Friday, July 31, 2009

How often does a kitten poop?

Yesterday I adopted a 5-wk old kitten. She has been eating Innova EVO food (frequent, but small amounts). She pooped last night at around 8:00, but it has been 11 more hours and she has not pooped again. She peed last night at about 11:30. I could just be paranoid, but is this normal? I'm just wondering how often most 5-wk old kittens poop.
Stimulation and Litter Box Training

By nature, momcats lick the "back end" of their babies to stimulate the bowels and bladder on a regular basis. If you are the babies' new momcat, guess who gets this duty! After each feeding, gently rub the kitten on its low abdomen, as well as the genitals and rectum, with a cotton ball, cotton pad, or tissues moistened with warm water. Make sure you rub only enough to get them to eliminate; overstimulation will irritate the area. Keep an eye out for chafing and lingering dirt.

Kittens should (and almost always will) urinate during each stimulation. They should defecate at least once a day. One trick is to slowly count to 60 while you're stimulating a kitten; at that point, you'll know if they're done or if something's on its way out!

When kittens get to be about four weeks old, they are usually ready to experience the wonderful world of litterboxes (and you'll be liberated from stimulation duty!). After each meal, put the kitten in the box and see what transpires. If they don't get it right away, try taking its paw and showing it how to scratch in the litter. They'll catch on before you know it!
We had kittens once and they pooped all the time! ALOT!
How often to you poop? Just let her go, for pete's sake. She'll be fine if she poops sometime today. If she doesn't poop again today, take her to the vet. You'll probably have to change her food or the amount. She'll be fine.

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