How you teach a cat to follow you and it's new name?
It is possible to 'teach' them some things, at night when we go to sleep my hsband calls the cat to come upstairs, she comes upstairs, eats and drinks a last time, and jumps onto the bed to sleep, no treats or bribes, LOL. Maybe she's just weird?
You don't really teach a cat anything, you just reward it for things it does that you like and discourage it from doing things you don't.
Call it by name when it comes to you and pet it, and it will soon respond to that name. Following depends on the cat's personality.
I thought I was clever giving my cat treats every time she responded to her name when we first got her, but now 1 year later she still looks for treats when you call her..
feed it
All right, now that I've had my laugh over the idea of teaching a cat anything, I must admit it really is possible. A dog can be taught to do what you ask because he wants to please you; a cat can be taught to do as you ask once she finds it's in her best interest to do so. Cats are cats, we're not going to change them.
When it's feeding time, call the cat by name. Shake the box or run the can opener and use the cat's name. Use the cat's name a lot when you feed her (or him,of course) or pet her or play with her. Use her name when you're doing things she likes, so she will think of things she likes when you call her. Reward prompt obedience liberally. It has to be in her best interest, or she won't come.
Some cats will follow you, some won't. Bribery may work. For some cats, though, even bribery doesn't help. They just aren't followers. If you need to teach the cat to safely walk on a leash, use a harness and lots of bribery (i.e., treats) and talk intelligently to the cat as you're walking.
Some cats will respond to their names but some of them only respond to the sound of cat food hitting their dish. My cats only answer to their names when I feed them or offer them treats or catnip. They may look at me or even meow when I say their name but they rarely bother to walk over to where I am. They do tend to want to be in the same room with me at all times and will follow me from room to room but not on command.
Frequently refer to the cat with its name and give it lots of glowing, warm attention. Don't yell at the cat using it's name--it learns not to come to you then. Some cats follow, some do not. Also, always call it by its name when you are going to feed it.
I have five 6 month old kittens. Only two will follow me. although all will run to the bedroom door when I go down the hall (long story, but it's a favored place because the door is shut during the day). Three know their name consistently. We can't really do the feeding name thing here--they just all come when we call 'kitties, kitties, kitties' in a high voice. And we want them to do that for cat checks anyway.
I have only had one cat that never learned his name. However, we think he was brain injured at birth and simply had trouble.
Cats generally follow or not, unless you train them to a leash.
If the cat already has a name, I try not to change it unless it's truly awful. But if you do want to give Kitty a new name, talk to him a lot, and use his name as often as you can.
I say my cat's names probably 100 times a day. if they look at me, i will say hello Prints or who ever is looking at me. Every time they walk into the room I say their name to them. Mine are between the ages of 1 and 6 now and all of them know their names when I say them.
Also, has your cat not trained you yet? A cat only comes, when called, when they want to. Don't worry, she will train you. And if you baby loves you a lot, every time you eat, she will follow you.
I didn't have to teach my cat to follow me, she just did it. My cat is a tortice shell tabby, she is 8 years old. She has been spayed and declawed. She has been to the Vets for an over the night stay, 2 times. When she was Spayed and Declawed. I keep her up to date with her shots. I moved to Nebraska, to live with my daughter and her cat did not like my cat, so you most likely know what happened. She had a bite on the base of her tail and one half down the tail, that became infected. Took her to the Vet and she was treated and is perfectly healthy.. To get her to come to me when I sit down, I gently pat my heart area and tell her to come. Some times I just do the patting signal and she come to me. She understands the word "come" "no" "stop" and " I love you", with this she comes and sits on my lap" I think I am fortunate to have a companion like her. WE HAVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR EACH OTHER !
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