He is 2or 3in humun years
That makes him between 21 and 25 in cat years.
8 cat years=46 human
its like for the first 4 human years 2 cat years each and then 5 for the rest so BOUT 2 OR 4
14 or 21
Multiply that by 7 to get his cat years.
It's like 351, or 782... something like that.
This question has been brought up before..
Please have a look at my page.
I think that 1 human year=7 cat/dog years
so he would be between 14 and 21
21,(3) or 14 (2)...multiply by 7.
2 is 25 years
4 is 40 years
After 1 years old he is no longer considered a kitten and therefore an adolescent . Thereafter, a 3 year old cat would be in his 20s in human years. That's what I was told. I have 3 cats.
Okay, cat's are very difficult to age because unlike dogs they don't actually have a certain set number of years for everyone of of ours. During their first year of life they age more than at any other time- here's a chart to help you with the ages: http://www.terzovia.com/src/topics.php?r... I hope this will prove helpful to you.
Friday, July 31, 2009
How old is abandoned kitten?
I found an abandoned kitten outside my house on Saturday afternoon. Unsure how old it is - I have been feeding it milk by a syringe as it doesnt know how to 'lap' from a saucer and isnt interested in kitten food. Eyes are open but its very small and fragile and shaky on its feet. I can hold it in the palm of one hand. Is it ok to feed it cows milk until I can get to the vets? It has been to the toilet ok without me having to rub its tummy. purrs when I stroke it but was very scared of me at first. Any idea how old it could be? Any advice? I have been putting it to bed with a hot water bottle... it can run about but unstable on its feet. Thanks v much :)
i think the kitten is somewhere between three and five weeks old sounds about the same age as mine which are just over three weeks old. keep the lil one warm and you may need to pee and poop it by wipping the lil bottom with moist cotton wool. you also need to get either cimicat or lactol and a special nursing bottle. please don't give cows milk as kittens cannot digest the lactose in it. take the lil one to the vets asap to be checked. it is way too young to be lapping yet. it also sounds like it may have been the rnt of the litter because the runt in my litter i can hold in the palm of one habd but her brothers i need both hands to hold. you need to weigh the baby to make sure she is gaining weight she should gain about 10 - 30g per day and drinking upto15ml ten times a day if you give lactol and the same with cimicat. these may even need to go through the night. i feed my ll ones when they cry rather than waking them also make sure you pee/poop her before feeding and then after more luck in getting more in. if you need any more advice you can email me
Don't feed it cows milk, cats are lactose intolerent. try watering down the kitten meat and syringe feed it that. Make sure you take it to the vets tomorrow.
Not sure how old it is, would need to see it to give you an estimate on that but it sounds like your doing all the right thing - EXCEPT FOR THE COWS MILK!! You will need to go to the pet store or the vet and get the kitten KMR, or something comparative that is a milk replacer for cats. Lactose is found in cows milk, and cats and kittens are lactose intolerant, which means their bodies can not digest lactose. The kitten will get diahrea from drinking cows milk, and diahrea in a kitten will wreak havoc on its little body!! Please get the proper milk replacer right away, and have the little kitty evaluated by a vet as soon as you can. Best of luck with your little kitty!!
J. Smith, Animal Control Officer
Get a rich baby formula from your pet store to feed the kitten with. Cow's milk you buy at the store is highly processed and contains very little of what she needs nutritionally. Get her to the vet asap, and have her tested right away for feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus (FeLV/FIV - these are fatal viruses that she can spread to unvaccinated cats). Your vet will be able to tell you approximately how old she is, and will give you the best course for her care.
well, i found my cat at a creek when he was just a day old, he had his eyes still closed and his umbilical still attached, I took him to the vet and was told to feed him eggs yolks and skim milk every 3 hrs...i kept him in a box with blankets and had to wake up to feed him. I also had to use a rag and wipe him, kinda gross but that's what their mommas do! but if hes kinda walking and has his eyes open, id guess around 4-5 weeks.
hope this helps!
It's hard to tell over the internet how old the kitten is.
Instead of cow's milk, there is replacement formula that you can buy and feed to the kitten. You can also see if he/she won't suck from a bottle. I've had a lot of luck feeding kittens this way. They sell these at pet stores also.
It can't hurt to take the kitten in to the vet's to make sure all is ok too.
Good luck to you both.
i dont know how old he is, probaly less then 6months if it doesnt eat kitten food, and ont give her cows milk, she will get diarreah
It's probably about 4 weeks. DO NOT USE COW'S MILK. It will kill the kitten, not exageratting. You can get kitten milk replacement at a petstore as well as an appropriate bottle. Make sure you are feeding it every few hours (including getting up in the middle of the night). You also may still have to toilet it, sometimes by this age they are ok on their own, but otherwise, you need to rub its genitals with a cotton ball soon after feeding it to let it pee. Make sure the hot water bottle is covered by plenty of cloth before the kitten touches it, otherwise its skin is so sensitive you could burn it. You really need to get it to a vet ASAP for really good advice. Trust me, there are a lot of low cost vets out there that can help. If you can't afford that, try calling local no kill shelters, oftentimes they have people that can take the kitten and raise it to adoptable age. They may even be willing to raise it for you and give it back when it is old enough.
The kitten sounds to be pretty young. Don't continue to feed the kitten cows milk though because cats generally have an intolerance to cows milk. It's noting like what they would get from their mother. I suggest taking the kitty to a vet to see approximately how old it is and what would be proper to feed it.
Good luck.
It sounds like it might be 4-5 weeks old just by the fact that it's eyes are open and it doesn't want to eat from bowl. Usually around 6 weeks they become interested in solid foods. It's good that you are keeping it warm with a water bottle this will help him/her digest food better. I wouldn't recomend that you give it cows milk, go to a pet store and buy a small jug of kitten milk replacer. It has more of the right kind of nutrience for the kitten. If you have other cats in the house keep them seperate from the kitten. You don't want to introduce some kind of illness like Feline Leukemia. Keep them seperated until you have had him/her checked by the vet. Good luck with your new bundle of joy!!
Dont feed the kitten cows milk, it doesnt have all the nutrients it needs to get when its little, if it doesnt get the nutrients than serious problems can come. Go buy the formula at pets mart or somewhere, but iam sure the kitten is probably no more than 6 weeks old probably less but take to it the vet so it can get his shots and blood work!
We have 16 cats and most of them are under 1 year old some feral some domestic we just love them. From what you are saying, this one sounds about 5-8 weeks maximum. Please don't give it cows milk as it is really bad for them. Get it to the vets a.s.a.p. for a check up. Kittens love cuddles so you are doing the right thing. If it spits or hisses don't worry they all do that. You are certainly doing the right thing keeping it warm. A cardboard box lined with a soft towel is ideal at this age preferably one where it can hide in a dark corner and feel safe. If you have a small cuddly toy put it in with him/her so she will feel safe and can snuggle into it.
it sounds to me tht its about 2-3 weeksa old give it kitten milk from asda or tescos or ur local pet shop and buy a little bottel and bottel feed it wait till its bout 4 wks and thn try it on kitten food it should start to lap up the foor and milk see if tht helps can u email me to let me know how it gets on as i have 3 cats ma self thank you
Sounds like it is only 3 weeks old. Don't feed it cows milk as cats are lactose intollerent. Go to a pet store or supermarket and look in the pet section for milk for kittens(most say kittens and puppies but they are fine) that says lactose free. Take it to the vet ASAP so that they can give you some proper formula and give it a health check.
No, you shouldn't feed it with cows milk, it sounds as if it's very young and probably needs it's Mother's milk, I would take it to the vets straight away and have it checked over and they should give you a rough age. You should also tell the vets that you have found it and your local Police station as it could have escaped from someones house and got lost and the owners may have reported it missing.
Go to the pet shop and get some kitten formula - there are several available and mix it to the instructions.
Cow milk is too strong for kittens and can cause a very upset stomach which a kitten this young would have trouble dealing with.
Get it to the vet asap - he can tell you the best way to deal with this.
To get the best advice, ring the RSPCA's helpline. They will tell you everything you need to know, or try Cats Protection.
I would say between 6 and 8 weeks.The most important thing to do now is worm the kitten as worms kill many kittens at this age.Make sure you get kitten wormer.You can also get special milk at your vet as ordinary milk isnt much good.Very good of you to take it in.Hope everything goes well.
i think the kitten is somewhere between three and five weeks old sounds about the same age as mine which are just over three weeks old. keep the lil one warm and you may need to pee and poop it by wipping the lil bottom with moist cotton wool. you also need to get either cimicat or lactol and a special nursing bottle. please don't give cows milk as kittens cannot digest the lactose in it. take the lil one to the vets asap to be checked. it is way too young to be lapping yet. it also sounds like it may have been the rnt of the litter because the runt in my litter i can hold in the palm of one habd but her brothers i need both hands to hold. you need to weigh the baby to make sure she is gaining weight she should gain about 10 - 30g per day and drinking upto15ml ten times a day if you give lactol and the same with cimicat. these may even need to go through the night. i feed my ll ones when they cry rather than waking them also make sure you pee/poop her before feeding and then after more luck in getting more in. if you need any more advice you can email me
Don't feed it cows milk, cats are lactose intolerent. try watering down the kitten meat and syringe feed it that. Make sure you take it to the vets tomorrow.
Not sure how old it is, would need to see it to give you an estimate on that but it sounds like your doing all the right thing - EXCEPT FOR THE COWS MILK!! You will need to go to the pet store or the vet and get the kitten KMR, or something comparative that is a milk replacer for cats. Lactose is found in cows milk, and cats and kittens are lactose intolerant, which means their bodies can not digest lactose. The kitten will get diahrea from drinking cows milk, and diahrea in a kitten will wreak havoc on its little body!! Please get the proper milk replacer right away, and have the little kitty evaluated by a vet as soon as you can. Best of luck with your little kitty!!
J. Smith, Animal Control Officer
Get a rich baby formula from your pet store to feed the kitten with. Cow's milk you buy at the store is highly processed and contains very little of what she needs nutritionally. Get her to the vet asap, and have her tested right away for feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus (FeLV/FIV - these are fatal viruses that she can spread to unvaccinated cats). Your vet will be able to tell you approximately how old she is, and will give you the best course for her care.
well, i found my cat at a creek when he was just a day old, he had his eyes still closed and his umbilical still attached, I took him to the vet and was told to feed him eggs yolks and skim milk every 3 hrs...i kept him in a box with blankets and had to wake up to feed him. I also had to use a rag and wipe him, kinda gross but that's what their mommas do! but if hes kinda walking and has his eyes open, id guess around 4-5 weeks.
hope this helps!
It's hard to tell over the internet how old the kitten is.
Instead of cow's milk, there is replacement formula that you can buy and feed to the kitten. You can also see if he/she won't suck from a bottle. I've had a lot of luck feeding kittens this way. They sell these at pet stores also.
It can't hurt to take the kitten in to the vet's to make sure all is ok too.
Good luck to you both.
i dont know how old he is, probaly less then 6months if it doesnt eat kitten food, and ont give her cows milk, she will get diarreah
It's probably about 4 weeks. DO NOT USE COW'S MILK. It will kill the kitten, not exageratting. You can get kitten milk replacement at a petstore as well as an appropriate bottle. Make sure you are feeding it every few hours (including getting up in the middle of the night). You also may still have to toilet it, sometimes by this age they are ok on their own, but otherwise, you need to rub its genitals with a cotton ball soon after feeding it to let it pee. Make sure the hot water bottle is covered by plenty of cloth before the kitten touches it, otherwise its skin is so sensitive you could burn it. You really need to get it to a vet ASAP for really good advice. Trust me, there are a lot of low cost vets out there that can help. If you can't afford that, try calling local no kill shelters, oftentimes they have people that can take the kitten and raise it to adoptable age. They may even be willing to raise it for you and give it back when it is old enough.
The kitten sounds to be pretty young. Don't continue to feed the kitten cows milk though because cats generally have an intolerance to cows milk. It's noting like what they would get from their mother. I suggest taking the kitty to a vet to see approximately how old it is and what would be proper to feed it.
Good luck.
It sounds like it might be 4-5 weeks old just by the fact that it's eyes are open and it doesn't want to eat from bowl. Usually around 6 weeks they become interested in solid foods. It's good that you are keeping it warm with a water bottle this will help him/her digest food better. I wouldn't recomend that you give it cows milk, go to a pet store and buy a small jug of kitten milk replacer. It has more of the right kind of nutrience for the kitten. If you have other cats in the house keep them seperate from the kitten. You don't want to introduce some kind of illness like Feline Leukemia. Keep them seperated until you have had him/her checked by the vet. Good luck with your new bundle of joy!!
Dont feed the kitten cows milk, it doesnt have all the nutrients it needs to get when its little, if it doesnt get the nutrients than serious problems can come. Go buy the formula at pets mart or somewhere, but iam sure the kitten is probably no more than 6 weeks old probably less but take to it the vet so it can get his shots and blood work!
We have 16 cats and most of them are under 1 year old some feral some domestic we just love them. From what you are saying, this one sounds about 5-8 weeks maximum. Please don't give it cows milk as it is really bad for them. Get it to the vets a.s.a.p. for a check up. Kittens love cuddles so you are doing the right thing. If it spits or hisses don't worry they all do that. You are certainly doing the right thing keeping it warm. A cardboard box lined with a soft towel is ideal at this age preferably one where it can hide in a dark corner and feel safe. If you have a small cuddly toy put it in with him/her so she will feel safe and can snuggle into it.
it sounds to me tht its about 2-3 weeksa old give it kitten milk from asda or tescos or ur local pet shop and buy a little bottel and bottel feed it wait till its bout 4 wks and thn try it on kitten food it should start to lap up the foor and milk see if tht helps can u email me to let me know how it gets on as i have 3 cats ma self thank you
Sounds like it is only 3 weeks old. Don't feed it cows milk as cats are lactose intollerent. Go to a pet store or supermarket and look in the pet section for milk for kittens(most say kittens and puppies but they are fine) that says lactose free. Take it to the vet ASAP so that they can give you some proper formula and give it a health check.
No, you shouldn't feed it with cows milk, it sounds as if it's very young and probably needs it's Mother's milk, I would take it to the vets straight away and have it checked over and they should give you a rough age. You should also tell the vets that you have found it and your local Police station as it could have escaped from someones house and got lost and the owners may have reported it missing.
Go to the pet shop and get some kitten formula - there are several available and mix it to the instructions.
Cow milk is too strong for kittens and can cause a very upset stomach which a kitten this young would have trouble dealing with.
Get it to the vet asap - he can tell you the best way to deal with this.
To get the best advice, ring the RSPCA's helpline. They will tell you everything you need to know, or try Cats Protection.
I would say between 6 and 8 weeks.The most important thing to do now is worm the kitten as worms kill many kittens at this age.Make sure you get kitten wormer.You can also get special milk at your vet as ordinary milk isnt much good.Very good of you to take it in.Hope everything goes well.
How old is a kitten when thay start to go potty?
I have 5 kittens thay are 5 weeks old and i have not seen any poop,thay are also full of fleas. HELP???
they start when they are born, the mother just cleans it up by eating it to keep the kittens clean and their living area , the flea must betaken care of from the kittens and the mother, a small amount of fleas can cause the kittens to became anemic and even die.
take them to a vet!
