Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How is Feline Pine Scoopable?

Has anyone tried this? Does it really scoop? How's the sawdust situation? I used the regular Feline Pine when my cat was just a baby, but we stopped using it after he was tracking saw dust all over the house and before I tried this new stuff I wanted to ask everyone if they'd had any luck with it? We have 2 cats now, so is there anyone with a multi cat household that can shed some light on this for us?

Thanks a bunch!
i tried this once. It was horrible. I think it smells and when you try to scoop it, it falls apart. I didn't have a problem with tracking since I keep my cats litter box in the spare bathroom in the bathtub.
I LOVE the Feline Pine. It's the best litter for controlling smell we've found -- it makes the room smell like sawdust rather than cat piss. So, unless you hate the smell of fresh-cut wood, you should like it. I love that it's environmentally friendly.

It doesn't clump if that's what you mean by scoopable. We scoop it every day though and it works fine to keep it clean. You need to use a scoop with slats wide enough to let the pellets fall through. All you're picking up is the solid waste; the wet stuff tends to fall apart into dust and go to the bottom of the pan, but it doesn't smell bad. You have to change the whole pan once or twice a week like with regular litter.

Unfortunately, it does leave sawdust on the cats' paws. We solved the tracking problem by using a covered pan and putting it in a corner with the opening facing the walls, and placing litter-trapping mats where the cat has to step to leave.
Doesn't control odors very well.
I have it for my rabbit and it works pretty good. She only pee's in one spot so it soaks it all up and gets semi scoopable, so yes it is sorta scoopable, but not like the other stuff.
i like Crystals, had one older cat with tooth gum infection, clay and dirt litter dirty, vet said put paper, crystals turned out to be real good and last, and not all that dirt dust
Oh gees I used that once and it was my last. It was such a mess. My cats had it every where and it was always stuck all over them too.
I only have one cat and from my experience it didn't work too well. When the cat peed it turned the pellets into sawdust, but when she pooped she couldn't cover it up and it would smell.

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