Sunday, August 2, 2009

How to take care of a kitten after surgery?

my new 6mths old kitten have been in for surgery for broken bone in his back leg. They've done everything they can so now its up to the leg healing. I'd like to know if there's anything I should do to make my kitten as comfortable and as stress free during recovery as posible. It was quite a major surgery as the bone was badly broken from a very bad fall. I have bought some Bach recue remody, but is there anything else I can do. Kitty has pins in his knee to help heal the broken bones. If anyone else have a cat that went through the same proceedure your input would be much appreciated. There isn't really anything we wouldn't do to make him better. Thanks.
My Manx was hit by a car some years ago and her left hind leg was almost torn off. The bone is pinned together and she has recovered completely. You would never know, by appearance or her behavior, that it ever happened.

There are two essentials to your cat's recovery. He must rest the leg while it heals. He should be confined in a cage just large enough for the cat, a litter box, and a pillow or comfortable bed. Food and water dishes that clip onto the cage are best because they won't be getting spilled. I know the confinement sounds cruel, but it is the key to having a bad break heal properly. I put my cat's cage in the family room where she got plenty of company and attention.
Be sure that children or other pets don't get the kitten too excited. I had my children sit by the cage and read to the cat, which provided companionship and interaction without too much excitement, and allowed the children to show their concern for the cat and feel they were helping her get well.

The other important factor is pain control, which is related to the keeping the cat comfortable and resting the leg. You don't say how long ago the kitten had surgery and how long it has been home, but the vet would know if it still needed any pain medication. The repaired leg won't be painful after the first few days as long as the break area is immobilized by the pins and the cat is on cage rest.

Feliway or Composure or similar calming products may help. They are synthetic versions of the pheronomes produced in glands by the cats' whiskers. Humans can't detect them, but to cats they are associated with contentment and happiness. The products are a spray or liquid, and you can get them at pet shops and vet clinics.

Thank you for adopting the kitten and taking care of his injury. I am convinced that animals understand when they are rescued or helped, and develop a special bond with their benefactors.
Well, you should like make a bed thingy with heaps on confortable cushions, and don't try and play with it bcause it will hurt itself even more. :|
Hi kitty,

What has your vet recommended??? Keeping him quiet is a must.. no jumping especially.

Talk to the vet find out what they recommend as far as to help rebuild bone.. and get things healing as quickly as possible.. as insane as this sound... if you have a smoker in the house... do NOT smoke around the healing kitty. it has been proven that humans heal better when they more pure air to breath.. so the same would stand to reason for Kitty.

I hope your little bundle of fur heals quickly!
I had some friends go through this with a cat and I took care of the cat shortly after it's surgery for four weeks while my friends went to Germany. She had pins in her leg and all that - there were even bolts on the outside of her leg.
The cat was in love with the big sheepskin 'rug' on my bed and spent all her time laying on it and kneading it like it was her mother. I made a ramp up to the top of the bed by stapling towels to a big long 12x12 so she could get on and off the bed without jumping and jarring the leg. I kept the bedroom doors closed and her food/water/catbox close and basically just trying to keep her from moving around a lot.
Your vet is the best source for info on after care, other than that make she she has what she needs and keep her quiet while the leg heals.
Animals LOVE wool, so if you have an old wool blanket or piece of sheepskin with the fur let him use that for a bed. My animals also really enjoy being 'groomed' with a warm, well wrung out washcloth, I wrap a small piece of it around my finger and pet them with it, I think they feel like they're being licked by their parent or something.
Good luck with your kitty, he's really lucky to have you.

1 comment:

  1. please help! I have a 8 week old kitten and she was attacked by a huge cat... any way now she has stitches all over her body and I cant seem to help her get comfortable and it breaks my heart!
    Please... any advice would be appreciated!

    Kind regards,
