Sunday, August 2, 2009

How to I heal my cat's bitten Tail?

My Cat was bitten months ago .. the wound is deep and had bleed for days from opening on and off... over the healing process... i wanted to put proxide on it but feared he would get sick from licking the wound.. now it is healing but its hairs keep getting caught and when i clean the wound to free the hairs puss is now oosing.. i know this is def infected,,, what do i do? instead of the vet..
I know it seems expensive to go to a vet, however, your cat DOES need antibiotics to recover from the bite. It sounds like it's pretty bad from what you've described. Call a local vet clinic and ASK them how much it would be to treat the animal. I know that Pet Smart has free office visits on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2-4. All you will be charged for is the antibiotcs.
You should have taken him to the vet months ago.

Please take him to the vet right now.
Its free to call the just call and ask for an should put a bandage around it...but make sure it goes all the way around so that the tape won't get stuck to the hair...
THAT WAY your cat won't get sick from what you are using on her to disinfect it.
I would put iodine on it, you know the orange stuff that stains your fingers. Cats are alot tougher than you think, it wont make him sick, after all he is licking the infected puss out of his wound. We have a feral cat colony that i work with, and naturally this stuff happens all the time. It's to expensive to run a cat to the vets for a small wound like that when you have 58 of them and i have always used iodine.
So your cat has been ingesting filthy pus from an infected wound for months, introducing purulent bacteria and rancid blood serum to its gums, stomach, and intestines, and you are too cheap to take your cat to the vet to have it treated properly? There is nothing you can do at home to treat systemic infection.

My condolences to your cat.
I don't want to sound harsh but sorry but the cat needs a vet soon or it will probably loose it's tale. It's badly infected and the cats in pain by the sounds of it. The infection will probably spread also. If cash is an issue there are loads of charities that can help such as the p.d.s.a. or the cat action trust if you are in the u.k. if not then most countries have a welfare service, if you phone a vet and explain this they should hopefully be able to put you in touch with someone who can help. Dont put peroxide on it. If you must use something use some lavender oil diluted in warm water to clean it, natural antiseptic that won't harm the cat. You obviously care about the cat or you wouldn't be asking advice, but the best you can do is get it to a vet. Good luck i hope it recovers well
Instead of the vet? When a person makes the very important decision to own a pet, they are agreeing to help their pet no matter what. It's like vows in a marriage.."through sickness and health." You agreed to own this pet. Now it's your turn to TAKE CARE of your kitty. Call the vet and ask what to do. This will be a free advice phone call. If he says to take her in, take her immediately. If you had a wound that was would help yourself, wouldn't you? Your cat it totally dependent on you.and off course she's licking herself because that's what her instincts tell her is best. Help your kitty.
The best thing to do is call the vet and ask them what you could do! If they say you better just bring the cat that will be the best thing to do!
My cat got his tail caught on a nail that was in the back of a cabinet once because he liked to go in the was in the middle of the night and we heard the worst sound a cat could ever make, so we had to put him in the bathroom so he wouldn't get blood all over the house. The cut wasn't very big at all, but it bled a lot. we ended up taking him to the vet and had to get his tail amputated, then he wouldn't leave it alone so they had to amputate it again and put something over his head so that he couldn't reach the womb. now hes 13 and healthy and only has 1/2 a tail!

oh and we also had to put medicine in his food for the pain, phenobarbital. and the vet told us that hes going to have physiological problems for the rest of his cat lives
Peroxide won't make your kitty sick form just licking it. It is a great way to clean and flush out an infected wound. If you can shave the hair around it, that would be ideal, so that you can effectively clean it. Then, put neosporin on it . Do this a few times daily, as long as your kitty will allow you. hope he heals soon, it's so hard when your furry babies are hurt.

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