WOW! I got my 1st kitty @ 3wks old. When we brought him home we put him in the litter box and he started going from then. Our 2nd cat was totally infested w/fleas and mites (he was a barn kitty) The vet gave him a shot and they were gone in 3 days! but you won't get rid of them if you don't act now! I use Advantage flea med. It's pretty expensive but it works. I asked a question here earlier where I can find it cheaper but I haven't found it cheaper yet. Good Luck!! :)
put the kittens in the litter box they will go
they start when they are born, the mother just cleans it up by eating it to keep the kittens clean and their living area , the flea must betaken care of from the kittens and the mother, a small amount of fleas can cause the kittens to became anemic and even die.
take them to a vet!
WOW! I got my 1st kitty @ 3wks old. When we brought him home we put him in the litter box and he started going from then. Our 2nd cat was totally infested w/fleas and mites (he was a barn kitty) The vet gave him a shot and they were gone in 3 days! but you won't get rid of them if you don't act now! I use Advantage flea med. It's pretty expensive but it works. I asked a question here earlier where I can find it cheaper but I haven't found it cheaper yet. Good Luck!! :)
put the kittens in the litter box they will go
How old does the the mother cat have to be to get pregnant?
How many years?
We had a kitten get pregnant before we could get her spayed - she was five months old only! She had healthy kittens and was an amazingly good mom, though.
i think its 9 mounths but I wouldn't try to breed them till 1.5-2 years at least!
i'm not really sure, but i have a kitten that isn't even over 1 and a half years, and it had 5 kittens just a couple weeks ago, if that helps you any.
That depends on the cat. Whenever she goes into heat she is capable of getting pregnant. I had a cat who started estrus at 5 months old. I didn't think she was old enough to be in heat so I checked with my veterinarian and was told that yes it is possible. I had to make sure she didn't get out of the house and get pregnant. I took her to get spayed as soon as she was out of heat.
She can get pregnant when she is in heat which is starts at about 5 months. It is best to get her spayed.
A female cat may be capable of becoming pregnant as early as 4 to 6 months of age, though that is much too young to breed. I think most breeders don't breed their cats until they're 2 years old.
Unless your cat is a purebred cat that you are planning to show, I would highly recommend getting her spayed at 4 months of age, to prevent unwanted pregnancy and to prevent uterine infections or uterine cancer, and to greatly decrease her chance of breast cancer.
about over 2 years old, our cat got pregnant without us wanting her to be, and she was about only one and she was in pretty bad condition after giving birth .. :|
hope that helps:)
I think its 2 when they become adults
get her spayed about 5-6 months and after 3 months keep a good eye on her so she doesn't get out or anything because a cat can start to go into heat as early as 3-4 months.
Definitely get your cat spayed before she is 6 months old or she will get pregnant.
We had a kitten get pregnant before we could get her spayed - she was five months old only! She had healthy kittens and was an amazingly good mom, though.
i think its 9 mounths but I wouldn't try to breed them till 1.5-2 years at least!
i'm not really sure, but i have a kitten that isn't even over 1 and a half years, and it had 5 kittens just a couple weeks ago, if that helps you any.
That depends on the cat. Whenever she goes into heat she is capable of getting pregnant. I had a cat who started estrus at 5 months old. I didn't think she was old enough to be in heat so I checked with my veterinarian and was told that yes it is possible. I had to make sure she didn't get out of the house and get pregnant. I took her to get spayed as soon as she was out of heat.
She can get pregnant when she is in heat which is starts at about 5 months. It is best to get her spayed.
A female cat may be capable of becoming pregnant as early as 4 to 6 months of age, though that is much too young to breed. I think most breeders don't breed their cats until they're 2 years old.
Unless your cat is a purebred cat that you are planning to show, I would highly recommend getting her spayed at 4 months of age, to prevent unwanted pregnancy and to prevent uterine infections or uterine cancer, and to greatly decrease her chance of breast cancer.
about over 2 years old, our cat got pregnant without us wanting her to be, and she was about only one and she was in pretty bad condition after giving birth .. :|
hope that helps:)
I think its 2 when they become adults
get her spayed about 5-6 months and after 3 months keep a good eye on her so she doesn't get out or anything because a cat can start to go into heat as early as 3-4 months.
Definitely get your cat spayed before she is 6 months old or she will get pregnant.
How old does a kitten have too be before it can be spayed?
Recommended age is 6 months. My little girls Cally and Daisy are off to the vets tomorrow for the operation and they are exactly 6 months old. We have 16 cats both domestic and feral and always follow the vets advice.
Many rescues %26 shelters get their kittens spayed/neutered when they are 2 months old, as long as they weigh 2lbs at the time. Consult your vet, as several prefer to wait until the kitten is closer to 6 months old. (I prefer to get them spayed/neutered as soon as possible).
i think you have to do it as soon as posible
usually around 6 months. most places wont do it before then.
They can be spayed around 5 or 6 months
they say 6 months thats when i got mine done
You are going to get alot of differnt answers to this question personally I do not get any of our animals fixed until they are 6 months old. You best bet is to talk to you vet and see what they think!! Good Luck
Some veterinarians will spay or neuter kittens as young as 6-8 weeks and weighing at least 2 pounds so they can be adopted faster but mainly most vets will spay 4-8 months of age.
It depends where you live but if you are in the UK and a girl cat it can be done by three months ( some vets will even do it sooner ) and boys can be done earlier if their scrotums can be seen. If you have a mum cat with kittens you need to make sure the babies don't suckle after mums op plus well done for thinking about this early on because so many people don't realise that a kitten aged six or seven month can have babies of her own which is just so sad xxxxxxx
At least 6 months old.
usually around 4 - 5months of age as this is when the female can become impregnated
I have owned several cats over the years and have had them all spayed at around 6 months, they are robust enough at that age to cope with the op.
usually at around 5months...
ask your vet because cats either have to reach a certain weight for example with my vet they have to a minimum weight of 3kg or be at least 5 months old.
6 months old
Hi, usually it's about six months. But my advice to you is just ring your local vet and they will tell you. It's only the cost of a phone call.
a kitten has to be six months old to be spayed i have two of my own and they have already been spayed
i was told by my vet it is when they are 6 months old
try this http://www.allaboutpets.org.uk
How old does a cat have to be to give them cat nip?
not sure but it doesnt have the same effect on all cats.
It can be given to a cat of any age, but usually only adult cats respond to it.
Hmm, I dont know. I never introduced new born kittens to it...I have a older cat and he doesn't even notice catnip. So don't do what I did and go out to buy a giant tub of it : /
Ok, instead of some boring read of an answer- i'm going to tell you the truth. 6 weeks is old enough to start. But let me ask you.. do you REALLY need/want... a really HIGH kitten ? Claws...teeth...insanity in and instant.
That... is something to think about.
Because catnip is a natural plant, it doesn't have any bad effects on cats, no matter what age they are. I wouldn't give them a whole bunch at once though.
Any age but some cats don't get high on it.
How old does a cat have to be before you can put a collar on it+kitten names?
i have two male kittens how old will they have to be before i put collars on them? also i need some names for them.
it will depend on if you let them out at all or if there's the possibility of them sneaking out... they do make colars small enough for young cats, so you can start early. we got our little girl a collar and name tag when she was 1 year old, but she doesn't like to wear it at all... we didn't get her use to it..
You can put a collar on a cat at any age. In fact the younger the better. Personally we've never put collars on our cats especially when they go outside. If you're going to put collars on and let them outside then get those collars that are easy to break away if it gets caught. This way you don't find your cat caught on something.
Names? We called our cat Klaud. Maybe your two favorite movie stars or two great adversaries. How about Troy and Spartan? Just a thought.
Hi. I got a kitten last September and he was 2 months old. I put him a collar on at about 6 months when he went to be neutered in january. he is now 10 months old and has never been outside, and doesn't like to go outside.
As for names, it can depend on their colouring or are they fluffy or not. Cookie, Jack, Tiger, Moomin, Kitkat.
any age for collars call them a diff. name each time you call let them pick there own names
it will depend on if you let them out at all or if there's the possibility of them sneaking out... they do make colars small enough for young cats, so you can start early. we got our little girl a collar and name tag when she was 1 year old, but she doesn't like to wear it at all... we didn't get her use to it..
You can put a collar on a cat at any age. In fact the younger the better. Personally we've never put collars on our cats especially when they go outside. If you're going to put collars on and let them outside then get those collars that are easy to break away if it gets caught. This way you don't find your cat caught on something.
Names? We called our cat Klaud. Maybe your two favorite movie stars or two great adversaries. How about Troy and Spartan? Just a thought.
Hi. I got a kitten last September and he was 2 months old. I put him a collar on at about 6 months when he went to be neutered in january. he is now 10 months old and has never been outside, and doesn't like to go outside.
As for names, it can depend on their colouring or are they fluffy or not. Cookie, Jack, Tiger, Moomin, Kitkat.
any age for collars call them a diff. name each time you call let them pick there own names
How old do my kittens have to be to determine their gender?
right now they are a little under two weeks old and they all look like girls to me, and they still have their umbilicus.
This link will show you visually the difference:
Usually, by the time they're ready for new homes, 8 weeks old, you'll be able to tell the gender (although, it's rather hard to do so, on young kittens). You can have the vet sex them, while they get their first round of vaccinations, and deworming medication.
It's possible that they are all girls though unlikely. There is usually at least one tom in the litter. Keep comparing.
the younger a kitten is the easier it is too sex a kitten.females have an opening below the anus that looks like a little slit and males have openings that are more round and the opening is farther from the anus than in females. http://www.vetinfo.com/csexcat.html... there are pictures that will help. you don't have to wait a certain age to be able to tell, i see answers that say that this but it is not true you can tell a couple days after they are born and the younger they are the easier it is due to lack of long hair in that area
I am 76 years old, and didn't know this until recently. Lift their little tails--the girls have two spots and the boys have three. Very easy and very logical. I got this information from a cat care book that belongs to my granddaughter.
8 weeks old.
You determine their gender by their but hole.
Use a cat book for this
you can tell by looking at where they go, if u know where i mean.
if there is a difference. girls are flat and boys have a ring kind of around it
just below the stomach
you can tell right when they are born and l8er too
I know it's not one of the easiest things to do. When I went to a breeder he was able to tell when the cats were about 6 or 8 weeks old.
You can tell at birth. Males will have small bumps where testicles are. When my cat had kittens, My 12 year old daughter figured it out before I even got to look and when I did look, it was obvious.
This link will show you visually the difference:
Usually, by the time they're ready for new homes, 8 weeks old, you'll be able to tell the gender (although, it's rather hard to do so, on young kittens). You can have the vet sex them, while they get their first round of vaccinations, and deworming medication.
It's possible that they are all girls though unlikely. There is usually at least one tom in the litter. Keep comparing.
the younger a kitten is the easier it is too sex a kitten.females have an opening below the anus that looks like a little slit and males have openings that are more round and the opening is farther from the anus than in females. http://www.vetinfo.com/csexcat.html... there are pictures that will help. you don't have to wait a certain age to be able to tell, i see answers that say that this but it is not true you can tell a couple days after they are born and the younger they are the easier it is due to lack of long hair in that area
I am 76 years old, and didn't know this until recently. Lift their little tails--the girls have two spots and the boys have three. Very easy and very logical. I got this information from a cat care book that belongs to my granddaughter.
8 weeks old.
You determine their gender by their but hole.
Use a cat book for this
you can tell by looking at where they go, if u know where i mean.
if there is a difference. girls are flat and boys have a ring kind of around it
just below the stomach
you can tell right when they are born and l8er too
I know it's not one of the easiest things to do. When I went to a breeder he was able to tell when the cats were about 6 or 8 weeks old.
You can tell at birth. Males will have small bumps where testicles are. When my cat had kittens, My 12 year old daughter figured it out before I even got to look and when I did look, it was obvious.
How old do my kittens have to be before I can wash them?
3 months.
i say 3 months too. just make sure they stay warn and cozy because they can easily get sick if they are wet and cold!
Well it is recommended that they be 12 weeks old if using flea shampoo. I have done it earlier without problems, but certainly not before at least a couple of weeks. Now my last litter I had a problem with the mom cleaning them after they were born and I used a damp cloth to clean them at just 2 days old, no bath just a damp cloth. Beware if they are feeding from the mother you risk her shunning them if you bath them, each mom is different.
I washed my kitten when he was two months old and he was fine. It didnt hurt him!
start washing your kittens at 7 weeks old.
How old are they? And why do you want to wash them??
I have bathed kittens as young as 1 wk old. You have to make sure you dry them immediately with a hair dryer (not too hot) and them snuggle them in a warm towel or even put them under your shirt.
Also, only use baby shampoo on kittens. DO NOT use flea shampoo. Baby shampoo will kill any fleas without the chemicals.
Age has nothing to do with it, although kittens are very, very fragile. Never wash a cat unless absolutely necessary! If it has something on its fur and skin that it should not ingest during grooming, or that is injurious, bathing probably will be necessary. If it has gotten into something dangerous to you, odiferous, or too messy for the preservation of your furnishings, bathing might be necessary. If it is injured, YOU should not try washing it, but take it immediately to a veterinarian.
Otherwise, let mother cat bathe her kittens until they learn to wash themselves. Their tongues and saliva are evolved to do the job perfectly, without damage to their fur, skin, eyes, or ears from the chemicals in chlorinated water and shampoos, and without the danger of their becoming chilled because their skin is still wet, even though their fur feels dry.
Flea medication should be administered to kittens under six months old only as specifically recommended by a veterinarian; many "dip" and shampoo chemicals are potentially fatal to felines of any age, and especially dangerous to kittens.
Cats--healthy cats--have no odor, unlike dogs, which must be bathed regularly if they are to be enjoyable indoor companions. If your cat or kitten has odiferous fur, it is not well and should be examined by a veterinarian.
Much can be done to clean a cat if only it fur, and not its skin, is soiled. A thick terry towel, dipped into warm, clear water and rubbed gently but firmly through the fur, in much the same we humans towel our hair, will remove dirt, soot, and even some oils. If necessary, the towel can be dampened with soapy water, and a second towel used to thoroughly rinse the soap out.
Please confer with your veterinarian, and concern yourself with the welfare of your pet, and not with some arbitrary feeling that you should bathe it. Have respect for its ability to clean itself, for its health, and for its peace of mind and dignity. Do not treat it like a dog, a child -- or a plaything.
How old do kittens need to be before you take them away from there mother?
I would let them be with their mother at least 2 months, but I beleive that 6 to 8 weeks is okay.
Around 8 weeks
6-8 weeks. I would say 8 weeks to be safe. The mother plays a big roll on the kittens. the longer they are with the mother they better they will be.
you need to wait till there eyes are open before anything .. usually the eyes should be open for a week then u can take the cat away from the mother
most people don't know that the law is 8 weeks, and too many babies leave their mothers way too early. even 6 or 7 weeks is not ok. Ideally, a baby should be with her mom for 12 weeks. Sure, she might not need to nurse, but this is socialization time, and the babies are learning how to more fully interact with others. They are learning kitty edicate, and coming into their own as cats. This will give the mother time to wean on her own, and the kittens time to become independent, and not be yanked away just because they can sort of eat solid food.
I think six weeks at the very learliest. pretty much as soon as they can eat regular food, they should be ready to go!
