Sunday, August 2, 2009

How to keep my 9 month old kitten quiet at night?

-he does have some anxeity problems as we got him at 4 weeks old..he was fully weaned
-he will lick our faces and paly with toys.. even somehow get up to the hangers in the closet, so I kick him out of the room at night
-my other pets sleep nicely with me or the kids.. and the poor guy is all alone in the rest of the house
-if he sits outside my room and howls, I kennel him... he still howls, but at least it is not right outside my door
-I FINALLY got him kennel trained so that he won't get so upset that he poops and smears it in there
-how to keep him quiet at night so that we can sleep with our doors open and he can not feel like an outside at night time?
Warm milk and a nice and comfy little bed should do it. But, in case that does not work, let the kitten sleep next to you. They love human heat.
keep her in your lap at night and bond with her than she will go to sleep when you do. :-)
cats are nocturnal--get used to it
I know it's tempting to give him attention, but try to ignore him. He will soon figure out that his whining isn't doing any good and that it sucks to have to sleep in his own feces.

If that's what you've been doing and he still won't stop, hopefully somone else has a better answer for you! :)
I have a similar issue with my cat.

How much stimulation does he get prior to bedtime? Keep him awake the ENTIRE time from the time you come home to the time you go to bed. He'll be exhausted and want to sleep. Close your closet doors and try to declutter your bedroom so he has nothing to play with.

As for the face-licking kitty does this at either 3:30 AM or 5:00 AM. If I roll over, she'll walk across my back and lick the other side of my face. I still haven't found a solution for this, but at least she sleeps MOST of the night.
OK how old is he now don't forget it's 6 years to our 1 is he at that age where he smells a female is he fixed no statement but the kennel thing I don't like and never will he might what the other pets (what are they) to know he wants to be incharge.Like a alfa.or he still can miss his mom I can't real give a good answer I don't know his age but if a kitten still he is home sick for mom if he formed his you know whats he wants yum yums.don't forget cats are night creatures untill they follow your habits.bring him into bed with you and train him tell him night keep him locked up he might get crazy at times then start clawing not to go back
Try putting the kennel in your room.
Remember that he's still a baby and babies don't usually sleep through the night.
Your other pets don't necessarily sleep through the night either, they have just learned to not get up until you fall asleep.
My cats are more active at night than they are during the day and I don't think that's uncommon.
Get him a very cozy cardboard box and put down some fluuffy towels on the bottom. Put him next to a heater and put a large stuffed animal cat in front of the heater. He will treat the cat like a mom. Put a clock near his little box so he can hear the ticking. It will soothe him because he will think it's his mom's heartbeat. You could also get a animal diaper at the pet store and sleep with him. Then he can get the real thing!
Cats are nocturnal (active at night) by nature. You'll need to work to 'reset' his schedule. Make sure he has plenty to keep him occupied during the day - this link has great suggestions:

Every evening, set aside some time for a good play therapy session:
Follow the play session with a nice, filling meal of a high-quality canned cat food (see for information on choosing a good canned food). That will help to mimic the natural activity of hunting and feeding, which should help him to sleep. If you don't want him in the room with you, provide him with some nice soft cat beds of his own (piles of soft towels will work well too) up on top of some furniture- cats prefer to sleep up on things to feel safer.

Make sure that you aren't unintentionally encouraging his nightime antics by getting up %26 playing with him, talking to him, petting him, feeding him, or even yelling at him - it's all attention. DO NOT open the door for him when he cries, no matter how persistent he is. Giving up %26 opening the door for him after he cries persistently (even if it's to spray him with water) just teaches him to be more persistent. Expect him to be VERY persistent about it for a while until he finally figures out it isn't getting him anywhere. To help you sleep while he's learning crying doesn't work, you can either try sleeping with some soft foam earplugs from the drugstore so you won't hear him, or set up a vacuum cleaner near your bed, where you can reach the switch from your bed, and plug it in. If he bothers you at night or starts yowling or scratching at the door, switch on the vacuum cleaner for a moment. The 'vacuum monster' coming to life should discourage him from bothering you - he should make the connection pretty quickly. If you want to let him sleep with you but don't want him to pester you while you're trying to sleep, the vacuum trick
should help for that as well.

Here's an article about excessive nocturnal activity in cats:

This link has information about the needs of an indoor cat - making sure all of his mental and physical needs are met will help to make him a better companion:

Hope this helps!

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