my grandma and grandpa had 4 cats. 2 of them are short hair and 2 of them had long hair. they were all sooo sweet. one of the long hair ones (named sammy) started losing so much hair. when we decided to take sammy to the vet he wasnt there. that was a month ago and i havent seen him ever since. i never got to say good bye. im not sure if hes dead kidnapped or he ranaway. i miss him so much! what should i do?
Awww I'm sorry he's missing but you never know. We had a cat missing 3 years come home, evidently someone else took her in and she got out on them to come visit, then she left again and we never saw her again but we knew but the way she looked she was someone's pet they took in. You just never know, he may come back, someone else might have seen him with the fur loss and thought maybe he was a stray and now he's their pet.
If you really need to talk, I'm a Rainbow Bridge grief counselor for pet loss, drop me a note and we can talk.
Well I dont know what to tell you. I had a cat ran away too. I dont even know if he is alive. For 8 years, on every birthday I would wish he would come home. But it didnt come true. Sometimes, cats go somewhere and hide to die. It could have died and an animal ate it.
you'll get through it. But it'll take time.
My cat, Ozwald, had started to pee in the house (instead of the litterbox which he knew was in the bathroom) so he was put outside to be a, well, outside cat, which i hated.
After a few weeks i sat outside brushing him and bonding with him. That was the last time I saw him.
He never came home.
Im still scared to death of what happened to him... But i know that even if he did die (which sadly is a huge possibility because we have lots of kitty-eating-coyotes) he went to kitty heaven and had a great, if not short (he was only 5) life.
I loved him and still love him as much as possible. All that matters is that I personally did as much for him as I could.
Good luck getting through this.
PRAY for GOD to take care of him. if you loved him he knew it. it will make you feel better if you turn him over to GOD. recall it is GOD who created him and you aren't cabable of loving him like GOD can!
I am so sorry, i know that can be difficult. But you will pull through it, even though it doesn't feel like it, you will. You can always put up posters, adds in the papers, and/ or call local animal shelters to tell them to keep an eye out for him. I am sorry to say there is not much you can do.
When I was little, our cat ran away and we figured she knew that she was going to die soon because she was pretty old. That was hard to get over, but I knew that wherever she is now, that she is safe and happy. Sometimes they will run away when they are sick, or maybe he was going back to his old home because he missed it. Just keep remembering the happy times you had with him! Good luck!
It is so sad when a pet disappears. In some ways it is worse than when they die, because you always wonder what happened to them and you keep hoping they will come back.
I had a cat who had been a stray. I tried to make him an indoor-only cat but he couldn't stand it, so I was letting him out when he wanted. He would come back in an hour or two.
One day he never came back. I looked and looked for him and put up flyers but he had vanished. That was three years ago, and every time I open the front door I hope he will be there, and I walk around the neighborhood looking for him.
It's so hard. As time goes by it will hurt less, but you will always remember Sammy.
I'm sorry your cat is missing...Someone might have taken him in thinking he was a stray since he was loosing hair and prob. looking scraggly due to loss of hair. Put up fliers around your neighborhood and your local vets.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
How well do cats heal?
My cat was attacked by 2 dogs last week. She had major surgery on her stomach and had a drain taken out yesterday. Where the drain was it is an open hole! The vet said that this was ok, but I am panicking as it looks quite big.
Is this normal and how long will it take to heal?
the cat will heal fine..
Cats seem to heal very quickly. I bet in about a week she will be feeling sooo much better! The hole is fine, give it a little for the skin to tighten back up...
Cats are made of the same stuff as us - have you ever noticed how quickly open wounds close with us? In this case, I'd trust your vet. There's a reason my cats are said to have nine lives - they're tough as old boots!
poor kitty, why did you alow this to happen to your poor cat?! you should be arrested for animal cruelty! you should have had your cat taken away from you.
it's always a good idea to have a second opinion. go see another vet to put your mind at peace.
If the vet's aware and ok with it, and your cat seems to be doing ok, considering the circumstances, I'd watch it closely for any sign of swelling or infection, but if it seems ok, to at least wait until Monday, unless she seems to be struggling - take her temperature a few times to establish a baseline, maybe; that might give you an indicator of any changes, too...
I wish you both the best of luck and a speedy recovery :)
I had a cat that was killed by a dog...and she wasn't even outside! I'm glad your kitty is alive. About 6 years ago I had a roommate who got a vicious dog and then she insisted on bringing her dog into my room after I told her no. Her dog got one look at my cat and later that evening he busted my door down to hunt the cat.
I was so pissed. I told her not to get that stupid vicious dog! I did everything in my power to help my cat but the dog made a killing bite the moment he grabbed her. The only thing I could do was run my other cat to the bathroom and then I came back to beat the dog senseless and try to get my kitty from him. That was one of the worst experiences of my life. Now I have 2 cat friendly dogs, and it's not as though I allowed that bloodthirsty dog to attack my cat, I hope I never see my old roommate ever again. As you can imagine, our association ended on REALLY bad terms as a result of her crazed new dog. I miss that cat all the time.
Yes it's normal. The drain was inserted because there will have been a big empty space ('dead space') after the surgery that would have filled up with fluid if it was not allowed to drain. This is usual with bite wounds.
Cats heal at the same rate as humans do. However they deal with pain better (not that they don't feel it as much, it's just that it slows them down less). You just need to keep this area clean (i.e. don't let the cat outside) until the drain hole has fully healed - probably about another 2 weeks
Can I just add, with sort of question it's best to pick up the phone and call the vet who has treated the animal. People talk some right rubbish on here - I might be for all you know!
Hi so sorry 4U %26 Cats. Cat's are fast healers, but like horses they heal from depth of wound up. So vets allow this. Keep it clean, open to drain, keep-Cat inside, so open wound is not picking up dirty stuff. [my cat loves horse barn %26 mice]
Speed, hinges on genenral health, some viti-tabs. Or if like mine brewers yeast wet mixed into food. 4 of my cats will chew the breawers yeast tabs I take. but I wet them to release the aroma, %26 intice. give Extra play time %26 gental grooming so they know U DO_Care. Mental health is important to any sick animal. Wash cats bedding often. I use bar towels so I can bleach em. 2-me their cat towels. My barn cat is also a swimer %26 lays in mud.
I have never had a cat have those kind of operations, but with the common surgeries (like spaying and neutering) my cats have healed very quickly. I spayed my kitten about 3 weeks ago and her hair has fully grown back over that area, and you cannot even see the scar. My male cat was neutered before I got him (like 2 weeks before) and I couldn't even see the scar! I'm sure your cat will heal quickly as well!
Good luck, and I hope your cat gets better soon!
Is this normal and how long will it take to heal?
the cat will heal fine..
Cats seem to heal very quickly. I bet in about a week she will be feeling sooo much better! The hole is fine, give it a little for the skin to tighten back up...
Cats are made of the same stuff as us - have you ever noticed how quickly open wounds close with us? In this case, I'd trust your vet. There's a reason my cats are said to have nine lives - they're tough as old boots!
poor kitty, why did you alow this to happen to your poor cat?! you should be arrested for animal cruelty! you should have had your cat taken away from you.
it's always a good idea to have a second opinion. go see another vet to put your mind at peace.
If the vet's aware and ok with it, and your cat seems to be doing ok, considering the circumstances, I'd watch it closely for any sign of swelling or infection, but if it seems ok, to at least wait until Monday, unless she seems to be struggling - take her temperature a few times to establish a baseline, maybe; that might give you an indicator of any changes, too...
I wish you both the best of luck and a speedy recovery :)
I had a cat that was killed by a dog...and she wasn't even outside! I'm glad your kitty is alive. About 6 years ago I had a roommate who got a vicious dog and then she insisted on bringing her dog into my room after I told her no. Her dog got one look at my cat and later that evening he busted my door down to hunt the cat.
I was so pissed. I told her not to get that stupid vicious dog! I did everything in my power to help my cat but the dog made a killing bite the moment he grabbed her. The only thing I could do was run my other cat to the bathroom and then I came back to beat the dog senseless and try to get my kitty from him. That was one of the worst experiences of my life. Now I have 2 cat friendly dogs, and it's not as though I allowed that bloodthirsty dog to attack my cat, I hope I never see my old roommate ever again. As you can imagine, our association ended on REALLY bad terms as a result of her crazed new dog. I miss that cat all the time.
Yes it's normal. The drain was inserted because there will have been a big empty space ('dead space') after the surgery that would have filled up with fluid if it was not allowed to drain. This is usual with bite wounds.
Cats heal at the same rate as humans do. However they deal with pain better (not that they don't feel it as much, it's just that it slows them down less). You just need to keep this area clean (i.e. don't let the cat outside) until the drain hole has fully healed - probably about another 2 weeks
Can I just add, with sort of question it's best to pick up the phone and call the vet who has treated the animal. People talk some right rubbish on here - I might be for all you know!
Hi so sorry 4U %26 Cats. Cat's are fast healers, but like horses they heal from depth of wound up. So vets allow this. Keep it clean, open to drain, keep-Cat inside, so open wound is not picking up dirty stuff. [my cat loves horse barn %26 mice]
Speed, hinges on genenral health, some viti-tabs. Or if like mine brewers yeast wet mixed into food. 4 of my cats will chew the breawers yeast tabs I take. but I wet them to release the aroma, %26 intice. give Extra play time %26 gental grooming so they know U DO_Care. Mental health is important to any sick animal. Wash cats bedding often. I use bar towels so I can bleach em. 2-me their cat towels. My barn cat is also a swimer %26 lays in mud.
I have never had a cat have those kind of operations, but with the common surgeries (like spaying and neutering) my cats have healed very quickly. I spayed my kitten about 3 weeks ago and her hair has fully grown back over that area, and you cannot even see the scar. My male cat was neutered before I got him (like 2 weeks before) and I couldn't even see the scar! I'm sure your cat will heal quickly as well!
Good luck, and I hope your cat gets better soon!
How to travel 1,000+ miles in a car with a cat?
i will be moving back to california from montana in a few monthes and i was wondering how i should go about doing that with a cat on boared?
I did this twice. From MN to GA and then from GA to OR. The first time I used sedatives -- hated it. I felt very badly for my cats because they were so out of it. The second time, no sedatives and I think things went better.