At least 6 weeks old... no younger than that
8 weeks min 12 weeks is best due to socialization, mom teaches how to use the litter box, they are fully weaned and are interacting with people on a more mature level but from the safety of mom and littermates
Well.. i had that question too, until i talked to the humane society officials. they can survive without their mother from 6-8 weeks. Hope this helps.
Ideally 12 weeks, you will have much less trouble with a kitten who has been left with its mother for 12 weeks, she feeds and nerchures them and teaches them litter habits as well, you will not have a kitten sucking on its tail or your hair because it was taken from Mum too soon. The kitten will be well adjusted if left with Mum for 12 weeks. Mum will be happier as well. Hope that helps.
How old do kitten's have to be to get rid of them?
I agree with Nightflight on this (though I don't know about dogs lol ) 12 weeks and for the same reasons
Get rid of? You mean seperate them from their mother after you find them a loving home that you have checked out? 8 weeks is the youngest they can be to seperate them from their mother. Please require that all the new owners get them spayed and neutered and do the same with yours. It's sad that there are so many animals that people need to "get rid of".
6 weeks
My mother and I breed and raise himilayans and persians and I am also a junior in Animal Science at Iowa State University. The absolute minimum age that you can wean kittens and puppies is six weeks old. Eight weeks is the norm and better for the kitten, but some circumstances don't allow you to wait until eight weeks of age so six weeks is the absolute youngest. Some people wait until they are 12 weeks to sell them, buy that time the kittens should be fully weaned and taking care of themselves.
8 weeks is healthy age to do that at
At least 8 weeks, but most books say 12 is best. But if the person your giving them to wants to have them get first shots there usually done at 8-9 weeks. Because their immune system is just building then. I just got a kitten today at 9 weeks and two days. Basically they better be eating solid foods to.
"Get rid of" - you're a real piece of work. You sound like you honestly love your cat. I can tell. I mean, you wouldn't put up the cash to have her fixed, and now you just can't wait to "get rid of" the kittens you are ultimately responsible for.
Why do you have a cat?
6 weeks is too young for cats, it's right for dogs though.
At twelve weeks of age, most kittens are weaned or nearly fully so, have had adequate socialization with mother and siblings
They have to be about 6 to 8 weeks old or until they stop drinking from their mother. Or u can make them stop at the age of 6 to 8 weeks and start them on wet food. Just don't force them to eat.
I say 8 weeks to separate them from their mother. Where you live? I want them if you consider just Getting RID of them, you should make sure they go to good homes, and not to someones dinner table (yea that happens around here)
6 weeks
ten weeks and they have to be be able to eat dry food.
How old do kittens have to be before you can give them away?
Not that i want to but i sorta have to; its not fair!
usually kittens become less dependent on there mothers at about 12 weeks old this is when that they are ready to go to a new happy home!
It's best to wait until they are at least 8 weeks old.
minium 6 weeks but best to wait till 8-12 weeks.
8 weeks is prime, but usually around 7 is ok.
atleast 6 weeks old.
When they open ther eyes really well and they could stand by them selfs.
Shelters are packed with kittens this time of year. Ones that don't euthanize have many young and mature cats, too.
Please spay or neuter your pet. If you need convincing, go volunteer at your local shelter.
Six weeks is the basic age to remove a kitten from the mother cat without difficulties.
Giving them away too soon can cause all sorts of issues around eating, other cats, aggression and the non-socialising with humans. Is it really worth it doing it sooner than one should?
ur kittens haft to be 8 weeks old before u can give them away its a proven fact if u dont believe me ask a vet the vet will tell u the same thing hope that helps u
6 weeks at the least, but 8-10 weeks would be better
any age !
At least six weeks, make sure they can eat kitten food and use the litter box. (I know it's SO hard to know they have to go..)
usually kittens become less dependent on there mothers at about 12 weeks old this is when that they are ready to go to a new happy home!
It's best to wait until they are at least 8 weeks old.
minium 6 weeks but best to wait till 8-12 weeks.
8 weeks is prime, but usually around 7 is ok.
atleast 6 weeks old.
When they open ther eyes really well and they could stand by them selfs.
Shelters are packed with kittens this time of year. Ones that don't euthanize have many young and mature cats, too.
Please spay or neuter your pet. If you need convincing, go volunteer at your local shelter.
Six weeks is the basic age to remove a kitten from the mother cat without difficulties.
Giving them away too soon can cause all sorts of issues around eating, other cats, aggression and the non-socialising with humans. Is it really worth it doing it sooner than one should?
ur kittens haft to be 8 weeks old before u can give them away its a proven fact if u dont believe me ask a vet the vet will tell u the same thing hope that helps u
6 weeks at the least, but 8-10 weeks would be better
any age !
At least six weeks, make sure they can eat kitten food and use the litter box. (I know it's SO hard to know they have to go..)
How old do cats have to be to be seperated from thier mothers?
Ten to 14 weeks for a well balanced kitten
when they thier eyes are opened and they don't feed on their mother and can eat on their own.
Most will say six weeks, eight weeks is a little better. As long as they are eating on thier own, they should be just fine.
I think its 8-14 weeks but I may be wrong...I dont think I am but oh well
6-8 weeks. they'll ween themselves naturally, and the momma cat will just stop paying attention to them. I know this sounds crazy - but please don't take them away before they're ready...it can have lasting psychological affects.
How old do bunnys usally live???
just wondering
indoor bunnys can live to be 10-12yrs.. outside bunnies have a shorter life span, like 8-9yrs. Mine was indoor only and lived to be 12!!
Rabbits aren't cats. This is a cat-chat room. But to answer your question, 5-7 years unless you scare them to death, and you can. They are prone to stress and heart attacks.
it depends on the breed and the care that you give them.
Dwarf breeds "Tend" to live between 4 and 6 years old.
Mine passed away in november at 8 years old from kidney failure. My friend's was 9 and died from cancer.
The larger breeds can live up to 8 to 10 years old, I've seen 14 years.
Its all going to depend on-
do you feed it all the right food, are you making sure to take it to the vet when healthy (for yearly exams) AND when sick? Are you keeping track that she's not too thin nor obese? is she an indoor or outdoor rabbit, are you giving her plenty of attention and playtime? if he/she isn't going to breed did you have them spayed/neutered to protect against reproductive organ cancers... and so on.
if you do all the right things... then they tend to outlive the suggested "Lifespan"
indoor bunnys can live to be 10-12yrs.. outside bunnies have a shorter life span, like 8-9yrs. Mine was indoor only and lived to be 12!!
Rabbits aren't cats. This is a cat-chat room. But to answer your question, 5-7 years unless you scare them to death, and you can. They are prone to stress and heart attacks.
it depends on the breed and the care that you give them.
Dwarf breeds "Tend" to live between 4 and 6 years old.
Mine passed away in november at 8 years old from kidney failure. My friend's was 9 and died from cancer.
The larger breeds can live up to 8 to 10 years old, I've seen 14 years.
Its all going to depend on-
do you feed it all the right food, are you making sure to take it to the vet when healthy (for yearly exams) AND when sick? Are you keeping track that she's not too thin nor obese? is she an indoor or outdoor rabbit, are you giving her plenty of attention and playtime? if he/she isn't going to breed did you have them spayed/neutered to protect against reproductive organ cancers... and so on.
if you do all the right things... then they tend to outlive the suggested "Lifespan"
How old before my kitten can be preg??
how old before your cat can be preg i have a kitten n a full grown cat i have 3cats total 1 female fix a kitten maybe 1month old or older n a male boi who is 1year i want kittens so bad i think there cute but how old before she can even get preg?
Most cats are spay or neutered at 6 months old, but many vets are are doing it as young as 6 to 8 weeks old. It quicker and easier to perform when the cat is young. Your cat could get pregnant at close to 6 months old. There a Q%26A about spay/neuter at CatChannel.com
From 4months a female cat can be pregnant
I think around 5 or 6 months.....??
You'll find plenty of kittens at the shelter and then you won't have to worry about finding homes for the other 5-7 kittens.
You shoulden't have your cat have kittens just because you think they are cute. That's why there are so many animals put down every year.
Like people, it varies, but usually during warmer timers, as spring is usually the breeding season, it could be 5 months, even four months! It depends on the weather and your kitten.
Spay and neuter all of yours, there is a huge problem with cat overpopulation right now. And you should never breed any cat or dog on it's first cycle !!! So you'd have to keep it safe and separate from your male. And your male will start marking all over the house if you keep him intact.
Most intact male cats only live for 3yrs. They usually die from wounds from fights or hit by cars trying to fight or breed.
Volunteer at a shelter to see all the lovely animals that have NO homes before you say you want kittens. Don't be so self centered. Kittens aren't kittens very long, it's not worth it.
letting a kitten get pregnant young is very bad to her health. when i was little we had lots of cats on our farm, and i've seen plenty of kittens die during birth because they were too young, and if they didn't die, their kittens usually did. it was very sad. its not fair to ask your kitten to risk it, when there are plenty of homeless kittens at shelters and even (in my area at least) free in the papers. give an otherwise unwanted kitten a home, instead of adding to the overpopulation!
one year at the least so she won't have any problems with birth and sex.
Cats can get pregnant around their first heat, which can be anywhere from 4-112 months old.
However, "wanting kittens so bad" is not a reason to have them. An animal is KILLED in a shelter every 7 seconds in America. That's 2-4 million a year. A hefty percentage of those are cats and kittens. By allowing your cats to breed, you will contribute to that exponentially. I can't imagine being that selfish.
Shelters are loaded with kittens. If you want one "so bad", go rescue one. Don't risk your cat's life by forcing her to get pregnant. And don't risk any of your cats' lives by putting them at higher risk for UTIs, Cancer, Tumors, and numerous other ailments. Aside from the behavioural problems associated with female heats and male spraying.
You sound like you are quite young, so please, talk this over with your parents and let them know you want to save the lives of cats. To do this, alter your current ones and rescue whatever kittens you can personally care for for the next 20 years.
Don't be so selfish. "I want kittens" is never a good reason to allow your cat to breed. Get your cat fixed as soon as possible.
Maybe you should read the statistics of all the unwanted cats that get put to sleep each year just because they don't have homes.or visit your local animal shelter to see for yourself...
How irresponsible of you to want baby kittens just because they are cute. Go volunteer at an animal shelter so that you can see all the baby kittens that you want. What you are thinking is no different than when a girl says that she wants a baby because babies are cute. What are you going to do once the babies start to grow and you can't take care of so many animals? Rather than breeding your cat, go and volunteer your time with them and spay and neuter your cats. So many animals are put down because these animals keep breeding and their owners can't afford to take care of them, so they abandon them or drop them off at shelters only to be put down because a home can't be found for them.
With all the kittens in this world, why do you want to get your's pregnant? Can you live with yourself knowing you are playing with live animals, and they will die for it, or some other cats will? These aren't toys, they are live creatures!
We once had a cat get pregnant at 5 months - seemed WAY too young to be a mom, but she was a really wonderful mom.
Most cats are spay or neutered at 6 months old, but many vets are are doing it as young as 6 to 8 weeks old. It quicker and easier to perform when the cat is young. Your cat could get pregnant at close to 6 months old. There a Q%26A about spay/neuter at CatChannel.com
From 4months a female cat can be pregnant
I think around 5 or 6 months.....??
You'll find plenty of kittens at the shelter and then you won't have to worry about finding homes for the other 5-7 kittens.
You shoulden't have your cat have kittens just because you think they are cute. That's why there are so many animals put down every year.
Like people, it varies, but usually during warmer timers, as spring is usually the breeding season, it could be 5 months, even four months! It depends on the weather and your kitten.
Spay and neuter all of yours, there is a huge problem with cat overpopulation right now. And you should never breed any cat or dog on it's first cycle !!! So you'd have to keep it safe and separate from your male. And your male will start marking all over the house if you keep him intact.
Most intact male cats only live for 3yrs. They usually die from wounds from fights or hit by cars trying to fight or breed.
Volunteer at a shelter to see all the lovely animals that have NO homes before you say you want kittens. Don't be so self centered. Kittens aren't kittens very long, it's not worth it.
letting a kitten get pregnant young is very bad to her health. when i was little we had lots of cats on our farm, and i've seen plenty of kittens die during birth because they were too young, and if they didn't die, their kittens usually did. it was very sad. its not fair to ask your kitten to risk it, when there are plenty of homeless kittens at shelters and even (in my area at least) free in the papers. give an otherwise unwanted kitten a home, instead of adding to the overpopulation!
one year at the least so she won't have any problems with birth and sex.
Cats can get pregnant around their first heat, which can be anywhere from 4-112 months old.
However, "wanting kittens so bad" is not a reason to have them. An animal is KILLED in a shelter every 7 seconds in America. That's 2-4 million a year. A hefty percentage of those are cats and kittens. By allowing your cats to breed, you will contribute to that exponentially. I can't imagine being that selfish.
Shelters are loaded with kittens. If you want one "so bad", go rescue one. Don't risk your cat's life by forcing her to get pregnant. And don't risk any of your cats' lives by putting them at higher risk for UTIs, Cancer, Tumors, and numerous other ailments. Aside from the behavioural problems associated with female heats and male spraying.
You sound like you are quite young, so please, talk this over with your parents and let them know you want to save the lives of cats. To do this, alter your current ones and rescue whatever kittens you can personally care for for the next 20 years.
Don't be so selfish. "I want kittens" is never a good reason to allow your cat to breed. Get your cat fixed as soon as possible.
Maybe you should read the statistics of all the unwanted cats that get put to sleep each year just because they don't have homes.or visit your local animal shelter to see for yourself...
How irresponsible of you to want baby kittens just because they are cute. Go volunteer at an animal shelter so that you can see all the baby kittens that you want. What you are thinking is no different than when a girl says that she wants a baby because babies are cute. What are you going to do once the babies start to grow and you can't take care of so many animals? Rather than breeding your cat, go and volunteer your time with them and spay and neuter your cats. So many animals are put down because these animals keep breeding and their owners can't afford to take care of them, so they abandon them or drop them off at shelters only to be put down because a home can't be found for them.
With all the kittens in this world, why do you want to get your's pregnant? Can you live with yourself knowing you are playing with live animals, and they will die for it, or some other cats will? These aren't toys, they are live creatures!
We once had a cat get pregnant at 5 months - seemed WAY too young to be a mom, but she was a really wonderful mom.
How old are kittens before they get playful,?
Mine are 15 days old and just eat and sleep all the time they dont play at all!
At two weeks, most kittens aren't even walking. They start to walk pretty wobbly around three weeks and might start pouncing and jumping around four weeks. At this point, they're still small and rather weak. I got my kitten at 7 weeks old and he still managed to do a lot of eating and sleeping, but he started to bat around at balls and other toys and worked on his pounce until he got better at it. :)
They are still young, and need as much sleep they can get to get strength...
keep trying to play with them, they just haven't grasped the concept of playing..
8-12 weeks. When they open their eyes they will get adventurous.
4 to 5 weeks old
Nursing and growing takes about all the energy kittens have at that age. They need a lot of sleep at that age. Cats are super sleepers anyway, even when grown.
