Sunday, August 2, 2009

How to take care of blind kittens?

this week has been hell for us.. granpa gets herpes,granma falls and fractures her leg,a city in our area get bombed..and now a cat in my mum's office had 4 kittens.2 ofthem died..:( and now the vet said that the remaning two are blind.. and one kitten's eye's were so infected that he had to remove that kitten's's so what are we supposed to do?we can't bring the kittens home coz we have 4 cats and 2 are we supposed to look after these kittens and the mother?
Where are you? You could send them to me (but not the mother!). I have 1 blind kitten, (from infection and eye herpes), 1 with herpes of the eye, and 1 with one eye, all from a litter by a very sickly feral cat. They are 7 mos old. They are with my other cats, and I have no problems with my other cats catching anything. They are all healthy.

The blind kitty gets around good, but you can't move anything around! You need toys that rattle or make noise so she can follow them. I can't let her outside with the other cats because she wanders off (so I put her in a cage outside to get her 'rays'). The one with herpes is slowly losing her sight even though I have medication from the vet.

They are more loving, because they rely on you to keep them safe. And they have no concept of danger because they can't see anything scary. You have to make sure you get them off things when they climb up until they learn, because they have no concept of distance to jump down. Mine climbs on everything and has learned how to get up and down (it took a few bumps). She even runs through the house with the other ones.

Some say I should have put them down, but they had SO much heart, that I didn't even consider it.

JUNZFOUR: didn't you read what she wrote? They took out 1 kittens eyes..they are not going to go to a kitty revival and miraculously suddenly be able to see!
you could take them home just keep them separate from the other cats and dogs til they are grown. or have someone else at the office take care of them.
Find a cat lover and make sure they go to a home full of love and attention. I am sorry to hear of your troubles but please put the kittens saftey first
So sorry to hear this but to be kind to the kittens, it is best that they go to kitty heaven. Is this for sure that they are permanently blind or just until they are 6 weeks old?? As the vet, just make that call and the vet will answer. You see, Blind cats forever, especially so young, will end up with serious injuries. But first, make sure they are not just blind because of the fact they are so young. Ask if they will get their eye sight when they are at thae approiate age to get eye sight. Please. I know it is sometimes easy to misunderstand the vet.
In my experience, blind cats do very well so long as they are permanently kept indoors and that everything in their life is very consistent. Do start them out in a small area, and when they are comfortable navigating without bumping into things and are finding the litterbox, open them up to another room. Do this until they can get around the house with no trouble. My blind boy was able to get around the house just fine, even up and down stairs. You really wouldn't have guessed that he was even blind. We had to be careful about moving any furniture though, because he would tend to bump into it. As for his quality of life, he still played, purred, eliminated properly, and generally seemed satisfied with life. Let the babies stay with Mom for quite a while, because she will teach them a lot about life, and they will be much more confident and happy once they are removed from her. But remember, FOR THE KITTIES SAFETY, they need to be placed in a home that will NEVER let them outside. Be positive, they can still be happy members of a pet household, regardless of their ability to see.
Were do you live? See if there are cat rescue groups in your city. They will take the kittens and find homes for them. If you take them home for any length of time, keep them away from all the other animals, cats included or they may kill them.
Animals can live being blind and be happy too. Cats have so many senses (whiskers, tails, better hearing to name a few) that we don't have that they can actually get around better that blind humans.
So try to find a rescue group that will take them and not kill them like the shelters do. I will help you if you are in the USA. E-mail me.
Please click on the website below to learn more about blind cats.

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