I used carriers to transport the cats to / from the car. Once in the car, I ended up letting the cats out of the carriers. This depends on the cat though -- you don't want a cat anywhere near your feet when you're driving! Mine were more calm this way. They settled on top of laundry baskets after about an hour of howling.
I put a disposable litter box in the car that they always had access to, and a bowl with just a little water in -- less to spill.
My car windows and doors were always kept firmly closed whenever the cats weren't in the carriers. Whenever I had to open a car door, the cats went into their carriers first. If I had to crack open a window, I leashed them and tied the leashes to something in the car. I *never* let the cats be loose with a car window or door open even a little bit.
Be prepared for a lot of yowling -- ear plugs might be a good idea.
Hopefully your cat is used to a leash if not -Get the kitty ready for it now and then just like when taking a dog make a stop every 3-4 hours and walk him/her and remember to take a water dish and water bottle for him!Have a safe trip and great ride!
Transport him in a cat crate, make sure water is available at all times. Above all else make sure he is well ventilated! Cars kill many pets each year by overheating!
I moved from Calif to Illinois with a cat. Prior to moving I bought him a nice sized carrier, one that has a front opening door and significant places where the cat could see out. I set up the carrier in an area he liked to sleep and put his bedding in there. So by the time we were ready to go, my cat was associating the carrier with a bed.
I placed the carrier on the back seat. When I first started I kept Mr. Kitty in the carrier with the carrier closed. When I stopped I would open the carrier door and let him use the litter box, which was set up on the floor of the back seat area. I also had a non-tip water dish and dry cat food for him. As we traveled Kitty became so used to the car that I was able to leave the carrier door open which allowed him to get to the litter box and food whenever he wanted.
I think each cat is different about car rides. Initially for this same cat I had taken him from LA to San Diego. I had him on a leash with the food, water and litter in the back seat. He freaked. He meowed all the way. He did not like being able to see out, so the carrier gave him a security place. You will need to experiment and see what your cat wants. Good luck.
Is your car air conditioned?
How many days will the trip take?
Is your cat microchipped and have a breakaway collar with rabies tags on him?
Your cat NEEDS the security and safety of a carrier -- make sure the door closes securey and the carrier is well putt together so nothing opens up accidentally. Cat carrier would be best on the passenger's seat so you can reassure cat.
Do not try to walk your cat on a leash -- most cats are NOT leash friendly -- many cats have broken away from collars and leashes and gotten lost or killed on the road.
Will you be stopping at a motel on the way (make sure ahead-of-time that it is pet-friendly). At the motel, make sure the cat does not run out the door or hide in an area where he will be hard to retrieve whe you are ready to leave.
Cat needs a large enough carrier for a litter box (fasten it to the floor of the carrier so it does not slide around.
Cat needs water and food dishes.
Car MUST be airconditioned at all times if it is hot outside (even if it is 70 degrees, the car can heat up to 100 degrees in no time at all), even if windows are open. If you leave the car with the engine running and the AC on-- many bad things can happen -- theft (goodbye cat!!!), or engine can stall and car interior will get very hot.
Feed cat sparingly so it does not throw up. But do feed it. Check to make sure cat is comfy -- no panting.
Put pee pads in carrier in case cat pukes or has pee/poopy accident. IF you really really need to open the carrier door (which I do not recommend) for any reason whatsoever, be careful the cat does not run out of the car!
Your vet MIGHT want to prescribe a safe tranquilizer you can give your cat before you put it in the carrier.
If this sounds like alot to do -- it is not -- it's just a series of One At A Time things that need to be done-- I would do the same thing if I had to move my 2 cats.
When you arrive at your new location, keep the carrier -- leave the door open -- keep the cat INDOORS and in one room so he gets used to your new place. I hope your cat is already an indoor kitty-- their lives are much safer that way. Many indoor-outdoor kitties who have moved to new homes run away becuz they are not used to their new homes.
Reassure kitty-- and enjoy your new home !!!
Hello ..a WIRE crate is best with stops of course %26 NOT forgetting the cat inside when you do stop..a car can heat up %26 kill VERY quickly, even with windows down, especially with summer may not eat well while your doing this %26 the cat will stress, they aren't much on car rides potty might not be a problem..I'd have a crate big enough to hold a small litter box, some food %26 water, when you stop for rests...but I sure wouldn't let the cat out off the crate till you reach your desination %26 it acclimates for a few days @ least in it's new home, it's gonna be freaked if not used to being in cars or leash trained, which few cats are or can be unless trained from kittenhood, you let the cat out on the way, it's gonna bolt like lightening %26 never be seen again if you don't have the time to acclimate the cat to rides !! Take Care :)
First question - how well does your cat do in the car? If not well, I highly recommend a homeopathic product called "Rescue Remedy". It was a lifesaver on my 1200+ mi move with 2 cats (1 of which hyperventilates in the car). Also, if catnip mellows your cat, get plenty! Another lifesaver for me.
You can talk to your vet about prescriptions, but I would have been required to give each of them a pill every 2 hrs. That wasn't going to happen!
I also recommend stops to let kitty out to run (on a leash) or roll in the grass. Offer him food %26 water at these stops. Don't be surprised if he doesn't eat %26 drink normally during the trip. It's as stressful for him as it is you. But once he gets acclimated to his new home, he'll be fine. Mine are happier now.
I had a disposable litter pan in the car, but they only used it once. I think they just crossed their legs for 2 days.
My cats liked to be on top of the boxes in the car so they could see out the windows. I can only imagine what other drivers thought!
Good luck in CA!
get a cage about twice the size of your cat, the cat WILL freak out, but as long as the cage doesn't open the cat will not escape, cats always freak out when they ride cars
You might want to go to this site it is about flying your cat but it also has picture tips on the bottom of the page about how to make sure you pet carrier is secure and escape proof. also you may want to buy the DryFur cat pads so if he freaks and does not use the box and has accident he will not be forced to ride soaked in urine which can create some terrible skin conditions like urine burns. Not to mention it will be a terrible mess trying to clean up while traveling.
I did this twice. From MN to GA and then from GA to OR. The first time I used sedatives -- hated it. I felt very badly for my cats because they were so out of it. The second time, no sedatives and I think things went better.
I used carriers to transport the cats to / from the car. Once in the car, I ended up letting the cats out of the carriers. This depends on the cat though -- you don't want a cat anywhere near your feet when you're driving! Mine were more calm this way. They settled on top of laundry baskets after about an hour of howling.
I put a disposable litter box in the car that they always had access to, and a bowl with just a little water in -- less to spill.
My car windows and doors were always kept firmly closed whenever the cats weren't in the carriers. Whenever I had to open a car door, the cats went into their carriers first. If I had to crack open a window, I leashed them and tied the leashes to something in the car. I *never* let the cats be loose with a car window or door open even a little bit.
Be prepared for a lot of yowling -- ear plugs might be a good idea.
Hopefully your cat is used to a leash if not -Get the kitty ready for it now and then just like when taking a dog make a stop every 3-4 hours and walk him/her and remember to take a water dish and water bottle for him!Have a safe trip and great ride!
Transport him in a cat crate, make sure water is available at all times. Above all else make sure he is well ventilated! Cars kill many pets each year by overheating!
I moved from Calif to Illinois with a cat. Prior to moving I bought him a nice sized carrier, one that has a front opening door and significant places where the cat could see out. I set up the carrier in an area he liked to sleep and put his bedding in there. So by the time we were ready to go, my cat was associating the carrier with a bed.
I placed the carrier on the back seat. When I first started I kept Mr. Kitty in the carrier with the carrier closed. When I stopped I would open the carrier door and let him use the litter box, which was set up on the floor of the back seat area. I also had a non-tip water dish and dry cat food for him. As we traveled Kitty became so used to the car that I was able to leave the carrier door open which allowed him to get to the litter box and food whenever he wanted.
I think each cat is different about car rides. Initially for this same cat I had taken him from LA to San Diego. I had him on a leash with the food, water and litter in the back seat. He freaked. He meowed all the way. He did not like being able to see out, so the carrier gave him a security place. You will need to experiment and see what your cat wants. Good luck.
Is your car air conditioned?
How many days will the trip take?
Is your cat microchipped and have a breakaway collar with rabies tags on him?
Your cat NEEDS the security and safety of a carrier -- make sure the door closes securey and the carrier is well putt together so nothing opens up accidentally. Cat carrier would be best on the passenger's seat so you can reassure cat.
Do not try to walk your cat on a leash -- most cats are NOT leash friendly -- many cats have broken away from collars and leashes and gotten lost or killed on the road.
Will you be stopping at a motel on the way (make sure ahead-of-time that it is pet-friendly). At the motel, make sure the cat does not run out the door or hide in an area where he will be hard to retrieve whe you are ready to leave.
Cat needs a large enough carrier for a litter box (fasten it to the floor of the carrier so it does not slide around.
Cat needs water and food dishes.
Car MUST be airconditioned at all times if it is hot outside (even if it is 70 degrees, the car can heat up to 100 degrees in no time at all), even if windows are open. If you leave the car with the engine running and the AC on-- many bad things can happen -- theft (goodbye cat!!!), or engine can stall and car interior will get very hot.
Feed cat sparingly so it does not throw up. But do feed it. Check to make sure cat is comfy -- no panting.
Put pee pads in carrier in case cat pukes or has pee/poopy accident. IF you really really need to open the carrier door (which I do not recommend) for any reason whatsoever, be careful the cat does not run out of the car!
Your vet MIGHT want to prescribe a safe tranquilizer you can give your cat before you put it in the carrier.
If this sounds like alot to do -- it is not -- it's just a series of One At A Time things that need to be done-- I would do the same thing if I had to move my 2 cats.
When you arrive at your new location, keep the carrier -- leave the door open -- keep the cat INDOORS and in one room so he gets used to your new place. I hope your cat is already an indoor kitty-- their lives are much safer that way. Many indoor-outdoor kitties who have moved to new homes run away becuz they are not used to their new homes.
Reassure kitty-- and enjoy your new home !!!