They will begin playing soon. Don't worry. Nature takes it's course and you can sit back and enjoy the journey. Before you know it they will be all over the place, playing and into everything. ~smiles~
your kittens are still very very young and to young to be playing. my sister breeds cats and her kittens don't actually runa round until 4-5 wks and i have a 8 week old kitten and she at the moment just sleeps and eats. the kittens become most playful from about 13 weeks on wards. but the wait it worth it!
lol they are still babies. It will take a while before they are playful. They need to just eat and sleep. My kitten turns a month old tomorrow, and just recently he has started walking around and trying to explore. When I hold him he lays on his back and paws and nibbles at my fingers, it is so cute! =)
hi, im looking for a kitten, so if you will be letting yours go could you please let me know what area you are in! my email ad: michellebaby1@btinternet.com
I have an 8 week old kitty and boy is she playful!!!
They are still very young and wobbly on their feet, enjoy the rest while you can LOL.
They are 2 young to play! I got my kittens from cat rescue when they were 2 months old and my goodness they are playful then!!!So cute just wait!!! K x
mine are 10 weeks old and they were playing at 6 weeks old and now they are real playful but it depends on the kitten when they start to get playful,all kittens will start to be playful and then the fun starts. good luck.
At two weeks, most kittens aren't even walking. They start to walk pretty wobbly around three weeks and might start pouncing and jumping around four weeks. At this point, they're still small and rather weak. I got my kitten at 7 weeks old and he still managed to do a lot of eating and sleeping, but he started to bat around at balls and other toys and worked on his pounce until he got better at it. :)
They are still young, and need as much sleep they can get to get strength...
keep trying to play with them, they just haven't grasped the concept of playing..
8-12 weeks. When they open their eyes they will get adventurous.
4 to 5 weeks old
Nursing and growing takes about all the energy kittens have at that age. They need a lot of sleep at that age. Cats are super sleepers anyway, even when grown.
They will begin playing soon. Don't worry. Nature takes it's course and you can sit back and enjoy the journey. Before you know it they will be all over the place, playing and into everything. ~smiles~
your kittens are still very very young and to young to be playing. my sister breeds cats and her kittens don't actually runa round until 4-5 wks and i have a 8 week old kitten and she at the moment just sleeps and eats. the kittens become most playful from about 13 weeks on wards. but the wait it worth it!
lol they are still babies. It will take a while before they are playful. They need to just eat and sleep. My kitten turns a month old tomorrow, and just recently he has started walking around and trying to explore. When I hold him he lays on his back and paws and nibbles at my fingers, it is so cute! =)
hi, im looking for a kitten, so if you will be letting yours go could you please let me know what area you are in! my email ad: michellebaby1@btinternet.com
I have an 8 week old kitty and boy is she playful!!!
They are still very young and wobbly on their feet, enjoy the rest while you can LOL.
They are 2 young to play! I got my kittens from cat rescue when they were 2 months old and my goodness they are playful then!!!So cute just wait!!! K x
mine are 10 weeks old and they were playing at 6 weeks old and now they are real playful but it depends on the kitten when they start to get playful,all kittens will start to be playful and then the fun starts. good luck.
How old are cats to human years?
I know dogs age is a ratio of 7 years to 1 human year. How do you figure the actual age of a cat who is 15 in human years?
here's a conversion chart
that will show you a cat's lifespan from 1 to 20 human years (Or 15 to 96 cat years)
here's another chart
101 year old cat
It is the same with cat years. So it would be 15x7= 105(?)
age in human years but they live for 18 years max so your cat has about 3 more years left maybe even 4.
A 15 year old cat is approximately 74 in human years. At 20 the cat would be 94. At 10, 54 years.
here's a conversion chart
that will show you a cat's lifespan from 1 to 20 human years (Or 15 to 96 cat years)
here's another chart
101 year old cat
It is the same with cat years. So it would be 15x7= 105(?)
age in human years but they live for 18 years max so your cat has about 3 more years left maybe even 4.
A 15 year old cat is approximately 74 in human years. At 20 the cat would be 94. At 10, 54 years.
How often to orphaned kittens need to be fed?
A feral cat had a litter of kittens on my patio %26 then left them. I watched for hours %26 she never came back. I started bottle feeding them. I continued to watch for mom, but have never seen her again. The kittens are only a few days old. They were with the mom for only about 20 hours after birth. I bought the kitten milk replacement %26 they have eaten well from the beginning. They are eating 2 teaps. each time. They weigh about 5-6 oz each. They only wake up to eat about every 5-6 hours. When they are awake, they are very full of energy and even try to crawl out of the box. They seem very healthy.
My question is how long can they go during the day between feedings. I am gone to work for 8 hours. If I come home and feed them once during the day (although it will take me 30 minutes each way to make the trip) will that be enough? I haven't been able to find any other people to help me feed them during the day.
Well for starters a healthy kitten will gain weight rapidly after birth, usually doubling their weight after one week. They should gain approx. half an ounce each day. A kitten that loses weight should be closely monitored. Get yourself a postal scale to keep track of each kitten and make a chart. An average weight for kittens 5 days old are 3-7 oz, 10 days is 4.5 - 9.5 oz, 15 days is 6 - 11oz and so on.
For kittens 1 week...32cc's 6 times a day
2 weeks old.56cc's 4 times a day
3 weeks old...80cc's 3 times a day
4 weeks old...104cc's 3 times a day
5 weeks old...128cc's 3 times a day
Don't forget that kittens need to stay VERY warm. Fill a hot water bottle and place it under a towel and lay the kittens on top.
You must also make them go to the bathroom. Kittens that young cannot go on their own.wet a cotton ball with luke warm water and massage their genital area. They also need to burp after each feeding, just like a baby. You can do this by slightly patting their back or rubbing their bellies.
There is a GREAT book. You should go to your local book store and get it. It really helped me when I hand raised my kittens. It's called THE GUIDE TO HAND RAISING KITTENS BY SUSAN EASTERLY.
that should be ok u may also want to wire a bottle with milk up kind of like how gerbales drink type thing just incase that should help some and yes if u come home atleast once it should be ok about every 4-6 hours is a good feeding schdule but its best to be every 2-4 hours
Usually they need to be fed every two to four hours. So, if you feed them once in the morning before work, come back during lunch and feed them, and then feed them when you get home, it should be fine.
Are you bathing them? That was my downfall. I didn't wash the kitten enough times in the day and now she won't clean herself unless she's really filthy. My other kitties clean her because she smells so bad.
You should feed them twice a day. It is like breakfast and dinner. They can live without lunch. But if you love them very much I would feed them all three meals. If you don't really want to spend your money on them, I would try to sell them or give them to a good animal shelter.
The kittens just need to eat when they wake up. If they are hungry while sleeping they will wake up. If you can't take care of them call a non euthanizing rescue group to bring them to. Just ask them if they have a foster home or something they can put the kittens in. But I think if you do come home during the day that will work. Even if they are sleeping when you come home you can wake them up just to make sure they don't get hungry when you come home. When they are about 5 weeks or so they will most likely start to eat on their own. Then you don't need to come home in the middle of the day anymore. And if their eyes are open then they weren't just born their eyes open at 8-10 days.
This source might help you!
I have read that, kittens that young should be fed every 3-4 hours. However if they are healthy they can go for a period of 6 - 7 hours without formula or food. So going 8 hours without feeding them may be pushing it alittle
at that age they should be fed about 4-6 times a day however you can skip the lunch feeding if you have to, as healthy kittens can take it I be more worried about possible issue of disease that some time causes the lost of kittens, So if one dies do not blame your self and keep asking for afternoon help and i think you find it
as if you lived in Tampa i be there for you
and it only for a month as then they can start eating kitten food I recomend a good brand such as diamond or nutro
Why not take the kittens to the Humane Society or your county's Animal Care and Control office. They can take care of them until they are old enough to be adopted. You could always go back and adopt one when they are ready or are you planning to keep all of them? Anyway I'm glad you rescued them. Good for you! Kittens need to feed several times during the day, so once before you go to work and once when you get back is definitely not often enough. Can you talk to your boss and see if they鈥檒l let you bring the kittens to work with you?
My question is how long can they go during the day between feedings. I am gone to work for 8 hours. If I come home and feed them once during the day (although it will take me 30 minutes each way to make the trip) will that be enough? I haven't been able to find any other people to help me feed them during the day.
Well for starters a healthy kitten will gain weight rapidly after birth, usually doubling their weight after one week. They should gain approx. half an ounce each day. A kitten that loses weight should be closely monitored. Get yourself a postal scale to keep track of each kitten and make a chart. An average weight for kittens 5 days old are 3-7 oz, 10 days is 4.5 - 9.5 oz, 15 days is 6 - 11oz and so on.
For kittens 1 week...32cc's 6 times a day
2 weeks old.56cc's 4 times a day
3 weeks old...80cc's 3 times a day
4 weeks old...104cc's 3 times a day
5 weeks old...128cc's 3 times a day
Don't forget that kittens need to stay VERY warm. Fill a hot water bottle and place it under a towel and lay the kittens on top.
You must also make them go to the bathroom. Kittens that young cannot go on their own.wet a cotton ball with luke warm water and massage their genital area. They also need to burp after each feeding, just like a baby. You can do this by slightly patting their back or rubbing their bellies.
There is a GREAT book. You should go to your local book store and get it. It really helped me when I hand raised my kittens. It's called THE GUIDE TO HAND RAISING KITTENS BY SUSAN EASTERLY.
that should be ok u may also want to wire a bottle with milk up kind of like how gerbales drink type thing just incase that should help some and yes if u come home atleast once it should be ok about every 4-6 hours is a good feeding schdule but its best to be every 2-4 hours
Usually they need to be fed every two to four hours. So, if you feed them once in the morning before work, come back during lunch and feed them, and then feed them when you get home, it should be fine.
Are you bathing them? That was my downfall. I didn't wash the kitten enough times in the day and now she won't clean herself unless she's really filthy. My other kitties clean her because she smells so bad.
You should feed them twice a day. It is like breakfast and dinner. They can live without lunch. But if you love them very much I would feed them all three meals. If you don't really want to spend your money on them, I would try to sell them or give them to a good animal shelter.
The kittens just need to eat when they wake up. If they are hungry while sleeping they will wake up. If you can't take care of them call a non euthanizing rescue group to bring them to. Just ask them if they have a foster home or something they can put the kittens in. But I think if you do come home during the day that will work. Even if they are sleeping when you come home you can wake them up just to make sure they don't get hungry when you come home. When they are about 5 weeks or so they will most likely start to eat on their own. Then you don't need to come home in the middle of the day anymore. And if their eyes are open then they weren't just born their eyes open at 8-10 days.
This source might help you!
I have read that, kittens that young should be fed every 3-4 hours. However if they are healthy they can go for a period of 6 - 7 hours without formula or food. So going 8 hours without feeding them may be pushing it alittle
at that age they should be fed about 4-6 times a day however you can skip the lunch feeding if you have to, as healthy kittens can take it I be more worried about possible issue of disease that some time causes the lost of kittens, So if one dies do not blame your self and keep asking for afternoon help and i think you find it
as if you lived in Tampa i be there for you
and it only for a month as then they can start eating kitten food I recomend a good brand such as diamond or nutro
Why not take the kittens to the Humane Society or your county's Animal Care and Control office. They can take care of them until they are old enough to be adopted. You could always go back and adopt one when they are ready or are you planning to keep all of them? Anyway I'm glad you rescued them. Good for you! Kittens need to feed several times during the day, so once before you go to work and once when you get back is definitely not often enough. Can you talk to your boss and see if they鈥檒l let you bring the kittens to work with you?
How often should you feed 4 week old kittens?
Their mother's milk dried up and a friend has been caring for them. I have them now, but I have to be gone for the night. If I put some KMR milk out for them will they be ok til tomorrow afternoon? Or do they need to be fed every few hours?
When we had kittens I would put out some moist cat food in a low sided dish and kind of separate it into little piles so they could all get some. They don't eat much. But if you put someting out for them they should be ok for the night.
Since their mother's milk dried up they will get hungry and figure out they should eat. Some of the kittens eat food before others.
Then in about a week you can switch to dry kitten food and a dish of water.
They should be old enough to eat food.
hate to tell you...every few hours
they need to be fed every 2-4 hours and they need to have someone around to make sure they are okay and that the mom cat does her job
Feed them whenever they are awake until 6 weeks old.
Are these guys going potty on their own and eating out of a saucer? If they are 4 weeks old, it is hard to believe that they are weaned. If they are not weaned, they need to be fed every two hours. I have left them up to 8 hours before, but it is not good to do that. I would never leave a baby that small alone over night.
u have 2 feed them once every hour
If they are that young every 2or3 hours daily till they are 7to 8weeks,when my cats milk dried up i gave the babies baby cereal like rice' and add a little milk and they loved it,,,i still had to feed them with a dropper though.they are now 20 pounds main coon cats healthy and happy.. lol
When we had kittens I would put out some moist cat food in a low sided dish and kind of separate it into little piles so they could all get some. They don't eat much. But if you put someting out for them they should be ok for the night.
Since their mother's milk dried up they will get hungry and figure out they should eat. Some of the kittens eat food before others.
Then in about a week you can switch to dry kitten food and a dish of water.
They should be old enough to eat food.
hate to tell you...every few hours
they need to be fed every 2-4 hours and they need to have someone around to make sure they are okay and that the mom cat does her job
Feed them whenever they are awake until 6 weeks old.
Are these guys going potty on their own and eating out of a saucer? If they are 4 weeks old, it is hard to believe that they are weaned. If they are not weaned, they need to be fed every two hours. I have left them up to 8 hours before, but it is not good to do that. I would never leave a baby that small alone over night.
u have 2 feed them once every hour
If they are that young every 2or3 hours daily till they are 7to 8weeks,when my cats milk dried up i gave the babies baby cereal like rice' and add a little milk and they loved it,,,i still had to feed them with a dropper though.they are now 20 pounds main coon cats healthy and happy.. lol
How often should kittens bowel movements be?
We have several wild cats on our farm and every year they have a few litters, about a week ago, we found a kitten on its own. After a day of watching it closely, we found it in the rain, still on its own. it was soaking wet and after a few hours of keeping a close eye on it, we realised, the mother wasnt coming back for it and decided the best thing to do was take it inside.
we have had the kitten for a week now and think it is about 3 weeks old. it seems to be doing well and is taking its milk.
after every meal we mimic what the mother does by using a wet piece of cotton wool to make it go to the toilet. So far it 'wees' after every meal, but has only 'poo'ed' every 2/3 days. is this normal, or should we be doing something else to make him go more regularly?
when he does have a bowel movement, everything looks normal!
any advice would be greatly appreciated!..
This is quite normal ... As the kitten gets older he'll 'Poo' more often... Our little Milli was also twoo weeks when we got her in Feb.. (Found her in the wall)..
As long as you mimic the mothers licking to clean, and theres a wee after each feed, You could also do this before a feed, as sometimes the kitten will want more straight after the wee (More space in tummy when bladder empty).
Also get a face cloth for kitty, and spend a little time every day cleaning the face, Feet, Ears, back %26 neck. Feral cats (Wild bred) are a little harder to handle and shy away from affection more than house bred cats... Spend a lot of time with kitty, unles you plan to release him after 2 months, so that he gets used to touch, Milly at 4 months, still will only let you love and touch her If she's in the mood for it... Else she simply stands up and walks off.
This is a wonderfull experiace, Ejoy it...
If he goes every few days that is fine.
