Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How long are cats pregnant befour having kittens?

Cat gestation -

Cats generally have pregnancies lasting from 58 to 65 days. They can become pregnant at as early as six months of age and go into heat twice a year, in the spring and the fall. Cats are induced ovulators, which means that they need stimulation by a male in order to release eggs from their ovaries. Until this happens, a cat can remain quite uncomfortable throughout the heat period, which can last up to three weeks. Anyone who has a female cat knows that the sound a cat makes during heat is one of extreme distress. I often find cat owners camped out on my office doorstep waiting for my arrival so that I can spay their cat immediately, as they and their cat were up half the night due to the cat's suffering.

If you are planning to mate your cat, it's a good idea to line up a male well in advance. Most successful litters are from females who are between three and six years old mated with an experienced male. Be aware that the act of mating can be pretty intense because the male will grab the queen (the mother cat) by the neck with his teeth, often resulting in some hair loss and scarring. Your vet can confirm the pregnancy after about four weeks by either palpation (feeling the abdomen with a gentle squeeze), ultrasound or a bit later on by radiograph. During the pregnancy the queen's caloric intake and weight will increase, so be sure to provide additional food. Toward the end of the pregnancy the queen's mammary glands will swell, and she may start nesting in a specific area.
Pregnancy can be as short as 57 days or as long as 70 days.
9 weeks
3 months
The gestation period for cats is about 63 to 68 days but can vary a little
in either direction.

Cats are usually pregnant between 58 and 65 days. It usually takes four to
six hours for cats to deliver a litter of kittens but this varies widely
from cat to cat. If there is an interval of longer than 4 hours between
kittens and the cat still seems to be trying to deliver kittens or is not
comfortable, she should be checked by a veterinarian
90 days. If your cat does not give birth, you should take her to the vet to have him induce labor. Good luck!
Cats are pregnant for 9 weeks, approximately 63 days.
Your cat can still go into heat though while they are pregnant which means that they can carry 2 litters at 2 different stages of development!!
If your cat goes as long as 71 days the kittens could be stillborn, you should take her to the vet because she may be having a hard time delivering the litter!!
If you are unsure of exactly how far along your cat is then just check the nipples. They usually pink up at around 35 days into the pregnancy.just subtract from there to approximate the date of delivery!!
good luck!!
it is about 64 days i work at a vet

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