Hello ..a WIRE crate is best with stops of course %26 NOT forgetting the cat inside when you do stop..a car can heat up %26 kill VERY quickly, even with windows down, especially with summer may not eat well while your doing this %26 the cat will stress, they aren't much on car rides potty might not be a problem..I'd have a crate big enough to hold a small litter box, some food %26 water, when you stop for rests...but I sure wouldn't let the cat out off the crate till you reach your desination %26 it acclimates for a few days @ least in it's new home, it's gonna be freaked if not used to being in cars or leash trained, which few cats are or can be unless trained from kittenhood, you let the cat out on the way, it's gonna bolt like lightening %26 never be seen again if you don't have the time to acclimate the cat to rides !! Take Care :)
First question - how well does your cat do in the car? If not well, I highly recommend a homeopathic product called "Rescue Remedy". It was a lifesaver on my 1200+ mi move with 2 cats (1 of which hyperventilates in the car). Also, if catnip mellows your cat, get plenty! Another lifesaver for me.
You can talk to your vet about prescriptions, but I would have been required to give each of them a pill every 2 hrs. That wasn't going to happen!
I also recommend stops to let kitty out to run (on a leash) or roll in the grass. Offer him food %26 water at these stops. Don't be surprised if he doesn't eat %26 drink normally during the trip. It's as stressful for him as it is you. But once he gets acclimated to his new home, he'll be fine. Mine are happier now.
I had a disposable litter pan in the car, but they only used it once. I think they just crossed their legs for 2 days.
My cats liked to be on top of the boxes in the car so they could see out the windows. I can only imagine what other drivers thought!
Good luck in CA!
get a cage about twice the size of your cat, the cat WILL freak out, but as long as the cage doesn't open the cat will not escape, cats always freak out when they ride cars
You might want to go to this site it is about flying your cat but it also has picture tips on the bottom of the page about how to make sure you pet carrier is secure and escape proof. also you may want to buy the DryFur cat pads so if he freaks and does not use the box and has accident he will not be forced to ride soaked in urine which can create some terrible skin conditions like urine burns. Not to mention it will be a terrible mess trying to clean up while traveling.
How to tell if my kitten is pregnant?
My 7 month old kitten has been getting out of the house lately. She met a boy cat next door while she was in "heat". I'm not sure if the cat next door is neutered. I called the house and left a message but they never called back. So, theres no way for me to know. My cat has been getting heavier and I think she may be pregnet. But, Im not sure what to do. Should I take her to a vet and get her examined? Will that cost a lot, since Im not the richest person. Or, do I wait and see? Help
a vet. we can't tell either as we have never seen your cat before.
Yes, you obviously should take her to see a veterinarian because there is no way for us to tell if she's pregnant, either.
But, yes, that will cost money. The amount depends on what they do.
Your cat should have been fixed 3 months ago. She could very well be pregnant. Best bet is to schedule a spay (SOON). The vet will tell you if she's pregnant and whether or not she's too far along to spay.
If money is an issue, call your local shelter(s). Most offer low-cost or even free spays.
Getting her spayed would have cost you less than raising a bunch of kittens. You can still get her spayed now even if pregnant. Consult your veterinarian.
a vet. we can't tell either as we have never seen your cat before.
Yes, you obviously should take her to see a veterinarian because there is no way for us to tell if she's pregnant, either.
But, yes, that will cost money. The amount depends on what they do.
Your cat should have been fixed 3 months ago. She could very well be pregnant. Best bet is to schedule a spay (SOON). The vet will tell you if she's pregnant and whether or not she's too far along to spay.
If money is an issue, call your local shelter(s). Most offer low-cost or even free spays.
Getting her spayed would have cost you less than raising a bunch of kittens. You can still get her spayed now even if pregnant. Consult your veterinarian.
How to tell if my cat is in labor?
I think that my cat is in labor I am not sure she has a little blood on here foot and she is really shaky every now and then. If she is how can I comfort her.
Kittens will be falling out of her hind area is a good clue...
But seriously...
First are you sure she is pregnant?
If so,give her a sheltered, quite area to labor in.
This is very important to labor she needs to feel relaxed and safe -( in nature she would need to hide in a safe place to ensure no predators would harm her or her kittens during labor)
I would suggest someplace
Like a closet or a box in a quite room, put old towels or a blanket in the area keep little children or others animals out of the area.
When she begins labor, she will pant alot
Gently stroke her head and talk sweetly to her,
remember she may try to stand-up ,turn around in circles as the first kitten is being delivered.
She may also howl or cry out when the first kitten is born, don't worry it's ok.
After that she will pant alot
While she is delivering you can help her by supporting her hind legs...this means that you allow her to use your hand as a place to push against as she delivers the kittens.
She will clean off the sac and eat the placenta ( let her do this)
The placenta will give her alot of calories that she will need once she begins nursing the kittens so let her eat it.
Labor can last all-day
Go to this link for more info:
This shows an actual labor and delivery of kittens
*Remember to give her some Prime food after she is done with Labor. Real meat (people food) for at least the first few weeks.
Real tuna is great or lunch meats, she will need to feed these kittens and needs alot of food to keep her milk production up
Enjoy the experiance !
There are a number of signs to let you know when your queen is about to give birth.
Decreased activity
Milk discharge from the nipples
Calling as if in heat
Licking of the vaginal area
Sometimes rubbing their bellys and talking to them is very comforting and eases the stress.She needs this right now.Also make her a nice comfy clean bed where she can deliver.
When my cat had her babies she did it at night %26 I had no I idea it happened. I went to check her (because of her pregnancy) and there they were, nursing; she did the whole thing all by herself. Just keep her warm %26 give her a couple of soft clean towels to lay on. She'll want to keep the babies safe; make sure all potential little hiding places are clutter free and safe. If you don't see them for a while, don't panic. I just kept peeking to make sure everyone was ok. Since I missed the whole thing, I'm afraid I'm not much of a help!
Kittens will be falling out of her hind area is a good clue...
But seriously...
First are you sure she is pregnant?
If so,give her a sheltered, quite area to labor in.
This is very important to labor she needs to feel relaxed and safe -( in nature she would need to hide in a safe place to ensure no predators would harm her or her kittens during labor)
I would suggest someplace
Like a closet or a box in a quite room, put old towels or a blanket in the area keep little children or others animals out of the area.
When she begins labor, she will pant alot
Gently stroke her head and talk sweetly to her,
remember she may try to stand-up ,turn around in circles as the first kitten is being delivered.
She may also howl or cry out when the first kitten is born, don't worry it's ok.
After that she will pant alot
While she is delivering you can help her by supporting her hind legs...this means that you allow her to use your hand as a place to push against as she delivers the kittens.
She will clean off the sac and eat the placenta ( let her do this)
The placenta will give her alot of calories that she will need once she begins nursing the kittens so let her eat it.
Labor can last all-day
Go to this link for more info:
This shows an actual labor and delivery of kittens
*Remember to give her some Prime food after she is done with Labor. Real meat (people food) for at least the first few weeks.
Real tuna is great or lunch meats, she will need to feed these kittens and needs alot of food to keep her milk production up
Enjoy the experiance !
There are a number of signs to let you know when your queen is about to give birth.
Decreased activity
Milk discharge from the nipples
Calling as if in heat
Licking of the vaginal area
Sometimes rubbing their bellys and talking to them is very comforting and eases the stress.She needs this right now.Also make her a nice comfy clean bed where she can deliver.
When my cat had her babies she did it at night %26 I had no I idea it happened. I went to check her (because of her pregnancy) and there they were, nursing; she did the whole thing all by herself. Just keep her warm %26 give her a couple of soft clean towels to lay on. She'll want to keep the babies safe; make sure all potential little hiding places are clutter free and safe. If you don't see them for a while, don't panic. I just kept peeking to make sure everyone was ok. Since I missed the whole thing, I'm afraid I'm not much of a help!
How to tell if a cat is pregnant?
i am not sure how to tell if she is or not do you know
one clue if you try to touch her stomach does she hiss or swat at you.
It'll get big and round. That's all I know, but the pregnant doesn't last long so you'll be able to tell within a few weeks.
The cat will get real big and round in the middle. She will look like she swallowed a football. Also check to see if you can see her breasts. They become really visible when a cat is pregnant.
Her nipples will start to get longer and she will start to gain weight. A cat is pregnant for 63 days so you should start to see her tummy get bigger in a couple of weeks if she is. Feed her a good diet.The only way to tell for sure is to take the cat to the vet. Good Luck
Biggest clue: The irresponsible owner didn't get her spayed, and then let her be around male cats. Sounds like I might be describing you if you are asking this question. Get her spayed!
one clue if you try to touch her stomach does she hiss or swat at you.
It'll get big and round. That's all I know, but the pregnant doesn't last long so you'll be able to tell within a few weeks.
The cat will get real big and round in the middle. She will look like she swallowed a football. Also check to see if you can see her breasts. They become really visible when a cat is pregnant.
Her nipples will start to get longer and she will start to gain weight. A cat is pregnant for 63 days so you should start to see her tummy get bigger in a couple of weeks if she is. Feed her a good diet.The only way to tell for sure is to take the cat to the vet. Good Luck
Biggest clue: The irresponsible owner didn't get her spayed, and then let her be around male cats. Sounds like I might be describing you if you are asking this question. Get her spayed!
How to teach a cat?
How you teach a cat to follow you and it's new name?
It is possible to 'teach' them some things, at night when we go to sleep my hsband calls the cat to come upstairs, she comes upstairs, eats and drinks a last time, and jumps onto the bed to sleep, no treats or bribes, LOL. Maybe she's just weird?
You don't really teach a cat anything, you just reward it for things it does that you like and discourage it from doing things you don't.
Call it by name when it comes to you and pet it, and it will soon respond to that name. Following depends on the cat's personality.
I thought I was clever giving my cat treats every time she responded to her name when we first got her, but now 1 year later she still looks for treats when you call her..
feed it
All right, now that I've had my laugh over the idea of teaching a cat anything, I must admit it really is possible. A dog can be taught to do what you ask because he wants to please you; a cat can be taught to do as you ask once she finds it's in her best interest to do so. Cats are cats, we're not going to change them.
When it's feeding time, call the cat by name. Shake the box or run the can opener and use the cat's name. Use the cat's name a lot when you feed her (or him,of course) or pet her or play with her. Use her name when you're doing things she likes, so she will think of things she likes when you call her. Reward prompt obedience liberally. It has to be in her best interest, or she won't come.
Some cats will follow you, some won't. Bribery may work. For some cats, though, even bribery doesn't help. They just aren't followers. If you need to teach the cat to safely walk on a leash, use a harness and lots of bribery (i.e., treats) and talk intelligently to the cat as you're walking.