There are so many cats out there. Is it possible you can do a trap and release to get the mother spayed?
we have had the kitten for a week now and think it is about 3 weeks old. it seems to be doing well and is taking its milk.
after every meal we mimic what the mother does by using a wet piece of cotton wool to make it go to the toilet. So far it 'wees' after every meal, but has only 'poo'ed' every 2/3 days. is this normal, or should we be doing something else to make him go more regularly?
when he does have a bowel movement, everything looks normal!
any advice would be greatly appreciated!..
This is quite normal ... As the kitten gets older he'll 'Poo' more often... Our little Milli was also twoo weeks when we got her in Feb.. (Found her in the wall)..
As long as you mimic the mothers licking to clean, and theres a wee after each feed, You could also do this before a feed, as sometimes the kitten will want more straight after the wee (More space in tummy when bladder empty).
Also get a face cloth for kitty, and spend a little time every day cleaning the face, Feet, Ears, back %26 neck. Feral cats (Wild bred) are a little harder to handle and shy away from affection more than house bred cats... Spend a lot of time with kitty, unles you plan to release him after 2 months, so that he gets used to touch, Milly at 4 months, still will only let you love and touch her If she's in the mood for it... Else she simply stands up and walks off.
This is a wonderfull experiace, Ejoy it...
If he goes every few days that is fine.
There are so many cats out there. Is it possible you can do a trap and release to get the mother spayed?
How often should I take my cat to the vet?
I have a house cat. I never let him outside. He's had all his shots and has been neutered. My house is safe from harmful chemicals. He's well loved, spoiled some might even say.
once a year for the normal vaccienes (sp) and testing he may not be exposed to "harmful" things but it's really good to keep them updated with thieir shots incase one day he got out or even another cat got in! or if you had to put him in a kennel if you had to go away for an emergency he would need to be updated in shots, then you'd just have a hard time finding something last minute (if you needed it)
Then you really don't need to worry about any vet visits in the near future, unless something unfortunate should happen. Once they've had all they're shots, it usually just becomes a yearly routine of keeping up with the shots. However, your vet should of informed you on whatever check ups need to be done and when. I have a cat too, lives inside and just got neutered, and after my last visit my vet said, see ya next year!
It really depends on the age of your cat. Typically once a year. If your cat is older and seems sick, I would do it every six months or so. I have two cats that dont go outside either, and I havent taken them to the vets in awhile.
One year for a healthy adult cat. Kittens and elderly cats should have a more frequent visits. The visits should just be routine shots for things like rabies, and general heath check-ups. If your vet suggests less than you should find another vet if possible. If more than you should get a complete explanation, and it should be in real english not in technical jargon, or find another vet.
Being an in door cat, has all shots, is well, then about once a year just to give him a good check-up, usually the vet feels for any lumps, checks his mouth ans teeth etc. and keep on spoiling him, kittys are so precious.
It is good to have him taking once a year even though he is a house cat if he manages to get outside he will be at risk for rabies and other feline problems.
Once a year for a checkup and his vaccines. Even as an indoor cat he should get the vaccinations.
Only when he's ill, apart from for routine vaccinations. Possibly for flea and worm treatment; sometimes the vet wants to see the cat before he prescribes.
once a year for the normal vaccienes (sp) and testing he may not be exposed to "harmful" things but it's really good to keep them updated with thieir shots incase one day he got out or even another cat got in! or if you had to put him in a kennel if you had to go away for an emergency he would need to be updated in shots, then you'd just have a hard time finding something last minute (if you needed it)
Then you really don't need to worry about any vet visits in the near future, unless something unfortunate should happen. Once they've had all they're shots, it usually just becomes a yearly routine of keeping up with the shots. However, your vet should of informed you on whatever check ups need to be done and when. I have a cat too, lives inside and just got neutered, and after my last visit my vet said, see ya next year!
It really depends on the age of your cat. Typically once a year. If your cat is older and seems sick, I would do it every six months or so. I have two cats that dont go outside either, and I havent taken them to the vets in awhile.
One year for a healthy adult cat. Kittens and elderly cats should have a more frequent visits. The visits should just be routine shots for things like rabies, and general heath check-ups. If your vet suggests less than you should find another vet if possible. If more than you should get a complete explanation, and it should be in real english not in technical jargon, or find another vet.
Being an in door cat, has all shots, is well, then about once a year just to give him a good check-up, usually the vet feels for any lumps, checks his mouth ans teeth etc. and keep on spoiling him, kittys are so precious.
It is good to have him taking once a year even though he is a house cat if he manages to get outside he will be at risk for rabies and other feline problems.
Once a year for a checkup and his vaccines. Even as an indoor cat he should get the vaccinations.
Only when he's ill, apart from for routine vaccinations. Possibly for flea and worm treatment; sometimes the vet wants to see the cat before he prescribes.
How often should i bath our cats ?
they smell
Well, you don't have to worry about grooming them too much. They bathe themselves. But, if they have problems in the hygiene area and you want to give them a hand, start at maybe...2 a month or something. It's different for every cat. Whether they live in the city...if they are indoor cats, etc.
You are not supposed to bathe cats. Take them to a groomer. Most Pet Smart stores do grooming or call your vet and ask if they can recommend a groomer for cats.
well we have kittens and we bathe our kittens every day. but cats you need to wash and blowdry fully, cause if you dont they could get to cold and die.about every month. or every time they smell. every month is better.
They should not need a bath. Cat body odor is mostly caused by diet, mouth or ear infection problems. I would give them the bath but with a product made for cats (they clean by licking so if it is not for cats they can get poisoned). Then change their food to Precise dry cat food(wet is not good for their teeth). If they still have an odor after about 10 to 14 days then take them to the vet.
Cats generally keep themselves pretty clean but every so often they need a little help. When they smell bath them. Just bath them when they look or smell like they need a bath!!
i give mine a bath ever 4-6 months. they are all actually pretty good sports about it
Well, you don't have to worry about grooming them too much. They bathe themselves. But, if they have problems in the hygiene area and you want to give them a hand, start at maybe...2 a month or something. It's different for every cat. Whether they live in the city...if they are indoor cats, etc.
You are not supposed to bathe cats. Take them to a groomer. Most Pet Smart stores do grooming or call your vet and ask if they can recommend a groomer for cats.
well we have kittens and we bathe our kittens every day. but cats you need to wash and blowdry fully, cause if you dont they could get to cold and die.about every month. or every time they smell. every month is better.
They should not need a bath. Cat body odor is mostly caused by diet, mouth or ear infection problems. I would give them the bath but with a product made for cats (they clean by licking so if it is not for cats they can get poisoned). Then change their food to Precise dry cat food(wet is not good for their teeth). If they still have an odor after about 10 to 14 days then take them to the vet.
Cats generally keep themselves pretty clean but every so often they need a little help. When they smell bath them. Just bath them when they look or smell like they need a bath!!
i give mine a bath ever 4-6 months. they are all actually pretty good sports about it
How often should a cat use the litter box?
One poo every one or two days, usually every day. 3 to 5 pees depending upon it's water intake. If it's any different, consult your veterinarian right away.
Um...every time it has to!
more than once a day
Really depends on the cat, how much they eat and drink. Mine pee's about two times a day (24 hours) and will poop about every other day. I think that is pretty normal. If I didn't find two pees and a poop every other day, I would start looking under the beds!!
My cats seem to urinate twice in a 24 hour period and have one bm a day.
How often should a cat use the litter box?
I adopted a 3 year old cat this last weekend. She only pees and poos once each per day. Is this normal for cats?
If you only got her last weekend, she is probably still afraid of her new surroundings. It always takes cats 2 weeks to get used to things. She might be toilet trained too. My son adopted one like that and was shocked to see her on the edge of the toilet one day : )
once or wice a day
everythings just fine
depends on how often you feed and what she gets fed on
As much as they need to. Mine goes sometimes once or twice each, it just depends on how much they are eating and drinking.
Yup that sounds about normal to me. But how do you know she is only going once? Could be more "stuff" buried in the litter.
If you only got her last weekend, she is probably still afraid of her new surroundings. It always takes cats 2 weeks to get used to things. She might be toilet trained too. My son adopted one like that and was shocked to see her on the edge of the toilet one day : )
once or wice a day
everythings just fine
depends on how often you feed and what she gets fed on
As much as they need to. Mine goes sometimes once or twice each, it just depends on how much they are eating and drinking.
Yup that sounds about normal to me. But how do you know she is only going once? Could be more "stuff" buried in the litter.
How often does the mother cat feed her kittens?
I'm new at this, how often is the mother with her babies too, and how often does she feed them, just anytime? Any other advice? Thanx!
every 2-4 hours
i know my cat had kitteens when i was 13 then she died and i was the one who had to bottle feed them 24-7 for 6 weeks
every 2 to 4 hours.she will know how much and when if she isnt ding it get vet help
ALOT...my cat just had 3 kittens and they eat all the time...they are soooo fat, but i think that they need to eat every 2-4 hours because they grow soooo fast..
She knows just when to feed them. She will show them all sorts of things around the house. She will teach them what she knows. All you have to do is love her and the babies will fall right in line.
If you allow them outside she will tell them when to come inside, she'll show them how to hunt, everything that she knows. If they do go outside be careful because a car hit one of ours and his brother %26 sister never went out again. The mother did but not her babies. When she saw that she stopped taking as much care of them %26 almost told my sister that since she wouldn't let the kittens out she could take care of them. (lol)
The mother's name was Jessie who lived to be 23 years old. God rest her soul.
Varies a lot, depending on the weather and the place, the kittens have been born. When it's warm enough and the kittens seem to be in a safe place, the mothers stay away from them for about 2 to 4 hours, depending on age. They also need this time to eat, hunt and relax. Because, when the mother is with their babies, those will always try to drink from her.
Cats know from their instincts, how often they have to feed their kittens and when to take a break. You don't have to worry about it, as long as the cat can come and go. Just offer plenty of fresh water, healthy food and a nice place to stay on her own, and she will do the rest.
If you bottle feed kittens, I would start feeding them every hour, then every two hours within the first day. You have to develop a feeling for their appetite and to get to know their behavior and reactions. After that, 4 to 6 hours are acceptable, as long as you provide a shallow container with fresh water or a special small pet waterer.
If they, at first, don't seem to drink from that strange bottle at all: be very careful feeding them with syringes (without a needle, of course) or similar. The younger they are, the more likely it is, that they don't swallow properly and may get liquid into their lungs. Very dangerous! Sometimes it's better to take a piece of a clean (rinse well if you use Chlorine Bleach, Bounce or other stuff) terry cloth, dip it in milk or water and try to get that into their mouths. Sooner or later they will start to lick, but they have to be prevented from dehydration.
every 2-4 hours
i know my cat had kitteens when i was 13 then she died and i was the one who had to bottle feed them 24-7 for 6 weeks
every 2 to 4 hours.she will know how much and when if she isnt ding it get vet help
ALOT...my cat just had 3 kittens and they eat all the time...they are soooo fat, but i think that they need to eat every 2-4 hours because they grow soooo fast..
She knows just when to feed them. She will show them all sorts of things around the house. She will teach them what she knows. All you have to do is love her and the babies will fall right in line.
If you allow them outside she will tell them when to come inside, she'll show them how to hunt, everything that she knows. If they do go outside be careful because a car hit one of ours and his brother %26 sister never went out again. The mother did but not her babies. When she saw that she stopped taking as much care of them %26 almost told my sister that since she wouldn't let the kittens out she could take care of them. (lol)
The mother's name was Jessie who lived to be 23 years old. God rest her soul.
Varies a lot, depending on the weather and the place, the kittens have been born. When it's warm enough and the kittens seem to be in a safe place, the mothers stay away from them for about 2 to 4 hours, depending on age. They also need this time to eat, hunt and relax. Because, when the mother is with their babies, those will always try to drink from her.
Cats know from their instincts, how often they have to feed their kittens and when to take a break. You don't have to worry about it, as long as the cat can come and go. Just offer plenty of fresh water, healthy food and a nice place to stay on her own, and she will do the rest.
If you bottle feed kittens, I would start feeding them every hour, then every two hours within the first day. You have to develop a feeling for their appetite and to get to know their behavior and reactions. After that, 4 to 6 hours are acceptable, as long as you provide a shallow container with fresh water or a special small pet waterer.
If they, at first, don't seem to drink from that strange bottle at all: be very careful feeding them with syringes (without a needle, of course) or similar. The younger they are, the more likely it is, that they don't swallow properly and may get liquid into their lungs. Very dangerous! Sometimes it's better to take a piece of a clean (rinse well if you use Chlorine Bleach, Bounce or other stuff) terry cloth, dip it in milk or water and try to get that into their mouths. Sooner or later they will start to lick, but they have to be prevented from dehydration.
How often does a kitten poop?
Yesterday I adopted a 5-wk old kitten. She has been eating Innova EVO food (frequent, but small amounts). She pooped last night at around 8:00, but it has been 11 more hours and she has not pooped again. She peed last night at about 11:30. I could just be paranoid, but is this normal? I'm just wondering how often most 5-wk old kittens poop.
Stimulation and Litter Box Training
By nature, momcats lick the "back end" of their babies to stimulate the bowels and bladder on a regular basis. If you are the babies' new momcat, guess who gets this duty! After each feeding, gently rub the kitten on its low abdomen, as well as the genitals and rectum, with a cotton ball, cotton pad, or tissues moistened with warm water. Make sure you rub only enough to get them to eliminate; overstimulation will irritate the area. Keep an eye out for chafing and lingering dirt.
Kittens should (and almost always will) urinate during each stimulation. They should defecate at least once a day. One trick is to slowly count to 60 while you're stimulating a kitten; at that point, you'll know if they're done or if something's on its way out!
When kittens get to be about four weeks old, they are usually ready to experience the wonderful world of litterboxes (and you'll be liberated from stimulation duty!). After each meal, put the kitten in the box and see what transpires. If they don't get it right away, try taking its paw and showing it how to scratch in the litter. They'll catch on before you know it!
We had kittens once and they pooped all the time! ALOT!
How often to you poop? Just let her go, for pete's sake. She'll be fine if she poops sometime today. If she doesn't poop again today, take her to the vet. You'll probably have to change her food or the amount. She'll be fine.
Stimulation and Litter Box Training
By nature, momcats lick the "back end" of their babies to stimulate the bowels and bladder on a regular basis. If you are the babies' new momcat, guess who gets this duty! After each feeding, gently rub the kitten on its low abdomen, as well as the genitals and rectum, with a cotton ball, cotton pad, or tissues moistened with warm water. Make sure you rub only enough to get them to eliminate; overstimulation will irritate the area. Keep an eye out for chafing and lingering dirt.
Kittens should (and almost always will) urinate during each stimulation. They should defecate at least once a day. One trick is to slowly count to 60 while you're stimulating a kitten; at that point, you'll know if they're done or if something's on its way out!
When kittens get to be about four weeks old, they are usually ready to experience the wonderful world of litterboxes (and you'll be liberated from stimulation duty!). After each meal, put the kitten in the box and see what transpires. If they don't get it right away, try taking its paw and showing it how to scratch in the litter. They'll catch on before you know it!
We had kittens once and they pooped all the time! ALOT!
How often to you poop? Just let her go, for pete's sake. She'll be fine if she poops sometime today. If she doesn't poop again today, take her to the vet. You'll probably have to change her food or the amount. She'll be fine.
How often do you clean your cat's litter box?
