed as soon as possible.

Maybe you should read the statistics of all the unwanted cats that get put to sleep each year just because they don't have homes.or visit your local animal shelter to see for yourself...
How irresponsible of you to want baby kittens just because they are cute. Go volunteer at an animal shelter so that you can see all the baby kittens that you want. What you are thinking is no different than when a girl says that she wants a baby because babies are cute. What are you going to do once the babies start to grow and you can't take care of so many animals? Rather than breeding your cat, go and volunteer your time with them and spay and neuter your cats. So many animals are put down because these animals keep breeding and their owners can't afford to take care of them, so they abandon them or drop them off at shelters only to be put down because a home can't be found for them.
With all the kittens in this world, why do you want to get your's pregnant? Can you live with yourself knowing you are playing with live animals, and they will die for it, or some other cats will? These aren't toys, they are live creatures!
We once had a cat get pregnant at 5 months - seemed WAY too young to be a mom, but she was a really wonderful mom.

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