Some cats will respond to their names but some of them only respond to the sound of cat food hitting their dish. My cats only answer to their names when I feed them or offer them treats or catnip. They may look at me or even meow when I say their name but they rarely bother to walk over to where I am. They do tend to want to be in the same room with me at all times and will follow me from room to room but not on command.
Frequently refer to the cat with its name and give it lots of glowing, warm attention. Don't yell at the cat using it's name--it learns not to come to you then. Some cats follow, some do not. Also, always call it by its name when you are going to feed it.
I have five 6 month old kittens. Only two will follow me. although all will run to the bedroom door when I go down the hall (long story, but it's a favored place because the door is shut during the day). Three know their name consistently. We can't really do the feeding name thing here--they just all come when we call 'kitties, kitties, kitties' in a high voice. And we want them to do that for cat checks anyway.
I have only had one cat that never learned his name. However, we think he was brain injured at birth and simply had trouble.
Cats generally follow or not, unless you train them to a leash.
If the cat already has a name, I try not to change it unless it's truly awful. But if you do want to give Kitty a new name, talk to him a lot, and use his name as often as you can.
I say my cat's names probably 100 times a day. if they look at me, i will say hello Prints or who ever is looking at me. Every time they walk into the room I say their name to them. Mine are between the ages of 1 and 6 now and all of them know their names when I say them.
Also, has your cat not trained you yet? A cat only comes, when called, when they want to. Don't worry, she will train you. And if you baby loves you a lot, every time you eat, she will follow you.
I didn't have to teach my cat to follow me, she just did it. My cat is a tortice shell tabby, she is 8 years old. She has been spayed and declawed. She has been to the Vets for an over the night stay, 2 times. When she was Spayed and Declawed. I keep her up to date with her shots. I moved to Nebraska, to live with my daughter and her cat did not like my cat, so you most likely know what happened. She had a bite on the base of her tail and one half down the tail, that became infected. Took her to the Vet and she was treated and is perfectly healthy.. To get her to come to me when I sit down, I gently pat my heart area and tell her to come. Some times I just do the patting signal and she come to me. She understands the word "come" "no" "stop" and " I love you", with this she comes and sits on my lap" I think I am fortunate to have a companion like her. WE HAVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR EACH OTHER !
It is possible to 'teach' them some things, at night when we go to sleep my hsband calls the cat to come upstairs, she comes upstairs, eats and drinks a last time, and jumps onto the bed to sleep, no treats or bribes, LOL. Maybe she's just weird?
You don't really teach a cat anything, you just reward it for things it does that you like and discourage it from doing things you don't.
Call it by name when it comes to you and pet it, and it will soon respond to that name. Following depends on the cat's personality.
I thought I was clever giving my cat treats every time she responded to her name when we first got her, but now 1 year later she still looks for treats when you call her..
feed it
All right, now that I've had my laugh over the idea of teaching a cat anything, I must admit it really is possible. A dog can be taught to do what you ask because he wants to please you; a cat can be taught to do as you ask once she finds it's in her best interest to do so. Cats are cats, we're not going to change them.
When it's feeding time, call the cat by name. Shake the box or run the can opener and use the cat's name. Use the cat's name a lot when you feed her (or him,of course) or pet her or play with her. Use her name when you're doing things she likes, so she will think of things she likes when you call her. Reward prompt obedience liberally. It has to be in her best interest, or she won't come.
Some cats will follow you, some won't. Bribery may work. For some cats, though, even bribery doesn't help. They just aren't followers. If you need to teach the cat to safely walk on a leash, use a harness and lots of bribery (i.e., treats) and talk intelligently to the cat as you're walking.
Some cats will respond to their names but some of them only respond to the sound of cat food hitting their dish. My cats only answer to their names when I feed them or offer them treats or catnip. They may look at me or even meow when I say their name but they rarely bother to walk over to where I am. They do tend to want to be in the same room with me at all times and will follow me from room to room but not on command.
Frequently refer to the cat with its name and give it lots of glowing, warm attention. Don't yell at the cat using it's name--it learns not to come to you then. Some cats follow, some do not. Also, always call it by its name when you are going to feed it.
I have five 6 month old kittens. Only two will follow me. although all will run to the bedroom door when I go down the hall (long story, but it's a favored place because the door is shut during the day). Three know their name consistently. We can't really do the feeding name thing here--they just all come when we call 'kitties, kitties, kitties' in a high voice. And we want them to do that for cat checks anyway.
I have only had one cat that never learned his name. However, we think he was brain injured at birth and simply had trouble.
Cats generally follow or not, unless you train them to a leash.
If the cat already has a name, I try not to change it unless it's truly awful. But if you do want to give Kitty a new name, talk to him a lot, and use his name as often as you can.
I say my cat's names probably 100 times a day. if they look at me, i will say hello Prints or who ever is looking at me. Every time they walk into the room I say their name to them. Mine are between the ages of 1 and 6 now and all of them know their names when I say them.
Also, has your cat not trained you yet? A cat only comes, when called, when they want to. Don't worry, she will train you. And if you baby loves you a lot, every time you eat, she will follow you.
I didn't have to teach my cat to follow me, she just did it. My cat is a tortice shell tabby, she is 8 years old. She has been spayed and declawed. She has been to the Vets for an over the night stay, 2 times. When she was Spayed and Declawed. I keep her up to date with her shots. I moved to Nebraska, to live with my daughter and her cat did not like my cat, so you most likely know what happened. She had a bite on the base of her tail and one half down the tail, that became infected. Took her to the Vet and she was treated and is perfectly healthy.. To get her to come to me when I sit down, I gently pat my heart area and tell her to come. Some times I just do the patting signal and she come to me. She understands the word "come" "no" "stop" and " I love you", with this she comes and sits on my lap" I think I am fortunate to have a companion like her. WE HAVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR EACH OTHER !
How to take care of blind kittens?
this week has been hell for us.. granpa gets herpes,granma falls and fractures her leg,a city in our area get bombed..and now a cat in my mum's office had 4 kittens.2 ofthem died..:( and now the vet said that the remaning two are blind.. and one kitten's eye's were so infected that he had to remove that kitten's's so what are we supposed to do?we can't bring the kittens home coz we have 4 cats and 2 are we supposed to look after these kittens and the mother?
Where are you? You could send them to me (but not the mother!). I have 1 blind kitten, (from infection and eye herpes), 1 with herpes of the eye, and 1 with one eye, all from a litter by a very sickly feral cat. They are 7 mos old. They are with my other cats, and I have no problems with my other cats catching anything. They are all healthy.
The blind kitty gets around good, but you can't move anything around! You need toys that rattle or make noise so she can follow them. I can't let her outside with the other cats because she wanders off (so I put her in a cage outside to get her 'rays'). The one with herpes is slowly losing her sight even though I have medication from the vet.
They are more loving, because they rely on you to keep them safe. And they have no concept of danger because they can't see anything scary. You have to make sure you get them off things when they climb up until they learn, because they have no concept of distance to jump down. Mine climbs on everything and has learned how to get up and down (it took a few bumps). She even runs through the house with the other ones.
Some say I should have put them down, but they had SO much heart, that I didn't even consider it.
JUNZFOUR: didn't you read what she wrote? They took out 1 kittens eyes..they are not going to go to a kitty revival and miraculously suddenly be able to see!
you could take them home just keep them separate from the other cats and dogs til they are grown. or have someone else at the office take care of them.
Find a cat lover and make sure they go to a home full of love and attention. I am sorry to hear of your troubles but please put the kittens saftey first
So sorry to hear this but to be kind to the kittens, it is best that they go to kitty heaven. Is this for sure that they are permanently blind or just until they are 6 weeks old?? As the vet, just make that call and the vet will answer. You see, Blind cats forever, especially so young, will end up with serious injuries. But first, make sure they are not just blind because of the fact they are so young. Ask if they will get their eye sight when they are at thae approiate age to get eye sight. Please. I know it is sometimes easy to misunderstand the vet.
In my experience, blind cats do very well so long as they are permanently kept indoors and that everything in their life is very consistent. Do start them out in a small area, and when they are comfortable navigating without bumping into things and are finding the litterbox, open them up to another room. Do this until they can get around the house with no trouble. My blind boy was able to get around the house just fine, even up and down stairs. You really wouldn't have guessed that he was even blind. We had to be careful about moving any furniture though, because he would tend to bump into it. As for his quality of life, he still played, purred, eliminated properly, and generally seemed satisfied with life. Let the babies stay with Mom for quite a while, because she will teach them a lot about life, and they will be much more confident and happy once they are removed from her. But remember, FOR THE KITTIES SAFETY, they need to be placed in a home that will NEVER let them outside. Be positive, they can still be happy members of a pet household, regardless of their ability to see.
Were do you live? See if there are cat rescue groups in your city. They will take the kittens and find homes for them. If you take them home for any length of time, keep them away from all the other animals, cats included or they may kill them.
Animals can live being blind and be happy too. Cats have so many senses (whiskers, tails, better hearing to name a few) that we don't have that they can actually get around better that blind humans.
So try to find a rescue group that will take them and not kill them like the shelters do. I will help you if you are in the USA. E-mail me.
Please click on the website below to learn more about blind cats.
Where are you? You could send them to me (but not the mother!). I have 1 blind kitten, (from infection and eye herpes), 1 with herpes of the eye, and 1 with one eye, all from a litter by a very sickly feral cat. They are 7 mos old. They are with my other cats, and I have no problems with my other cats catching anything. They are all healthy.
The blind kitty gets around good, but you can't move anything around! You need toys that rattle or make noise so she can follow them. I can't let her outside with the other cats because she wanders off (so I put her in a cage outside to get her 'rays'). The one with herpes is slowly losing her sight even though I have medication from the vet.
They are more loving, because they rely on you to keep them safe. And they have no concept of danger because they can't see anything scary. You have to make sure you get them off things when they climb up until they learn, because they have no concept of distance to jump down. Mine climbs on everything and has learned how to get up and down (it took a few bumps). She even runs through the house with the other ones.
Some say I should have put them down, but they had SO much heart, that I didn't even consider it.
JUNZFOUR: didn't you read what she wrote? They took out 1 kittens eyes..they are not going to go to a kitty revival and miraculously suddenly be able to see!
you could take them home just keep them separate from the other cats and dogs til they are grown. or have someone else at the office take care of them.