I have two cats and I clean the clumps out daily, I change the litter completely every payday (because it's a good reminder day) which is every two weeks.
once a week
once a week on garbage day.
just the once. Waste and box into the rubbish. Cat into the crab pot.
she cleans it her self
it depends on what gets left there and how it smells. if the lumps are hard and dried up i use a spaghetti strainer type of tool to take them out and sift the litter back into the box. if it's mostly urine, then i mix up the litter to absorb the smell better. also the quality of the litter itself affects the frequency that i change the litter.
so in summary, clean out the stuff once every day or two unless the smell is bad. change the litter every two weeks or so. add new litter and mix it in every week or so.
I have cleanmycat's litter boxweekly twice.
A single cat litter box usually lasts for a full week before needing replacing due to urine. depending of the frequency of your cat's usage you should scoop da poop at least once every two days.
In my cats case 3 times a week. Change of the litter depends on how many cats you have and how often the use it. Also it depends on when the smell hits your nose. I change my cat's litter box 3 times a week.
i clean the clumps everyday. Change the litter once or twice a week. I cannot handle the stink that neglect causes.
very rarely actually - the kids do them every day
i clean my cats litter box twice a day every day
Get one of those automatic litter box cleaners. That way it gets cleaned every time it is used and you just empty the bin daily.
i scoop it out every other day and change the whole thing about every two weeks. I also add a bit of new litter in everytime i scoop
I change my kitten litterbox 3 times a day and when i know he has down a poo, i have clump catlitter and it is the cheapest but the best I ever had, I hope this helps you.
Every Day. If you don't it will stink. I have the littermaids and just place a paper towel on top of the tray and use vinyl gloves and emoty the tray and puit a touch of litter in the bottom so there will never be a smell in the house nor around the tray. Use the Tidy Cat that gas the sign on the front that says, new, tidy lock, it is the scoopable. If you cannot afford the auto box, then use it anyway and scoop it daily and iuse 2 boxes, cats like to pee in one and poop in the other. So do that and just scoop that in a plastic or paper bag daily and all will be easier on you and the cat won't get an attitude for trying to use a disgusting litterbox and the cat can get sick by stepping into wet litter to try to be clean. So Do it daily.
We scoop it out several times a day and clean it completely every few weeks.
I clean their litter boxes once a day at least. I have six cats and four litter boxes. With that many cats, you really have to do it at least once daily. I know that you are supposed to have one litter box for each kitty in the house, but I have run out of places to put them, lol. I feel bad about not being able to give them each their own box, so I try to keep them clean.:)
The box with scoopable litter gets solid %26 clumped waste scooped out twice daily. The boxes with Feline Pine litter get the solid waste scooped twice daily, and the litter is changed once a week.
Every day, A lot of people think cats are dirty but they will not go in there litter box if it is not clean. They like clean boxes so ever day it should be clean and add Arm and Hammer baking Soda at the bottom of the box it really helps eliminate odours.
I clean it every day. That's what my cat wants so I must obey.
How often do cats need the feline leukimia shot?
Once a year.
the first year they need a booster 3 weeks from the first one. After that it is a yearly vaccination
Before getting the vaccine they need to be tested first. If the test is negative, they will get the vaccine followed by a booster 3 weeks later. From thereafter, it is an annual vaccine. Only outdoor cats need this vaccine. EXCEPTION: If you have multiple cats and one goes out and the others do not, the indoor cats will then also need it.
The feline leukemia vaccine is not considered a core vaccine, so it's not "required". If your cat goes outside, than it may be necessary. My cat's are indoor only, so I don't give it.
There is some research that indicates adult cats have a natural immunity to leukemia. There is also a higher rate of injection site carcinoma - tumors where the vaccine was given - with that particular vaccine. That's why the injection is given in the leg. In the case that it ends up with a cancerous tumor, the leg can than be amputated to save the cat's life.
It's best when all vaccines in general are given every few years. Current research indicates that vaccines are providing longer and longer immunity to diseases, and yearly vaccines are causing more harm than good. Rabies and distemper are now available in 3 year injections.
Jenn's first two paragraphs were right on the money. However, Feline Leukemia vaccines must still be given every year in order to maintain immunity. Unlike core vaccines, they have not been shown to be effective long term. Also, Feline Leukemia vaccines do not cause your cat to test positive for Feline Leukemia; I think Jenn confused them with FIV vaccines, which do result in false positives.
How often do bathe your well maintained cat?
I have cats 15, 13 and 12 who have never had a bath. I have had them since they were kittens. I do brush them fairly regularly because they like the "massage" and it does remove excess hair, especially on the one that is long-haired.
When my old cat was about 18 she stopped grooming herself, possibly because of her arthritis. She went to the groomer's every month or six weeks for a comb out and bath. She lived to be 22 and 1/2 years of age.
None of my cats smell offensive. One comes under the covers with me every morning. I have cat fence-in for my back garden so they do go outside and can get "dusty" during our long, dry summers.
cats clean themselves..shouldn't bathe them really, if anything take a wet washcloth to them
What do you mean by well maintained??
Honestly, a regular housecat will usually keep itself clean; you can bathe him/her every once in a while (every other months maybe) or if it needs flea treatment (as directed by your vet) or special shampoos for skin conditions (as directed by your vet)... but otherwise, cats will keep themselves clean.
unless the cat has sticky meds that get all over them, but most cat's hate water, and won't even go into a tub filled with water. Don't try it, you will get scratched, bit, hissed at.. it's not pretty.
If you need to wash your cat, because it's sick, take it to the vet or some pet spa with people who know what they are doing.
never, cats clean themselves.
I've showed cats before, and I bathed my cat Dusty a few times (it wasnt the most pleasant experience for either of us!) But most of the time, cats can keep themselves pretty clean on their own and dont need to much help. if your going to, I really woundnt do it more than every two weeks at the max!
indoor cats get smelly and dirty too. don't physically wash your cat very often, the bathing experience is not pleasant, there are pet wipes out there that work just as well and with out the pain, you can pick these up at most any walmart or pet store. if you bathe your cat make sure the weather is warm so the cat don't get sick and also it would be wise to have someone help and be ready with a towel.
I bath my kitten once every 2 weeks as needed. I usually do it when he accidently jump into the toilet while i have the lid open (i always keep it shut unless needed, he usually follows me everywhere), or I bath him when he has his poo stuck to his fur. I notice his fur gets soft after every bath. And he's so very cute when he's wet, looks just like a skinny rat :)
Unless the cat is ill, or has some sort of condition that requires bathing, it's not necessary. Cat's are notoriously clean animals and will groom themselves - especially a well maintained cat. In all my years of owning cats, we've never bathed one. The only exception was my cat that died last year. He was very ill and wasn't grooming himself as well, so we had to clean him up a few times. He never required a full on bath, though.
If you really feel it's necessary, you can wet down a washcloth (not sopping wet), and run it over the kitty. You can also get cat bath wet wipes from any pet store. They look like baby wipes.
I know that show cats are often bathed before a show, but many are used to it. If they've been bred for showing, than they are introduced to water and bathing at a very young age. An older cat who has no experience with a bath can be quite a handful.
You shouldn't have to. They are like self-cleaning ovens. They handle the whole works by themselves. However if they get fleas or into a nasty mess (like oil, grease...etc.) bathing is OK if you use a cat shampoo. The best thing you can do for a cat is brush regularly. Cuts down on the hairballs. Otherwise, they clean themselves and usually do a good job until they get elderly. Then you have to watch out. Mats in the fur will be the first indication they are missing spots. But again, regular brushing should help solve even that problem.
Never, and she is beautiful!
Cats have owned me for over 30 years, and unless they have gotten into something really disgusting, I have never bathed any of them. They do a very good job of keeping themselves clean. Some of my cats have lived to 22 years old without ever having a bath, and have never smelled bad. They are all brushed daily, since they demand it, and this also helps keep their coats clean, as well as giving them a nice massage and "private" time with me. The few times I have had to bath one of them has not been easy, either on them or me!
You should not have too- they do it themselves. However, if you have too it could be an all out war depending on your cat's temperment. Baby wipes work for a quick wipe down. But, if you actually have to bath her- make sure the bathroom door is closed. :)
How much would it cost to get your kitten the required shots?
depends where you live. call your local shelter they will know who the cheapest is. Some shelters run rabies clinic and it cost only $5 to $10.
It depends where you go. You can go to clinics offered at Humane Societies or shelters and those are often cheaper, or you can go to a vet and spend up to $250. I opted to go to a vet because the clinics often just give all the shots at once, but the vet gave booster shots, tested for feline leukemia, and after all the shots, neutered our male cat. I just liked having a personal relationship with a doctor for my cat in case of any emergencies. You could look up vets in your area and call and ask about their rates. Shop around and find what seems best for you.
My vet charges $23 for appointment and $10 a shot. Also, they will probably recommend worming them, another $10. I am in Indiana, USA
I got shots and spay for $90 and shots and neuter for $75.
It will vary from vet to vet so the best thing to do is to call around to different vets and ask for their prices on this. I live in West Virginia and first series shots run about $26, but when I used to live in Maryland 13 years ago they were $30 for the same shots. Like with the rabies shot, which are given at 4 months, they are about $20 or more in Maryland, but I now pay only $10 per animal every 2 years. Some vets give them to a cat yearly others every two years, so this is something else to check on also.
Shots are usually, with a 2 month old kitten, given in three series with the rabies shot on the last series. For the older kitten, 4 months and over, they will get one series of shots plus the rabies shot.
At 6 months a female can be spayed and 7 month for a male at many vet offices, check into this also. A spay/nuetered cat has less chance of getting cancer in the future.
actually you can do it your self goto a tsc or co-op and but a seven in one they like eight bucks
How much would a siamese kitten cost???
Depends on the quality of the breed. Anywhere from 250 to 500 dollars. or get a siam mix for 50 to 100. Check Craigs list or siamese rescue (meezers pleasers .com or something like that...google it...)
well if you know any farm people they usually have some for free.. i got one that way.. also a couple of years ago friends of mine were getting rid of kittens free to good home and i got a white kitten that turned out to be a red point simese as he grew up.. you never know your luck with free kitties
How much would a Bengal Kitten cost?
Preferable in NZD.
Check your local paper for people selling them. It's going to be pretty pricey though.
go to http://bengalcat.com
I have found this site to be very helpful.
Here we go:
It's the only breeder for Bengals I can find in NZ.
Check your local paper for people selling them. It's going to be pretty pricey though.
go to http://bengalcat.com
I have found this site to be very helpful.
Here we go:
It's the only breeder for Bengals I can find in NZ.
How much to pay for baby-sitting a cat?
hi everyone
me and my husband are leaving for 5 days and we asked our friend to watch our cat.
All we wanted her to do is show up twice a day-feed him, clean litter box and apply his medication on his ears.
How much do you think it will be fair to pay her?
Depending on how far she has to drive for each trip, $10.00-$20.00 per day.
10 box aday
I would leave her a thank you letter with $5 worth of tim hortons gift certificates.
It depends on your budget and how good of a friend it is. I would say about $10 a day should cover costs if she doesn't have to drive far.
I agree with them,at leats $10 a day will be fine to cover the travel cost and such. I will take the job at any cost because I love cat.
Depends on if she has to drive any distance...If she don't then $50.00 for the week is fair. But with gas the way it is .$75.00 is better.if she has to drive.
I'd say at least 50 bucks, maybe a little more since she has to give meds. My neighbor used to watch my cat for a week %26 I always paid her 50 or gave her a $50 gift card to Border's. I feel its worth it to pay a little more for the convenience of having someone come to the house because that way they're more likely to agree to do it again. It's so much less stressful for kitty to be able to stay home rather than to have to be boarded somewhere.
I pay my pet-sitter 15 dollars per visit.
Would you take money for watching your friend's cat? No!! I would do it for the love of cats.
10 bucks every time they come to take care of the cat. Twice a day, 20 bucks. cats don't need to be looked after more than once a day.
It should be between 5$-15$ Some where near that area. Good luck on your cat and have a nice trip!
five bucks every time she visits the cat and maybe a tip
When I baby sit cats (well, cat sit) I usually get about $10 a day for 2 cats (feeing, cleaing litter box, playing with them, brushing them, the works). I think this is pretty fair. :)
i don't think that a cat needs a babysitter. some people told me that if that they have enough food and water and a clean litter box then they should be fine
i wouldn't really pay that much especially not for feeding a cat
if he's your friend you must not pay
It has been a few years since I pet sit. But for a cat I used to charge $5.00 a day if that helps.
me and my husband are leaving for 5 days and we asked our friend to watch our cat.
All we wanted her to do is show up twice a day-feed him, clean litter box and apply his medication on his ears.
How much do you think it will be fair to pay her?
Depending on how far she has to drive for each trip, $10.00-$20.00 per day.
10 box aday
I would leave her a thank you letter with $5 worth of tim hortons gift certificates.
It depends on your budget and how good of a friend it is. I would say about $10 a day should cover costs if she doesn't have to drive far.
I agree with them,at leats $10 a day will be fine to cover the travel cost and such. I will take the job at any cost because I love cat.
Depends on if she has to drive any distance...If she don't then $50.00 for the week is fair. But with gas the way it is .$75.00 is better.if she has to drive.
I'd say at least 50 bucks, maybe a little more since she has to give meds. My neighbor used to watch my cat for a week %26 I always paid her 50 or gave her a $50 gift card to Border's. I feel its worth it to pay a little more for the convenience of having someone come to the house because that way they're more likely to agree to do it again. It's so much less stressful for kitty to be able to stay home rather than to have to be boarded somewhere.
I pay my pet-sitter 15 dollars per visit.
Would you take money for watching your friend's cat? No!! I would do it for the love of cats.
10 bucks every time they come to take care of the cat. Twice a day, 20 bucks. cats don't need to be looked after more than once a day.
It should be between 5$-15$ Some where near that area. Good luck on your cat and have a nice trip!
five bucks every time she visits the cat and maybe a tip
When I baby sit cats (well, cat sit) I usually get about $10 a day for 2 cats (feeing, cleaing litter box, playing with them, brushing them, the works). I think this is pretty fair. :)
i don't think that a cat needs a babysitter. some people told me that if that they have enough food and water and a clean litter box then they should be fine
i wouldn't really pay that much especially not for feeding a cat
if he's your friend you must not pay
It has been a few years since I pet sit. But for a cat I used to charge $5.00 a day if that helps.
How much to feed kittens?
I have two kittens who are about 7 months old. I feed them a high quality, sort of expensive cat food (Natural Balance). I want the best for them so i try to buy them one of the healthier foods out there. I have a continuous feeder so they can eat any time of day, whenever they want. I have found that it's really not the best idea. One of them will eat ALL day, and the other one limits herself, I am afraid he is going to get way too overweight. Can someone give me an idea of how much to feed them every day, and when? I really need to make a set schedule so he doesn't get overweight and eat too much!
kittens have small stomachs, i have 2 ten week old kittens and they only need a half a cup in the morning and then in the evening another half cup but i would ask your vet to make sure. I feed mine Hills natures best because since the food recall i do not want any supermarket brands any more. I get it at the vets and it cost alot more but they are worth it to me.
you can also give them a little bit of canned tuna fishonce or twice a week but not alot as they will love it like mine do and then they may not eat their dry food and thats what they need the most and i have play time with my kittens for exercise and weight control, i play with them before i go to work, when i get home from work and again before bedtime. good luck
Kitten care!
feed them twice a day morning and evening. get them used to the schedule and they will be happy.
