Sunday, August 2, 2009

How soon after a female kitten gets fixed can we give her a flea bath and put advantage on her?

She was fixed 6 days ago. She has fleas and her head if covered in black stuff, we think it might be eggs. Is it to soon to give her a bath and put advantive on her?
You need to wait till the incision has healed completly.You dont want to get flea stuff in that cut..
about 7 to 10 days (which is when the stitches should be comming out)

remember she needs to be totally dry before you put on the advantage..:)
You can put frontline on her back anytime, but just a few drops until her stitches are removed. If you use it regularly you won't need to give flea baths. I do not use advantage. Is it just the flea killer with ivermecton or pyrantal added to it? I thought cats were more sensitive to neural problems with ivermectin than dogs.

If you have a flea problem in the house, borax powder (sold in the laundry section of stores) sprinkled on the floors will kill the fleas and eggs. Just walk it in after it's sprinkled and leave it for a couple of days then vacuum. It will work for months if you put enough on the carpets. Keep some sort of topspot flea product on your pet to prevent further infestations.
First of all, shame on your vet for not giving her a medicated flea bath before surgery. That is very unsanitary and dangerous, to have an open abdominal incision when the animal is crawling with fleas!

I would discourage you from using Frontline until 14 days after the surgery (when the incision is healed over completely). I recommend getting a flea spray (like Adam's Flea and Tick), and spraying it into a hand towel. Rub her down with the towel (avoiding the abdomen) 3-4 times a day. When her incision is healed start that Frontline ASAP! And use it every month, year round, you have flea eggs in your carpet and in your furniature, and they all have to hatch and jump onto your cat before they will die.
when the sutures come out if theres no sutures wait atleast 10 days

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