Find a cat lover and make sure they go to a home full of love and attention. I am sorry to hear of your troubles but please put the kittens saftey first
So sorry to hear this but to be kind to the kittens, it is best that they go to kitty heaven. Is this for sure that they are permanently blind or just until they are 6 weeks old?? As the vet, just make that call and the vet will answer. You see, Blind cats forever, especially so young, will end up with serious injuries. But first, make sure they are not just blind because of the fact they are so young. Ask if they will get their eye sight when they are at thae approiate age to get eye sight. Please. I know it is sometimes easy to misunderstand the vet.
In my experience, blind cats do very well so long as they are permanently kept indoors and that everything in their life is very consistent. Do start them out in a small area, and when they are comfortable navigating without bumping into things and are finding the litterbox, open them up to another room. Do this until they can get around the house with no trouble. My blind boy was able to get around the house just fine, even up and down stairs. You really wouldn't have guessed that he was even blind. We had to be careful about moving any furniture though, because he would tend to bump into it. As for his quality of life, he still played, purred, eliminated properly, and generally seemed satisfied with life. Let the babies stay with Mom for quite a while, because she will teach them a lot about life, and they will be much more confident and happy once they are removed from her. But remember, FOR THE KITTIES SAFETY, they need to be placed in a home that will NEVER let them outside. Be positive, they can still be happy members of a pet household, regardless of their ability to see.
Were do you live? See if there are cat rescue groups in your city. They will take the kittens and find homes for them. If you take them home for any length of time, keep them away from all the other animals, cats included or they may kill them.
Animals can live being blind and be happy too. Cats have so many senses (whiskers, tails, better hearing to name a few) that we don't have that they can actually get around better that blind humans.
So try to find a rescue group that will take them and not kill them like the shelters do. I will help you if you are in the USA. E-mail me.
Please click on the website below to learn more about blind cats.
How to take care of a kitten after surgery?
my new 6mths old kitten have been in for surgery for broken bone in his back leg. They've done everything they can so now its up to the leg healing. I'd like to know if there's anything I should do to make my kitten as comfortable and as stress free during recovery as posible. It was quite a major surgery as the bone was badly broken from a very bad fall. I have bought some Bach recue remody, but is there anything else I can do. Kitty has pins in his knee to help heal the broken bones. If anyone else have a cat that went through the same proceedure your input would be much appreciated. There isn't really anything we wouldn't do to make him better. Thanks.
My Manx was hit by a car some years ago and her left hind leg was almost torn off. The bone is pinned together and she has recovered completely. You would never know, by appearance or her behavior, that it ever happened.
There are two essentials to your cat's recovery. He must rest the leg while it heals. He should be confined in a cage just large enough for the cat, a litter box, and a pillow or comfortable bed. Food and water dishes that clip onto the cage are best because they won't be getting spilled. I know the confinement sounds cruel, but it is the key to having a bad break heal properly. I put my cat's cage in the family room where she got plenty of company and attention.
Be sure that children or other pets don't get the kitten too excited. I had my children sit by the cage and read to the cat, which provided companionship and interaction without too much excitement, and allowed the children to show their concern for the cat and feel they were helping her get well.
The other important factor is pain control, which is related to the keeping the cat comfortable and resting the leg. You don't say how long ago the kitten had surgery and how long it has been home, but the vet would know if it still needed any pain medication. The repaired leg won't be painful after the first few days as long as the break area is immobilized by the pins and the cat is on cage rest.
Feliway or Composure or similar calming products may help. They are synthetic versions of the pheronomes produced in glands by the cats' whiskers. Humans can't detect them, but to cats they are associated with contentment and happiness. The products are a spray or liquid, and you can get them at pet shops and vet clinics.
Thank you for adopting the kitten and taking care of his injury. I am convinced that animals understand when they are rescued or helped, and develop a special bond with their benefactors.
Well, you should like make a bed thingy with heaps on confortable cushions, and don't try and play with it bcause it will hurt itself even more. :|
Hi kitty,
What has your vet recommended??? Keeping him quiet is a must.. no jumping especially.
Talk to the vet find out what they recommend as far as to help rebuild bone.. and get things healing as quickly as possible.. as insane as this sound... if you have a smoker in the house... do NOT smoke around the healing kitty. it has been proven that humans heal better when they more pure air to breath.. so the same would stand to reason for Kitty.
I hope your little bundle of fur heals quickly!
I had some friends go through this with a cat and I took care of the cat shortly after it's surgery for four weeks while my friends went to Germany. She had pins in her leg and all that - there were even bolts on the outside of her leg.
The cat was in love with the big sheepskin 'rug' on my bed and spent all her time laying on it and kneading it like it was her mother. I made a ramp up to the top of the bed by stapling towels to a big long 12x12 so she could get on and off the bed without jumping and jarring the leg. I kept the bedroom doors closed and her food/water/catbox close and basically just trying to keep her from moving around a lot.
Your vet is the best source for info on after care, other than that make she she has what she needs and keep her quiet while the leg heals.
Animals LOVE wool, so if you have an old wool blanket or piece of sheepskin with the fur let him use that for a bed. My animals also really enjoy being 'groomed' with a warm, well wrung out washcloth, I wrap a small piece of it around my finger and pet them with it, I think they feel like they're being licked by their parent or something.
Good luck with your kitty, he's really lucky to have you.
My Manx was hit by a car some years ago and her left hind leg was almost torn off. The bone is pinned together and she has recovered completely. You would never know, by appearance or her behavior, that it ever happened.
There are two essentials to your cat's recovery. He must rest the leg while it heals. He should be confined in a cage just large enough for the cat, a litter box, and a pillow or comfortable bed. Food and water dishes that clip onto the cage are best because they won't be getting spilled. I know the confinement sounds cruel, but it is the key to having a bad break heal properly. I put my cat's cage in the family room where she got plenty of company and attention.
Be sure that children or other pets don't get the kitten too excited. I had my children sit by the cage and read to the cat, which provided companionship and interaction without too much excitement, and allowed the children to show their concern for the cat and feel they were helping her get well.
The other important factor is pain control, which is related to the keeping the cat comfortable and resting the leg. You don't say how long ago the kitten had surgery and how long it has been home, but the vet would know if it still needed any pain medication. The repaired leg won't be painful after the first few days as long as the break area is immobilized by the pins and the cat is on cage rest.
Feliway or Composure or similar calming products may help. They are synthetic versions of the pheronomes produced in glands by the cats' whiskers. Humans can't detect them, but to cats they are associated with contentment and happiness. The products are a spray or liquid, and you can get them at pet shops and vet clinics.
Thank you for adopting the kitten and taking care of his injury. I am convinced that animals understand when they are rescued or helped, and develop a special bond with their benefactors.
Well, you should like make a bed thingy with heaps on confortable cushions, and don't try and play with it bcause it will hurt itself even more. :|
Hi kitty,
What has your vet recommended??? Keeping him quiet is a must.. no jumping especially.
Talk to the vet find out what they recommend as far as to help rebuild bone.. and get things healing as quickly as possible.. as insane as this sound... if you have a smoker in the house... do NOT smoke around the healing kitty. it has been proven that humans heal better when they more pure air to breath.. so the same would stand to reason for Kitty.
I hope your little bundle of fur heals quickly!
I had some friends go through this with a cat and I took care of the cat shortly after it's surgery for four weeks while my friends went to Germany. She had pins in her leg and all that - there were even bolts on the outside of her leg.
The cat was in love with the big sheepskin 'rug' on my bed and spent all her time laying on it and kneading it like it was her mother. I made a ramp up to the top of the bed by stapling towels to a big long 12x12 so she could get on and off the bed without jumping and jarring the leg. I kept the bedroom doors closed and her food/water/catbox close and basically just trying to keep her from moving around a lot.
Your vet is the best source for info on after care, other than that make she she has what she needs and keep her quiet while the leg heals.
Animals LOVE wool, so if you have an old wool blanket or piece of sheepskin with the fur let him use that for a bed. My animals also really enjoy being 'groomed' with a warm, well wrung out washcloth, I wrap a small piece of it around my finger and pet them with it, I think they feel like they're being licked by their parent or something.
Good luck with your kitty, he's really lucky to have you.
How to stop sphyco cats?
I have 4 cats, a mom, dad, kitten, and elder female who is fixed. the mom, and dad fight with the elder everytime they see eachother. the eldest cat lives in my room now, and i am not shure how to brake this up. Mom had 3 kittens two are gone, and it has not gotten any better. ANY ideas would appreciated.
I have a psycho cat too she would beat up all of our cats we decided to try something new we let them fight because we thought it was a dominance or territory think we let them fight then one of our kittens got big enough and kicked her butt she has been lovable ever since
Some cats are more aggressive by nature than others. Depending what other cats live near yours, there might be happy harmony all the time or the dreaded scenario of regular cat fights.
What can you do if you spot a cat fight to break it up, as it were?
The first thing to note is to try not to get right up close and in the middle of the fight. Two methods that work are:
1) using the cats dislike of water to your advantage - spray the most aggressive cat with water
2) to split up the cats use a large stick or other large piece of food, and place between the cats to physically separate them
Finally, remember to be careful and to ready to move out of the way if necessary - if a cat darts off, and there is also a danger that a cat might shift their attack to you if they are a particularly confident and aggressive cat, so be careful.
first get everyone else fixed it will aide in calming them.squirt bottle work best keeps u from getting nasty scratches...ot bites...which need to bee seen by a dr. cat bite andreally nasty scratches get infected easy. any way squriting the attackers should work...loud noise to spook them off the elder. food i'm not sure would be good it could make a whole new problem i would think. and if they got along before kittens then this would most likely be the cause.
Do what the 1st 2 people said.
There's an entire section about Cat Aggression on Here's a quick link to that section:
I have a psycho cat too she would beat up all of our cats we decided to try something new we let them fight because we thought it was a dominance or territory think we let them fight then one of our kittens got big enough and kicked her butt she has been lovable ever since
Some cats are more aggressive by nature than others. Depending what other cats live near yours, there might be happy harmony all the time or the dreaded scenario of regular cat fights.
What can you do if you spot a cat fight to break it up, as it were?