Generally cats do not overeat %26 what makes them fat is, treats, they are usually constant nibblers...unlike dogs who can be gobblers ..LOL ! Many animals eat according to their needs...hyper animals eat more or more often, while laid back, mellow %26 less active... eat less ...TC %26 Peace :)
Feed them twice a day,. Cats do not generally over eat...
Newborns get about 1/2 of a cup of food every 3 hrs.
Feed kittens two times a day, with plenty of fresh water. Give a few handfuls in the morning, and again in the evening. There shouldn't be any trouble with the kittens adjusting to this. You will notice if they are hungry, as they will cry. The overeater, get it a toy.
kittens have small stomachs, i have 2 ten week old kittens and they only need a half a cup in the morning and then in the evening another half cup but i would ask your vet to make sure. I feed mine Hills natures best because since the food recall i do not want any supermarket brands any more. I get it at the vets and it cost alot more but they are worth it to me.
you can also give them a little bit of canned tuna fishonce or twice a week but not alot as they will love it like mine do and then they may not eat their dry food and thats what they need the most and i have play time with my kittens for exercise and weight control, i play with them before i go to work, when i get home from work and again before bedtime. good luck
Kitten care!
feed them twice a day morning and evening. get them used to the schedule and they will be happy.
Generally cats do not overeat %26 what makes them fat is, treats, they are usually constant nibblers...unlike dogs who can be gobblers ..LOL ! Many animals eat according to their needs...hyper animals eat more or more often, while laid back, mellow %26 less active... eat less ...TC %26 Peace :)
Feed them twice a day,. Cats do not generally over eat...
Newborns get about 1/2 of a cup of food every 3 hrs.
Feed kittens two times a day, with plenty of fresh water. Give a few handfuls in the morning, and again in the evening. There shouldn't be any trouble with the kittens adjusting to this. You will notice if they are hungry, as they will cry. The overeater, get it a toy.
How much should the adoption fee be if they are neutered/spayed kitten?
as you all know my kittens are 2 weeks old, i have 6 kittens plus 3 adult cats, i cant handled all them and the kittens came unexpected. Please advise
Most pet adoption places charge the adopter the fee to spay/neuter the pet about 50 to 75 dollars. Some charge the person dropping them off too. Go to a no kill shelter if you can. Petsmart and the other big one have pet adoptions on saturdays and they maybe able to help you out
Good luck.
Maybe $50
If you're asking how much it will cost to get them fixed, there are low-cost spay/neuter clinics in most cities that charge about $30 each. Google "low cost neuter clinic".
If you're asking how much you should charge ppl to adopt them...well, the shelters usually charge about $100 and that is for kittens that are fixed, have their shots, sometimes even microchipped. You might have trouble adopting kittens out if you charge too much. Maybe charge whatever it cost you to get them fixed, and let people know that so they don't think you are just trying to make money.
Probably around $50 - $75 I would think. It can get expensive to spay and neuter. I would charge the cost of the spay/neuter plus maybe $10 extra. If you hve trouble rehoming them as quickly as you would like, try lowering the price. The pet stores are charging around $150 for kittens and all they come w/is their first shots, and no neuter or spay.
Kudos to you for taking the responsibility to spay/neuter the kittens before adopting them out!
I know from expereince , often getting an animal fixed, is the last thing on peoples mind when they accept a new kitten into their family, and then later they come to regret it w/unwanted pregnancies, or cats that go into heat and run away. Best of luck to you in rehoming your kittens!
If you plan on spaying/neutering everyone, and have them up to date on shots, as well, you can probably get around $50-80 for them.
Our rescue's adoption fee for the cats/kittens is $80. Some people think that's ''outrageous'' for an animal (not the type of people we care to adopt to, anyways!), and others realize what a good deal that is, for a healthy pet that's up to date on vaccinations %26 altered.
If I recall correctly, I think the humane society adopts out fixed kittens for near $100.
Are you going to wait a while to adopt them out?? 2 weeks is wayyyy too young. I do believe you're supposed to wait til they are about 6-8 weeks old.
it depends on the breed
Most pet adoption places charge the adopter the fee to spay/neuter the pet about 50 to 75 dollars. Some charge the person dropping them off too. Go to a no kill shelter if you can. Petsmart and the other big one have pet adoptions on saturdays and they maybe able to help you out
Good luck.
Maybe $50
If you're asking how much it will cost to get them fixed, there are low-cost spay/neuter clinics in most cities that charge about $30 each. Google "low cost neuter clinic".
If you're asking how much you should charge ppl to adopt them...well, the shelters usually charge about $100 and that is for kittens that are fixed, have their shots, sometimes even microchipped. You might have trouble adopting kittens out if you charge too much. Maybe charge whatever it cost you to get them fixed, and let people know that so they don't think you are just trying to make money.
Probably around $50 - $75 I would think. It can get expensive to spay and neuter. I would charge the cost of the spay/neuter plus maybe $10 extra. If you hve trouble rehoming them as quickly as you would like, try lowering the price. The pet stores are charging around $150 for kittens and all they come w/is their first shots, and no neuter or spay.
Kudos to you for taking the responsibility to spay/neuter the kittens before adopting them out!
I know from expereince , often getting an animal fixed, is the last thing on peoples mind when they accept a new kitten into their family, and then later they come to regret it w/unwanted pregnancies, or cats that go into heat and run away. Best of luck to you in rehoming your kittens!
If you plan on spaying/neutering everyone, and have them up to date on shots, as well, you can probably get around $50-80 for them.
Our rescue's adoption fee for the cats/kittens is $80. Some people think that's ''outrageous'' for an animal (not the type of people we care to adopt to, anyways!), and others realize what a good deal that is, for a healthy pet that's up to date on vaccinations %26 altered.
If I recall correctly, I think the humane society adopts out fixed kittens for near $100.
Are you going to wait a while to adopt them out?? 2 weeks is wayyyy too young. I do believe you're supposed to wait til they are about 6-8 weeks old.
it depends on the breed
How much should a cat weigh?
I have a cat who weighs like 8 lbs. He feels all boney, but he acts totally healthy...should I be worried?
it depends on breed and age.
anything from 5 to 25 pounds is normal... depending on those things.
no he is likely just a smaller cat...ten pounds is normal, 8 is considered small.
Depends on the cat...Ive owned cats that full grown have weighed no more than 5.5 lbs and also another who weighed in at 17 lbs but not an ounce of fat on his body...if your in question syou should have your vet look at him %26 make the decision if he is a healthy weight
A domestic cat should weigh between 3 - 5 kilograms
only if he doesn't come back after kicking him like a football...
You should be worried if it looks too thin. You souldn't be able to see bones but the cat shouldn't be overweight either. I can only work in kilos but my cat is 3-4 kilos. Sometimes the problem is worms if they are eating well but not putting on weight. Maybe a visit to the vet would be a good idea.
Cats should look slim looking from the top down, not like a torpedo. Each cat is different depending on the breed. A cat should be able to sit comfortably without a "big belly" sticking out on each side of it's body. Cats are suppose to be slender, not porky. If you can see the cat's backbone, he's too thin. It's okay to be able to feel the ribs. Just provide plenty of quality food at all times. Cats nibble at their food, unlike dogs that bolt their food down. If you provide plenty of quality food and water, the rest will take care of itself. Unless of course your cat is sick and doesn't eat.
When I took my cats to the vet I asked the exact same question. She told me that anywhere between 5-10 pounds is normal. A 25 pound cat is not normal and don't let anyone tell you differently! A cat is suppose to feel a little bony. If you start at his head and put a hand to each side, then work your way to his tail your should feel with your thumbs up: the shoulder blades, followed by the tiny bumbs that are his spine. You SHOULD be able to feel his ribs clearly with your fingers and the rib cage should flare out a little. Past the ribs there should be an indentation before the hips that is the cats waist. The pelvic bone should be narrow, and will flow down into the hips, which should be muscled. The knee and ankle (elbow and wrist) joints should be easy to feel.
A 25 pound cat would be like a 5'6" woman who weighed 450 pounds.
Your 8 pound cat sounds perfectly normal, when in doubt you can always take him in for a basic health exam. A basic office visit is usually pretty inexpensive.
I wouldn't worry. My cat is full grown and weighs 6 1/2 lbs. She was the runt of the litter and the vet says she is just small. If you're worried you could ask the vet, but I bet he's fine.
Normal is as idiosyncratic for animals as for people. Your cat may just be a skinny guy. You did not mention the age of your cat, and that is important, as cats are not fully grown and fully developed until they are two years old. Just as in humans, growth can be a little individual, but a younger cat tends to be thinner just because he is still growing and developing. In addition, a younger cat has more energy, is more playful and active, and so has a higher metabolism.
The standard vets use on a gross physical exam is this: Place your hands on either side of your cat's rib cage and gently palpate or caress him, but in a clinical way. Your fingers are tools here, and you are caressing your cat to assess something. When you palpate in a largish circular motion or a sort of "squeeze-gently-and-move-the-r... motion, determine how well you can feel the underlying ribs. If they are prominent or covered a little but you can really feel them, your cat is underweight. If the skin is really, really loose and the ribs are really easy to feel, he is young and still growing. Or it could be an overactive thyroid, as cats are prone to thyroid problems. Or it could be worms. Or that is just him.
If you are really concerned, check with your vet. If he has been outdoors and eaten some grass or otherwise been exposed to a worm source, you may want to worm him or have the vet do this. If it is just him, there are some wonderful nutritional supplements that can be added to your cat's food or fed separately to help him gain some weight. Just as most people love fattening food, most cats tend to love these supplements, so there probably won't be any problem getting him to eat them if this is what he needs.
You can go online to www.drsfostersmith.com and go to the cat section to see what they have to offer in the way of do-it-yourself worming meds and/or nutritional supplements. They also have a vet hotline or online hotline as I recall, so you can ask questions about what you find that interests you.
Good luck.
it depends on breed and age.
anything from 5 to 25 pounds is normal... depending on those things.
no he is likely just a smaller cat...ten pounds is normal, 8 is considered small.
Depends on the cat...Ive owned cats that full grown have weighed no more than 5.5 lbs and also another who weighed in at 17 lbs but not an ounce of fat on his body...if your in question syou should have your vet look at him %26 make the decision if he is a healthy weight
A domestic cat should weigh between 3 - 5 kilograms
only if he doesn't come back after kicking him like a football...
You should be worried if it looks too thin. You souldn't be able to see bones but the cat shouldn't be overweight either. I can only work in kilos but my cat is 3-4 kilos. Sometimes the problem is worms if they are eating well but not putting on weight. Maybe a visit to the vet would be a good idea.
Cats should look slim looking from the top down, not like a torpedo. Each cat is different depending on the breed. A cat should be able to sit comfortably without a "big belly" sticking out on each side of it's body. Cats are suppose to be slender, not porky. If you can see the cat's backbone, he's too thin. It's okay to be able to feel the ribs. Just provide plenty of quality food at all times. Cats nibble at their food, unlike dogs that bolt their food down. If you provide plenty of quality food and water, the rest will take care of itself. Unless of course your cat is sick and doesn't eat.
When I took my cats to the vet I asked the exact same question. She told me that anywhere between 5-10 pounds is normal. A 25 pound cat is not normal and don't let anyone tell you differently! A cat is suppose to feel a little bony. If you start at his head and put a hand to each side, then work your way to his tail your should feel with your thumbs up: the shoulder blades, followed by the tiny bumbs that are his spine. You SHOULD be able to feel his ribs clearly with your fingers and the rib cage should flare out a little. Past the ribs there should be an indentation before the hips that is the cats waist. The pelvic bone should be narrow, and will flow down into the hips, which should be muscled. The knee and ankle (elbow and wrist) joints should be easy to feel.
A 25 pound cat would be like a 5'6" woman who weighed 450 pounds.
Your 8 pound cat sounds perfectly normal, when in doubt you can always take him in for a basic health exam. A basic office visit is usually pretty inexpensive.
I wouldn't worry. My cat is full grown and weighs 6 1/2 lbs. She was the runt of the litter and the vet says she is just small. If you're worried you could ask the vet, but I bet he's fine.
Normal is as idiosyncratic for animals as for people. Your cat may just be a skinny guy. You did not mention the age of your cat, and that is important, as cats are not fully grown and fully developed until they are two years old. Just as in humans, growth can be a little individual, but a younger cat tends to be thinner just because he is still growing and developing. In addition, a younger cat has more energy, is more playful and active, and so has a higher metabolism.
The standard vets use on a gross physical exam is this: Place your hands on either side of your cat's rib cage and gently palpate or caress him, but in a clinical way. Your fingers are tools here, and you are caressing your cat to assess something. When you palpate in a largish circular motion or a sort of "squeeze-gently-and-move-the-r... motion, determine how well you can feel the underlying ribs. If they are prominent or covered a little but you can really feel them, your cat is underweight. If the skin is really, really loose and the ribs are really easy to feel, he is young and still growing. Or it could be an overactive thyroid, as cats are prone to thyroid problems. Or it could be worms. Or that is just him.
If you are really concerned, check with your vet. If he has been outdoors and eaten some grass or otherwise been exposed to a worm source, you may want to worm him or have the vet do this. If it is just him, there are some wonderful nutritional supplements that can be added to your cat's food or fed separately to help him gain some weight. Just as most people love fattening food, most cats tend to love these supplements, so there probably won't be any problem getting him to eat them if this is what he needs.
You can go online to www.drsfostersmith.com and go to the cat section to see what they have to offer in the way of do-it-yourself worming meds and/or nutritional supplements. They also have a vet hotline or online hotline as I recall, so you can ask questions about what you find that interests you.
Good luck.
How much of a problem are brownsnakes for cats in Australia?
I've been wondering for quite some time now whether cats in Australia actually get bitten by brownsnakes a lot.
I mean, wouldn't they, being the curious creatures they are? I can just see them going to investigate and getting bitten.
Or is that more of a dog problem?
Depends what area you live in and the weather.
I work at a vet surgery in the inner city suburb and this year as it has been sooo dry we have had several brown snake attacks resulting in 2 cats and 1 dog neeeding antivenom and oxygen therapy.
Jack Russel Terriers seem to be the breed that catches snakes more than any other breed.
However in the past 11 yrs of working I have only seen 2 others.
i i have heard of cats being bitten but not cause they where curious same with any animal or person just in the wrong place at the wrong time
Well, brown snakes are found in certain parts of australia. They can be a problem for household pets, more so in areas surrounded by bush land. I have had 2 cats killed by brown snakes. I have since moved to the tropics, and now have the threat of Whip Snakes, Typans and all sorts of pythons. My small dog is also interested in everything the rustles in the bushes. Its all a part of life I guess.
Yes, it is a problem, but cats and dogs have healing saliva, which is a pitty for humans...any way,
Cats are more likly to get bitten, as they would pat at it where as a dog would bark and get the attention of a person.
If they do get bitten and you notice it, a vet can treat them.
Brown snakes in Oz are worst than black, as black snakes will rather run, brown will fight!
I mean, wouldn't they, being the curious creatures they are? I can just see them going to investigate and getting bitten.
Or is that more of a dog problem?
Depends what area you live in and the weather.
I work at a vet surgery in the inner city suburb and this year as it has been sooo dry we have had several brown snake attacks resulting in 2 cats and 1 dog neeeding antivenom and oxygen therapy.
Jack Russel Terriers seem to be the breed that catches snakes more than any other breed.