The first thing to note is to try not to get right up close and in the middle of the fight. Two methods that work are:
1) using the cats dislike of water to your advantage - spray the most aggressive cat with water
2) to split up the cats use a large stick or other large piece of food, and place between the cats to physically separate them
Finally, remember to be careful and to ready to move out of the way if necessary - if a cat darts off, and there is also a danger that a cat might shift their attack to you if they are a particularly confident and aggressive cat, so be careful.
first get everyone else fixed it will aide in calming them.squirt bottle work best keeps u from getting nasty scratches...ot bites...which need to bee seen by a dr. cat bite andreally nasty scratches get infected easy. any way squriting the attackers should work...loud noise to spook them off the elder. food i'm not sure would be good it could make a whole new problem i would think. and if they got along before kittens then this would most likely be the cause.
Do what the 1st 2 people said.
There's an entire section about Cat Aggression on Here's a quick link to that section:
How to stop neighbours cat from urinating on my front door?
I have 2 spayed female cats who never go outside. I've noticed the very strong odour of cat urine at my front door and today noticed it on the outside of the front door in 2 different spots. I don't know whose cat is doing it so can't confront the owner. I cleaned it off but can still see the streaks on the door. Male cat urine is just a disgusting foul odour. Is there something I can use that will keep him away?
There are commercial products to repel cats. Look at (i think that's right). Also, you'll need to find an enzyme spray to actually 'eat away' the biological product (the urine).
He's just claiming his territory and knows you have two cats inside, spayed or not, he knows that they're there. Borrow a humane trap from your local humane society and trap him, then he'll be taken off the streets and away from his mindless owner.
Get some moth balls---and scatter them where the cats are "going".
heh heh heh i heard putting some ground up acetamincin not aspirin on some cat food fish food works. dont know for sure i havent tried it
Try this I hope it works. Sounds like a nasty problem to have.
Get a car battery and a peice of wire mesh, put wire mesh in front of screen door so it is not touching anything exept the wires to the battery. I bet that cat will pee on your door only one more time..
put lemon juice on the spot where the cat is urinating at and it should make him stop..
A dog would probably keep him away.
Okay set up some elaborate trap
After killing said kitten, tell your neighbour that curiousity does indeed kill cats
Orange peels are a cheap and Eco-friendly way of keeping cats from peeing where you don't want them to go. This is gross but my Dads cats used to pee on the bed and orange peels prevented them form doing it again!
There are commercial products to repel cats. Look at (i think that's right). Also, you'll need to find an enzyme spray to actually 'eat away' the biological product (the urine).
He's just claiming his territory and knows you have two cats inside, spayed or not, he knows that they're there. Borrow a humane trap from your local humane society and trap him, then he'll be taken off the streets and away from his mindless owner.
Get some moth balls---and scatter them where the cats are "going".
heh heh heh i heard putting some ground up acetamincin not aspirin on some cat food fish food works. dont know for sure i havent tried it
Try this I hope it works. Sounds like a nasty problem to have.
Get a car battery and a peice of wire mesh, put wire mesh in front of screen door so it is not touching anything exept the wires to the battery. I bet that cat will pee on your door only one more time..
put lemon juice on the spot where the cat is urinating at and it should make him stop..
A dog would probably keep him away.
Okay set up some elaborate trap
After killing said kitten, tell your neighbour that curiousity does indeed kill cats
Orange peels are a cheap and Eco-friendly way of keeping cats from peeing where you don't want them to go. This is gross but my Dads cats used to pee on the bed and orange peels prevented them form doing it again!
How to stop cats from shredding furniture?
You have to supply them something that they like to scratch on. Basically cats scratch furniture because it is solid and doesn't move around. Any cat scratching post you buy must be equally unmovable or the cats won't use it. They can be picky about what type of surface it has too, so it might take a while to find one that your cat likes.
Also scratching can be a way of marking territory. If you have more than one cat and they are "rivals" the scratching is a result of their desire to be the dominate cat in the household. There is a spray that has pheromones in it that is supposed to work, making the cats think that the furniture has already been marked. Also there is some sticky double sided sheets you can buy to put on the edges of your furniture. Cats don't like sticky stuff.
see if they like a house in the garden?
sometimes brushing her helps with shedding if she will let you
Get him a claw shredder. They come in all shapes and sizes and help keep the claws down. If you spray with catnip spray, it makes it doubly interesting. They sell them at Walmart o Target. Look by the cat toys and food for some furniture look alikes
Buy him some variety of scratching post and cover it with catnip.
Good question. Give them the carpet covered, climbing stand/ can find them cheap at Walmart..Declawing is cruel and I know cats who were declawed and they no longer shredder furniture but they began to bite their people. Also put plenty of toys out , too. So far, that has worked for my cats.
when you see the cat doing this spray the cat with water.
I used this method for my cats and it works.
also make sure that you have plenty of scratching posts available.
Get your cat a scratching post and put it near where they scratch the most
I had the same problem with one of my cats...and then we discovered one day that he absolutely loves scratching cardboard and prefers it over anything else. Now we always keep a box out just for him...we have to sweep up the cardboard bits off the floor every couple days but it's better than him ruining our furniture!
Why don't you try that? It's a cheap and easy solution. Who knows, maybe our cat isn't the only crazy one in this world. :P
If that doesn't work you can always buy a scratching post. Try to find one covered in material similar to that of your furniture, or your pet may not go for it. Spray the post with cat nip spray will encourage them further. Be sure to spray the post out the the view of the cat, or they might be terrified of it.
Finally, whenever you catch your cat scratching the furniture, spray them once with a spray water bottle...they'll get the hint eventually. You can buy sticky stuff to put on the sides of your couch but I would highly recommend the spray bottle method over that. Ifr you spray your cat whenever he's behaving in a way that he or she shouldn't, they'll eventually learn not behave that way and you will no longer have a need for the spray bottle. Using sticky sheets teaches the cat nothing, if you remove them they'll simply go back to their old you plan on keeping the product there for the entire cats life?
When it scratches, pick up kitty and palce on scratchpost - again and again and again. When you put them there pet them so they start kneading. They eventually get it.
Spraying citrus sprays on where they scratch also works.
Putting the post where they scratch is also another plan.
Water squirting works a charm.
Covering what you can with tinfoil (perhaps pin it to the furniture until they learn to avoid it) or double-sided tape is another plan.
Putting catnip or valerian on the scratch post is a miracle.
You can also try using softpaws.
Whatever you do, don't take the lazy way and declaw the poor thing, these alternatives, they actually do work.
How to stop cats from eating rodents?
Our cat keeps eating mice and getting worms. Had him dewormed but keeps on eating them.
Unless you're able to contain the cat indoors, where there (hopefully) isn't any mice available to kill/eat, then you cannot expect the cat to stop doing what is a natural instinct to them.
That's what cats do. Stock up on wormer and be thankful it's doing its job!
It's natural for cats to do, it's what cats do to keep the ecology balanced. Keep worming them.
Keep him inside.
kill the cat, just kidding, it's doing it's job, let it be what it is, a cat.
Keep the cat inside and away from rodents.
It is the nature of the cat and rodent relationship. Why would you want to stop it? Is your cat fixed so he/she won't want to go outside so much? Stock up on good treats and de-wormer, and be glad you have a good cat!
Well, first of all, you can't really stop a cat from eating rodents because its part of a cat's natural instinct. You can't expect a cat to stop what it was made to do. But, about eating mice, do you have a mouse problem? Are you feeding him enough? If you have a mouse problem then your cat is trying to help you, don't try to stop him. (unless you like mice)
One way though that you can try to stop your cat from eating too many rodents is to keep him inside for most of the time.
And, about the getting worms part, all cats get worms at least a few times during their lives. Just keep worming him. Getting worms is not really a purposeful thing.
My husband and I's cats aren't allowed to eat mice either. Only because I don't want to wake up to little guts all over the house and the people who previously owned our home, and our neighbors use a lot of mouse poisoning and I don't want my cats getting sick. What I do to make sure they don't eat them is, first off, my cats are only indoor cats, I feed them as much as they want, they are on full feed and I keep tons of mouse traps out, the decon ones where the mouse goes in and you don't see them and its an easy mess to clean up. We haven't had a problem with mice at all and the cats wont eat them.
attach a couple of bells to his collar, make sure they are very noisy and they sound with every move the cat makes. That might help and it's a simple solution. You should also get rid of the mice, YUCK! but be careful, can't poison rats without poisoning cats, you should probably send kitty on a trip or seclude him until you get rid of all the infestation.
i dont think you can, if your worried about worms, there are tablets out there.. other wise its in your cats nature to eat mice.. good luck
Unless you're able to contain the cat indoors, where there (hopefully) isn't any mice available to kill/eat, then you cannot expect the cat to stop doing what is a natural instinct to them.
That's what cats do. Stock up on wormer and be thankful it's doing its job!
It's natural for cats to do, it's what cats do to keep the ecology balanced. Keep worming them.
Keep him inside.
kill the cat, just kidding, it's doing it's job, let it be what it is, a cat.
Keep the cat inside and away from rodents.
It is the nature of the cat and rodent relationship. Why would you want to stop it? Is your cat fixed so he/she won't want to go outside so much? Stock up on good treats and de-wormer, and be glad you have a good cat!
Well, first of all, you can't really stop a cat from eating rodents because its part of a cat's natural instinct. You can't expect a cat to stop what it was made to do. But, about eating mice, do you have a mouse problem? Are you feeding him enough? If you have a mouse problem then your cat is trying to help you, don't try to stop him. (unless you like mice)
One way though that you can try to stop your cat from eating too many rodents is to keep him inside for most of the time.
And, about the getting worms part, all cats get worms at least a few times during their lives. Just keep worming him. Getting worms is not really a purposeful thing.
My husband and I's cats aren't allowed to eat mice either. Only because I don't want to wake up to little guts all over the house and the people who previously owned our home, and our neighbors use a lot of mouse poisoning and I don't want my cats getting sick. What I do to make sure they don't eat them is, first off, my cats are only indoor cats, I feed them as much as they want, they are on full feed and I keep tons of mouse traps out, the decon ones where the mouse goes in and you don't see them and its an easy mess to clean up. We haven't had a problem with mice at all and the cats wont eat them.
attach a couple of bells to his collar, make sure they are very noisy and they sound with every move the cat makes. That might help and it's a simple solution. You should also get rid of the mice, YUCK! but be careful, can't poison rats without poisoning cats, you should probably send kitty on a trip or seclude him until you get rid of all the infestation.
i dont think you can, if your worried about worms, there are tablets out there.. other wise its in your cats nature to eat mice.. good luck
How to stop cat from scratching people?