However in the past 11 yrs of working I have only seen 2 others.
i i have heard of cats being bitten but not cause they where curious same with any animal or person just in the wrong place at the wrong time
Well, brown snakes are found in certain parts of australia. They can be a problem for household pets, more so in areas surrounded by bush land. I have had 2 cats killed by brown snakes. I have since moved to the tropics, and now have the threat of Whip Snakes, Typans and all sorts of pythons. My small dog is also interested in everything the rustles in the bushes. Its all a part of life I guess.
Yes, it is a problem, but cats and dogs have healing saliva, which is a pitty for humans...any way,
Cats are more likly to get bitten, as they would pat at it where as a dog would bark and get the attention of a person.
If they do get bitten and you notice it, a vet can treat them.
Brown snakes in Oz are worst than black, as black snakes will rather run, brown will fight!
How much longer till my cat has her kittens?
Ok I'm not really sure when she got pregnant, I know it was around the end of march. My cats belly is real big, we feel the kitties a lot we see them moving also, her nipples are bright pink and swollen. Can someone give me a idea as to how much longer? I want to be home while she gives birth incase there is trouble. This is her first litter, how many could she have?
Well it kind of depends on the cat for as far as how many kittens she'll have...Most of the time, a cats first litter is usually no more than 4 kittens...But there are other times that cats will give birth to more than that the first time...When my cat Cheetah had her first batch of kittens, she had 8 of them! I couldn't believe it...The kittens should start to slow their activity a little bit about 2 or 3 days before she's ready to pop...If her nipples are starting to swell up, I would say maybe no more than a week...Give or take...It's hard to say without seeing the cat...Good luck
cats are preganet for 3 months and they can have up to 7 to 10 kittens.
there's an 'off' button on her right ear. at midnight on a full moon, press the velvety ear clockwise and say "mammy mammmy mammy" and stomp three times walkin backwards. it's an old wiccan spell that actually works
It's 63 days, she should be having kittens any day now!!! Just make sure she has a box with towels to have her babies. When her tummy is hard and very little movement she'll start going into labor. Have food and water for her. She may stop eating a day before. Make sure she has a quite please to give birth and care for her kittens. She could have 4 to 6 kittens more or less just a guess. Good luck;^)
Till the end of this month she'll probably give birth. My own cat gave birth of 5 kittens last year and it was her first time. She started having the babies in the morning. And the night before she went to her box and stayed there. So if your cat has a box of her own or another place where she sleeps and the place has her smell, she'll probably go there. You should put towels around the place or if she lets you try putting them inside. She'll give birth on her own, she doesn't need any help. If you see some problem or think something's wrong, call the vet. There will be lots of blood but don't worry coz she'll lick it up. After the babies are born she'll lick them too. If you want you could move the babies on clean place. But the IMPORTANT thing is not to touch the babies with your bare hands! Use a towel or gloves to move them coz if you move them with your bare hands they'll get some of your smell and the mother might reject them. My cat allowed me to touch her babies but not all cats do that.
After you've moved them you can just watch them and your cat. She wouldn't leave them alone for at least 3 days and this means she won't go to eat, drink water or use the toilet. You should try giving her little food and water while she's with the babies coz they drain her out. They'll be blind for at least 2 weeks and won't move away from her. Don't touch them for at least a week after their birth and after that if they start meowing too much don't touch them coz your cat might think you're a threat and attack you.
While your cat is feeding them make sure she has the best food. Give her vitamins and lots of food so that the babies survive and grow healthy.
When the babies start walking they'll pee everywhere and your cat will lick it up in the beginning. Later when they walk well she'll teach them to use the toilet. If she doesn't teach them you should.
The babies could be from 3 to 6-7. They'll be making lots of noise but it's kinda cute.
Wish you and your cat birth without problems and healthy kittens.
It will be within the week. Only a vet can tell you about how many kittens there are.
The gestation period in 65 days give or take. The nipples start to swell around 21 days. The litter size all depends. However, the ffirst litter is normally the smallest. Good luck!http://www.cat-pregnancy-report.com/cat-... Check out this site it might help.
If she got pregnant at the of march she should have her babies with in the next week or so. Cats are pregnant for 90 days. And the largest litter of kittens i've heard of is 7.. But even if she is huge she may only have 3. My cats last litter was 3 and I thought for sure she would have 6.
Well it kind of depends on the cat for as far as how many kittens she'll have...Most of the time, a cats first litter is usually no more than 4 kittens...But there are other times that cats will give birth to more than that the first time...When my cat Cheetah had her first batch of kittens, she had 8 of them! I couldn't believe it...The kittens should start to slow their activity a little bit about 2 or 3 days before she's ready to pop...If her nipples are starting to swell up, I would say maybe no more than a week...Give or take...It's hard to say without seeing the cat...Good luck
cats are preganet for 3 months and they can have up to 7 to 10 kittens.
there's an 'off' button on her right ear. at midnight on a full moon, press the velvety ear clockwise and say "mammy mammmy mammy" and stomp three times walkin backwards. it's an old wiccan spell that actually works
It's 63 days, she should be having kittens any day now!!! Just make sure she has a box with towels to have her babies. When her tummy is hard and very little movement she'll start going into labor. Have food and water for her. She may stop eating a day before. Make sure she has a quite please to give birth and care for her kittens. She could have 4 to 6 kittens more or less just a guess. Good luck;^)
Till the end of this month she'll probably give birth. My own cat gave birth of 5 kittens last year and it was her first time. She started having the babies in the morning. And the night before she went to her box and stayed there. So if your cat has a box of her own or another place where she sleeps and the place has her smell, she'll probably go there. You should put towels around the place or if she lets you try putting them inside. She'll give birth on her own, she doesn't need any help. If you see some problem or think something's wrong, call the vet. There will be lots of blood but don't worry coz she'll lick it up. After the babies are born she'll lick them too. If you want you could move the babies on clean place. But the IMPORTANT thing is not to touch the babies with your bare hands! Use a towel or gloves to move them coz if you move them with your bare hands they'll get some of your smell and the mother might reject them. My cat allowed me to touch her babies but not all cats do that.
After you've moved them you can just watch them and your cat. She wouldn't leave them alone for at least 3 days and this means she won't go to eat, drink water or use the toilet. You should try giving her little food and water while she's with the babies coz they drain her out. They'll be blind for at least 2 weeks and won't move away from her. Don't touch them for at least a week after their birth and after that if they start meowing too much don't touch them coz your cat might think you're a threat and attack you.
While your cat is feeding them make sure she has the best food. Give her vitamins and lots of food so that the babies survive and grow healthy.
When the babies start walking they'll pee everywhere and your cat will lick it up in the beginning. Later when they walk well she'll teach them to use the toilet. If she doesn't teach them you should.
The babies could be from 3 to 6-7. They'll be making lots of noise but it's kinda cute.
Wish you and your cat birth without problems and healthy kittens.
It will be within the week. Only a vet can tell you about how many kittens there are.
The gestation period in 65 days give or take. The nipples start to swell around 21 days. The litter size all depends. However, the ffirst litter is normally the smallest. Good luck!http://www.cat-pregnancy-report.com/cat-... Check out this site it might help.
If she got pregnant at the of march she should have her babies with in the next week or so. Cats are pregnant for 90 days. And the largest litter of kittens i've heard of is 7.. But even if she is huge she may only have 3. My cats last litter was 3 and I thought for sure she would have 6.
How much is it for A rabies shot for cats?
I just adopted a 5 month old kitten from the humane society in milwaukee and i was wondering how much does it cost to get a rabies shot for it? Also how would i go about getting it a license?
I'm very surprised that they didn't give your kitty the rabies shot when you adopted. I'm in Arizona and it is state law to have rabies here ( i don't know about there). And they give the shots when you adopt here. And you can find rabies shots anywhere from $12 to a lot more. I would look at Low cost vaccination clinics, the pound, adoption agencies. Did you ask the humane society? They should offer low cost vaccines. Vets are going to cost a lot more. And you would get the license once you get the rabies vac, they will give you proof of rabies, and you send that in to the pound and you get the license. Atleast, thats how it works here. Or if you go to the pound to get the rabies vac, they would give you the license right there.
They have low cost clinics, or you can go to the vet. Around here it ranges from $8 to $18. The humane society should have given it one since they are required by law. Call your town hall to get licensing info.
Best of luck.
Some humane societies hold monthly shot "clinics" so check with them. There are also commercial organisations that regularly visit places like PetCo and you can get a rabies shot through them.
Our humane society charges $5 for the shots. I don't know what the other organisation charges.
it's about 10.00
I'm very surprised that they didn't give your kitty the rabies shot when you adopted. I'm in Arizona and it is state law to have rabies here ( i don't know about there). And they give the shots when you adopt here. And you can find rabies shots anywhere from $12 to a lot more. I would look at Low cost vaccination clinics, the pound, adoption agencies. Did you ask the humane society? They should offer low cost vaccines. Vets are going to cost a lot more. And you would get the license once you get the rabies vac, they will give you proof of rabies, and you send that in to the pound and you get the license. Atleast, thats how it works here. Or if you go to the pound to get the rabies vac, they would give you the license right there.
They have low cost clinics, or you can go to the vet. Around here it ranges from $8 to $18. The humane society should have given it one since they are required by law. Call your town hall to get licensing info.
Best of luck.
Some humane societies hold monthly shot "clinics" so check with them. There are also commercial organisations that regularly visit places like PetCo and you can get a rabies shot through them.
Our humane society charges $5 for the shots. I don't know what the other organisation charges.
it's about 10.00
How much is a checkup for my cat at the local vet?
he is bleeding in the mouth, I looked inside and (only for a second) I saw the inside all tore up and bleeding, its been like that for months, I always thought he would get better but he didnt. I would take him to the vet but me nor my parents have enough money. I live in Hatford city, In
Call your local vet and ask THEM how much a visit is going to be. On a rough estimate (not owning a cat myself) I would venture to guess that the consultation is going to be in the $30-$50 range, tests will probably add an equal amount, and any medications that might be needed will be another $20-$50 on top of that. So I would speculate maybe around $80-$150.
However, if you DO NOT take your poor cat to the vet, you are being negligent and really should not own the poor animal if you cannot properly care for it. If YOU were sick or bleeding from your mouth, I'm POSITIVE your parents would come up with the money to get you seen. Find a way!
Give them a call %26 inquire about an office visit fee. That, obviously wouldnt cover any medications needed.
Bring him to any vet. If they won't help you they'll recommend someone that will. Do it today.
Every vet has a different price. You need to call them all and find out. It's usually somewhere around $40.00 or so.
Get in touch with a local welfare society. Most either have their own vet who will be able to help or they may help you towards fees to see your own vet but she really must see a vet soon. Is she eating properly. If this has been going on for months then I would imagine she hasn't. There could be many reasons for this. It could be dental problems where she may need extractions. She may have injured the roof of her mouth while eating chicken bones or similar. Or worst case scenario it could be an oral tumour which is very nasty. Please get her checked out asap.
Please find a way to get some care for your poor kitty, maybe the humane society would give you some advice, or even treat him, he does need medical help in a hurry, he probably has trouble swallowing and is in pain. Please do something!!!
Oh stop the drama. He's the one that's been suffering all this time, not you. What did you get an animal for if you were not prepared or able to take care of it properly?!
GET THAT CAT TO THE VET. You should NEVER have let it go for months. Are you aware that it is his RIGHT by LAW to receive medical attention and not to do so is considered neglect?
The reason it costs so much is because it took the vet YEARS and years of studying, the vet has to make a living too and his office and personnel all have to be paid (YOU don't work for free do you?), and you do not have the qualifications or experience necessary to know what to do with a living organism. Have YOU been through college, 4 years of med school, and then internship? No, of course not. You are paying for specialized information. Or as my father used to say, "If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Do you see everyone doing it?!"
Grow up. Continue working and get that cat to the vet. If your vet won't take payments, then look for resources on the internet. Here are two: www.carecredit.com and imom.org
If you use CareCredit, your cat gets the immediate care she needs, the vet gets paid, and you can make monthly payments on a NO-interest loan.
Stop whining and get that cat into the vet NOW!! What you describe sounds very painful.
it could run you about $100 so if i was you i would get low cost animal insurance from like petsmart you could get visits for like 50 bucks your cat prob has a gum diseses and you need to get im in asap !!! the disaese could get into his blood stream so get on it please for the babies sake
like 150-50 dollars
he could have dental problems and need a dental.
take him in if you can or see if you qualify to go to the PDSA or RSPCA. I work at a vets in the west mids in uk and we charge 拢26 and treatment would be on top of that.
Call your local vet and ask THEM how much a visit is going to be. On a rough estimate (not owning a cat myself) I would venture to guess that the consultation is going to be in the $30-$50 range, tests will probably add an equal amount, and any medications that might be needed will be another $20-$50 on top of that. So I would speculate maybe around $80-$150.
However, if you DO NOT take your poor cat to the vet, you are being negligent and really should not own the poor animal if you cannot properly care for it. If YOU were sick or bleeding from your mouth, I'm POSITIVE your parents would come up with the money to get you seen. Find a way!
Give them a call %26 inquire about an office visit fee. That, obviously wouldnt cover any medications needed.
Bring him to any vet. If they won't help you they'll recommend someone that will. Do it today.
Every vet has a different price. You need to call them all and find out. It's usually somewhere around $40.00 or so.
Get in touch with a local welfare society. Most either have their own vet who will be able to help or they may help you towards fees to see your own vet but she really must see a vet soon. Is she eating properly. If this has been going on for months then I would imagine she hasn't. There could be many reasons for this. It could be dental problems where she may need extractions. She may have injured the roof of her mouth while eating chicken bones or similar. Or worst case scenario it could be an oral tumour which is very nasty. Please get her checked out asap.
Please find a way to get some care for your poor kitty, maybe the humane society would give you some advice, or even treat him, he does need medical help in a hurry, he probably has trouble swallowing and is in pain. Please do something!!!
Oh stop the drama. He's the one that's been suffering all this time, not you. What did you get an animal for if you were not prepared or able to take care of it properly?!
GET THAT CAT TO THE VET. You should NEVER have let it go for months. Are you aware that it is his RIGHT by LAW to receive medical attention and not to do so is considered neglect?
The reason it costs so much is because it took the vet YEARS and years of studying, the vet has to make a living too and his office and personnel all have to be paid (YOU don't work for free do you?), and you do not have the qualifications or experience necessary to know what to do with a living organism. Have YOU been through college, 4 years of med school, and then internship? No, of course not. You are paying for specialized information. Or as my father used to say, "If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Do you see everyone doing it?!"
Grow up. Continue working and get that cat to the vet. If your vet won't take payments, then look for resources on the internet. Here are two: www.carecredit.com and imom.org
If you use CareCredit, your cat gets the immediate care she needs, the vet gets paid, and you can make monthly payments on a NO-interest loan.
Stop whining and get that cat into the vet NOW!! What you describe sounds very painful.
it could run you about $100 so if i was you i would get low cost animal insurance from like petsmart you could get visits for like 50 bucks your cat prob has a gum diseses and you need to get im in asap !!! the disaese could get into his blood stream so get on it please for the babies sake
like 150-50 dollars
he could have dental problems and need a dental.
take him in if you can or see if you qualify to go to the PDSA or RSPCA. I work at a vets in the west mids in uk and we charge 拢26 and treatment would be on top of that.
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