Try clipping it's claws, or have it declawed.
if she is an inside cat then i would get him/her declawed..if not then you would have to train her to obey the word no..soo when she does scratch someone pop her gently and say no..reapeat that step and then a couple weeks later she should understand
First ... you must have a water
second. use the water to shower the cat...
then the cat will run
ok well while clipping his/her nails is a great idea, there are some really handy products you can use. they are coverslips you put on the cat they come in many colors including clear. basically all you do is slip them over there claws they last about a month a set. you can get them at most petSmarts. they work very well and you dont have to spend large quanities of money on declaw and you can save you and your pet alot of stress.
Declaw them or use the glue on nail covers that you can get at
First, people should never use their fingers to play with kittens or cats. Second, clip the cat's claws. If the cat continues to scratch, then hold it down and say "NO". This is a dominance type behavior and might work. I think you'll be able to solve this fairly easily without resorting to de-clawing. Use a kitty tease to play with your cat, but don't try to pet when the cat's all excited about playing. That's an invitation for trouble.
Throw it out of the window.
Do NOT DECLAW! The cat may suffer the rest of it's life, if done improperly it is crippling, even if done properly the feet may remain sore for many years. Observe WHEN the cat scratches..does cat become excited during play and scratch? Sometimes one of mine will reach out and touch me when I walk by and I will bleed, I try to avoid passing close to him (he wants my attention). If they are kneading when being petted, I pickup the paw gently and hold the paw to disrupt behavior. When cat plays too rough with his claws he is put on floor and will not receive attention for next few minutes. You can clip the tips of the nails so they are no as sharp, you can the glue on plastic claw covers. Some say they have great success with the claw covers.
hold your cat down and say NO when he/she scratches, if not, declae it's claw
How to stop cat from littering my garden?
My neighbour cats always come over to my back garden to do his business. How to stop them from using my back garden as their toilet?
Moth balls or grated orange peel. Spread through out garden without touching plants. Cats hate the smell of both. You will probably have to put it out several times for the habit to break. Cats love soft dirt, it is so much easier on the paws. Also, cat poo is good fertilizer. lol
**** man, i guess you can, **** dude this is TUFFF!
I gues sthey have like furniture spray for that **** man, look for stronger stuff, for outdoors.
and they make bear spray, so go to a hunting surplus store, they make sprays strong enough to stop a charging grizzly, im serious
how big are those cats?
Shoot it
Shoot them with your waterhose if you're there. If not, fill a glass jar with water (mayo jar will do) and put it where the cats do their business.
The cats see their reflections, get scared and scram. They're 'fraidy cats, that's why.
If it were me, I'd drop back 10 yards and punt !! I hate cats, so I'm a little biased towards my answer.LOL
why not just call the spca and have them set a trap in your yard to remove the cat. its free
talk to your neighbor, he should keep better control of his cat and not let it off their property. tell him that if you find his cat in your yard again you are calling animal control on him.
Moth balls or grated orange peel. Spread through out garden without touching plants. Cats hate the smell of both. You will probably have to put it out several times for the habit to break. Cats love soft dirt, it is so much easier on the paws. Also, cat poo is good fertilizer. lol
**** man, i guess you can, **** dude this is TUFFF!
I gues sthey have like furniture spray for that **** man, look for stronger stuff, for outdoors.
and they make bear spray, so go to a hunting surplus store, they make sprays strong enough to stop a charging grizzly, im serious
how big are those cats?
Shoot it
Shoot them with your waterhose if you're there. If not, fill a glass jar with water (mayo jar will do) and put it where the cats do their business.
The cats see their reflections, get scared and scram. They're 'fraidy cats, that's why.
If it were me, I'd drop back 10 yards and punt !! I hate cats, so I'm a little biased towards my answer.LOL
why not just call the spca and have them set a trap in your yard to remove the cat. its free
talk to your neighbor, he should keep better control of his cat and not let it off their property. tell him that if you find his cat in your yard again you are calling animal control on him.
How to spay a cat?
Veterinarians are legally licensed (like medical doctors) to perform such surgeries.
Basically call the local veterinarians in your area and set up an appointment to have an ovariohysterectomy (the medical term for spaying) performed.
If you're just curious as to how your veterinarian will perform this procedure and you're not easily offended:
Please note that I offer this link as an educational resource.
NEVER EVER try to self medicate, diagnose, or provide a prognosis for an animal on your own.
Call your vet, he can describe it to you. If you know how a hysterectomy works, it's pretty much the same.
Spend about $40-80k over 8 years of college to become a vet.
Take it to the vet.
take the 20-40 dollar plunge and get a professional to do it
This is an operation done by a qualified veterinarian. Take the cat to one and they will do it. Problem solved.
How to prevent food agression in kittens?
Is it even normal? I mean I've heard dogs that have it, but what about 1.5 month old kittens? I've got a single kitten living with her mom, and she has started eating solids. She has developed this vicious attitude towards her food. If I move my hand close to her, she strats growling menacingly and slashing at my hand, and when i hand feed her she attacks my hand (and the food). The thing is basically psycho, and I'd like her to stop. I've considered stroking her while she eats, although that seems to set her off even more, but thought it might cease after a while, so does anyone have anything?
I've had to deal with this once before myself and the vet mentioned to me at the time that it isn't completely out of the norm for a kitten to do this.
I know this sounds mean (and please keep in mind the kitten isn't hurt by this), but when getting the kitten's food ready pick her up just before you setting the food bowl down. After setting the food down walk out of the kitchen while still holding her. Stroll around your home, walk to the windows, go to the bedroom, whatever -- just continue to carry her no matter how fussy or pushy she gets in wanting to get to the food.
After four-or-five minutes go back to the kitchen and sit on the floor in front of the food with her in your lap. Keep her there for another three minutes no matter how aggressive she behaves. You may even have to hold her by the scruff and tap her nose while saying "no" in a firm voice.
If she is behaving well and settled, then let her go to the food.
Do this several times when feeding her. The next step will be to pick her up while eating, walk to another room, and set her down. It doesn't matter what she does at this point -- even if that is running back to the dish.
While this behavior happens it is NOT acceptable. Hope this helps. -- Andy
IDK anything about food agression so I hope someone else can help you. But, it seems like you should leave the kittie alone when it is eating. definitely dont pet it while it is eating, the nicest kitties dont like that.
It depends what he or she's been eating. Solids are not really good for cats because sometimes it contains a bad chemical. That is probably why your cat is acting up like that. Try and not let her eat those kinds of stuff. Cats are trying to get rid of it but they have anger trying to ease the pain.
Rather give the kitten space and solitary treatment, it should calm down, it's probably used to having to fight others for feeding, this should pass.
I've had to deal with this once before myself and the vet mentioned to me at the time that it isn't completely out of the norm for a kitten to do this.
I know this sounds mean (and please keep in mind the kitten isn't hurt by this), but when getting the kitten's food ready pick her up just before you setting the food bowl down. After setting the food down walk out of the kitchen while still holding her. Stroll around your home, walk to the windows, go to the bedroom, whatever -- just continue to carry her no matter how fussy or pushy she gets in wanting to get to the food.
After four-or-five minutes go back to the kitchen and sit on the floor in front of the food with her in your lap. Keep her there for another three minutes no matter how aggressive she behaves. You may even have to hold her by the scruff and tap her nose while saying "no" in a firm voice.
If she is behaving well and settled, then let her go to the food.
Do this several times when feeding her. The next step will be to pick her up while eating, walk to another room, and set her down. It doesn't matter what she does at this point -- even if that is running back to the dish.
While this behavior happens it is NOT acceptable. Hope this helps. -- Andy
IDK anything about food agression so I hope someone else can help you. But, it seems like you should leave the kittie alone when it is eating. definitely dont pet it while it is eating, the nicest kitties dont like that.
It depends what he or she's been eating. Solids are not really good for cats because sometimes it contains a bad chemical. That is probably why your cat is acting up like that. Try and not let her eat those kinds of stuff. Cats are trying to get rid of it but they have anger trying to ease the pain.
Rather give the kitten space and solitary treatment, it should calm down, it's probably used to having to fight others for feeding, this should pass.
How to look after a week old kitten?
I found one two days ago, I'm taking care of it and it seems to be ok so far, but I am worried that I'll do something wrong.. I found quite a lot of information about looking after little kittens on the internet, but I would appreciate your advice - what to do and what to avoid. Thanks in advance...
Bottle feed her for several weeks - you can buy kitty formula. You have to feed her several times a day, and they don't eat much. Leave small bowls of water around where she can easily get it. Make sure you change it each day and keep it clean.
Give her a box or something to sleep in that you line with lots of towels, sheets, blankets so she can curl up and snuggle in and get warm. I raised one who was about 2 1/2 weeks and we had to bottle feed her for a good 4 weeks. When it comes time to wean her off the bottle, start with wet food, not dry. Hold her a lot. After their eyes open, they start wanting to play. Mine really liked chasing things on the floor. Of course, they tire quickly and don't play long!
Good luck!
I guess you are feeding it kitten formula. I would just make sure that you keep her warm, and massage her gently to replace the absence of the mother who would be always licking the kitten. You're a good person. Good luck with her.
Rescues are loaded with momma cats. FInd one to take it and let a momma cat nurse it.
Bottle feed her, No food until around 5 weeks :]
Bottle feed her for several weeks - you can buy kitty formula. You have to feed her several times a day, and they don't eat much. Leave small bowls of water around where she can easily get it. Make sure you change it each day and keep it clean.
Give her a box or something to sleep in that you line with lots of towels, sheets, blankets so she can curl up and snuggle in and get warm. I raised one who was about 2 1/2 weeks and we had to bottle feed her for a good 4 weeks. When it comes time to wean her off the bottle, start with wet food, not dry. Hold her a lot. After their eyes open, they start wanting to play. Mine really liked chasing things on the floor. Of course, they tire quickly and don't play long!
Good luck!
I guess you are feeding it kitten formula. I would just make sure that you keep her warm, and massage her gently to replace the absence of the mother who would be always licking the kitten. You're a good person. Good luck with her.
Rescues are loaded with momma cats. FInd one to take it and let a momma cat nurse it.
Bottle feed her, No food until around 5 weeks :]
How to keep my kitties in their own yard!?
I have 2 indoor kittens, 7 months old. They go outside in the backyard under supervision only. I have been trying to find something that I could put out that might keep them from leaving the yard, as I am afraid they may escape one day. Anybody aware of anything? Scents, sounds... ?
It's a very risky business letting cats out if they aren't supposed to have freedom outside the yard, but a friend of mine who does feral cat rescue uses a kittie fence topper. If you scroll down in this sheet you'll see some instructions for making it:
Here's a cat fence topper source:
Get a lawn sprayer with full-strngth lemon juice or orange juice in it and spray it around the perimeter of the yard.
Cats hate the smell of citrus, so they won't approach the boundary you've set.
You'll have to respray frequently.
Boundary庐 Indoor/Outdoor Cat Repellent from Lambert can spray it on areas out doors where you do not want the kittens to go to.I have also seen gates you put together and it makes a small fanced in play yard for pets.since they are small they might not be able to get out but of course as they get older they might try to jump out of my best idea is go to and check out the stuff called boundary.that might do the trick and good luck.
May I make a suggestion. Keep them inside all the time.
By going outside , there's always the risk of them running away. And there's always fleas.
Everyone in our block had a flea invasion 2 years ago. The exterminator said the cause was groundhogs. They have fleas, they leave their little friends behind, and if another animal walks in the area, bang!
Our cats usually lasted 15 to 17 years.
It's a very risky business letting cats out if they aren't supposed to have freedom outside the yard, but a friend of mine who does feral cat rescue uses a kittie fence topper. If you scroll down in this sheet you'll see some instructions for making it:
Here's a cat fence topper source:
Get a lawn sprayer with full-strngth lemon juice or orange juice in it and spray it around the perimeter of the yard.
Cats hate the smell of citrus, so they won't approach the boundary you've set.
You'll have to respray frequently.
Boundary庐 Indoor/Outdoor Cat Repellent from Lambert can spray it on areas out doors where you do not want the kittens to go to.I have also seen gates you put together and it makes a small fanced in play yard for pets.since they are small they might not be able to get out but of course as they get older they might try to jump out of my best idea is go to and check out the stuff called boundary.that might do the trick and good luck.
May I make a suggestion. Keep them inside all the time.
By going outside , there's always the risk of them running away. And there's always fleas.
Everyone in our block had a flea invasion 2 years ago. The exterminator said the cause was groundhogs. They have fleas, they leave their little friends behind, and if another animal walks in the area, bang!
Our cats usually lasted 15 to 17 years.
How to keep my 9 month old kitten quiet at night?
-he does have some anxeity problems as we got him at 4 weeks old..he was fully weaned
-he will lick our faces and paly with toys.. even somehow get up to the hangers in the closet, so I kick him out of the room at night
-my other pets sleep nicely with me or the kids.. and the poor guy is all alone in the rest of the house
-if he sits outside my room and howls, I kennel him... he still howls, but at least it is not right outside my door
-I FINALLY got him kennel trained so that he won't get so upset that he poops and smears it in there
-how to keep him quiet at night so that we can sleep with our doors open and he can not feel like an outside at night time?
Warm milk and a nice and comfy little bed should do it. But, in case that does not work, let the kitten sleep next to you. They love human heat.
keep her in your lap at night and bond with her than she will go to sleep when you do. :-)
cats are nocturnal--get used to it
I know it's tempting to give him attention, but try to ignore him. He will soon figure out that his whining isn't doing any good and that it sucks to have to sleep in his own feces.
If that's what you've been doing and he still won't stop, hopefully somone else has a better answer for you! :)
I have a similar issue with my cat.
How much stimulation does he get prior to bedtime? Keep him awake the ENTIRE time from the time you come home to the time you go to bed. He'll be exhausted and want to sleep. Close your closet doors and try to declutter your bedroom so he has nothing to play with.
As for the face-licking kitty does this at either 3:30 AM or 5:00 AM. If I roll over, she'll walk across my back and lick the other side of my face. I still haven't found a solution for this, but at least she sleeps MOST of the night.
OK how old is he now don't forget it's 6 years to our 1 is he at that age where he smells a female is he fixed no statement but the kennel thing I don't like and never will he might what the other pets (what are they) to know he wants to be incharge.Like a alfa.or he still can miss his mom I can't real give a good answer I don't know his age but if a kitten still he is home sick for mom if he formed his you know whats he wants yum yums.don't forget cats are night creatures untill they follow your habits.bring him into bed with you and train him tell him night keep him locked up he might get crazy at times then start clawing not to go back
Try putting the kennel in your room.
Remember that he's still a baby and babies don't usually sleep through the night.
Your other pets don't necessarily sleep through the night either, they have just learned to not get up until you fall asleep.
My cats are more active at night than they are during the day and I don't think that's uncommon.
Get him a very cozy cardboard box and put down some fluuffy towels on the bottom. Put him next to a heater and put a large stuffed animal cat in front of the heater. He will treat the cat like a mom. Put a clock near his little box so he can hear the ticking. It will soothe him because he will think it's his mom's heartbeat. You could also get a animal diaper at the pet store and sleep with him. Then he can get the real thing!
Cats are nocturnal (active at night) by nature. You'll need to work to 'reset' his schedule. Make sure he has plenty to keep him occupied during the day - this link has great suggestions:
Every evening, set aside some time for a good play therapy session:
Follow the play session with a nice, filling meal of a high-quality canned cat food (see for information on choosing a good canned food). That will help to mimic the natural activity of hunting and feeding, which should help him to sleep. If you don't want him in the room with you, provide him with some nice soft cat beds of his own (piles of soft towels will work well too) up on top of some furniture- cats prefer to sleep up on things to feel safer.
Make sure that you aren't unintentionally encouraging his nightime antics by getting up %26 playing with him, talking to him, petting him, feeding him, or even yelling at him - it's all attention. DO NOT open the door for him when he cries, no matter how persistent he is. Giving up %26 opening the door for him after he cries persistently (even if it's to spray him with water) just teaches him to be more persistent. Expect him to be VERY persistent about it for a while until he finally figures out it isn't getting him anywhere. To help you sleep while he's learning crying doesn't work, you can either try sleeping with some soft foam earplugs from the drugstore so you won't hear him, or set up a vacuum cleaner near your bed, where you can reach the switch from your bed, and plug it in. If he bothers you at night or starts yowling or scratching at the door, switch on the vacuum cleaner for a moment. The 'vacuum monster' coming to life should discourage him from bothering you - he should make the connection pretty quickly. If you want to let him sleep with you but don't want him to pester you while you're trying to sleep, the vacuum trick
should help for that as well.
Here's an article about excessive nocturnal activity in cats:
This link has information about the needs of an indoor cat - making sure all of his mental and physical needs are met will help to make him a better companion:
Hope this helps!
-he will lick our faces and paly with toys.. even somehow get up to the hangers in the closet, so I kick him out of the room at night
-my other pets sleep nicely with me or the kids.. and the poor guy is all alone in the rest of the house
-if he sits outside my room and howls, I kennel him... he still howls, but at least it is not right outside my door
-I FINALLY got him kennel trained so that he won't get so upset that he poops and smears it in there
-how to keep him quiet at night so that we can sleep with our doors open and he can not feel like an outside at night time?
Warm milk and a nice and comfy little bed should do it. But, in case that does not work, let the kitten sleep next to you. They love human heat.
keep her in your lap at night and bond with her than she will go to sleep when you do. :-)
cats are nocturnal--get used to it
I know it's tempting to give him attention, but try to ignore him. He will soon figure out that his whining isn't doing any good and that it sucks to have to sleep in his own feces.
If that's what you've been doing and he still won't stop, hopefully somone else has a better answer for you! :)
I have a similar issue with my cat.
How much stimulation does he get prior to bedtime? Keep him awake the ENTIRE time from the time you come home to the time you go to bed. He'll be exhausted and want to sleep. Close your closet doors and try to declutter your bedroom so he has nothing to play with.
As for the face-licking kitty does this at either 3:30 AM or 5:00 AM. If I roll over, she'll walk across my back and lick the other side of my face. I still haven't found a solution for this, but at least she sleeps MOST of the night.
OK how old is he now don't forget it's 6 years to our 1 is he at that age where he smells a female is he fixed no statement but the kennel thing I don't like and never will he might what the other pets (what are they) to know he wants to be incharge.Like a alfa.or he still can miss his mom I can't real give a good answer I don't know his age but if a kitten still he is home sick for mom if he formed his you know whats he wants yum yums.don't forget cats are night creatures untill they follow your habits.bring him into bed with you and train him tell him night keep him locked up he might get crazy at times then start clawing not to go back
Try putting the kennel in your room.
Remember that he's still a baby and babies don't usually sleep through the night.
Your other pets don't necessarily sleep through the night either, they have just learned to not get up until you fall asleep.
My cats are more active at night than they are during the day and I don't think that's uncommon.
Get him a very cozy cardboard box and put down some fluuffy towels on the bottom. Put him next to a heater and put a large stuffed animal cat in front of the heater. He will treat the cat like a mom. Put a clock near his little box so he can hear the ticking. It will soothe him because he will think it's his mom's heartbeat. You could also get a animal diaper at the pet store and sleep with him. Then he can get the real thing!
Cats are nocturnal (active at night) by nature. You'll need to work to 'reset' his schedule. Make sure he has plenty to keep him occupied during the day - this link has great suggestions:
Every evening, set aside some time for a good play therapy session:
Follow the play session with a nice, filling meal of a high-quality canned cat food (see for information on choosing a good canned food). That will help to mimic the natural activity of hunting and feeding, which should help him to sleep. If you don't want him in the room with you, provide him with some nice soft cat beds of his own (piles of soft towels will work well too) up on top of some furniture- cats prefer to sleep up on things to feel safer.
Make sure that you aren't unintentionally encouraging his nightime antics by getting up %26 playing with him, talking to him, petting him, feeding him, or even yelling at him - it's all attention. DO NOT open the door for him when he cries, no matter how persistent he is. Giving up %26 opening the door for him after he cries persistently (even if it's to spray him with water) just teaches him to be more persistent. Expect him to be VERY persistent about it for a while until he finally figures out it isn't getting him anywhere. To help you sleep while he's learning crying doesn't work, you can either try sleeping with some soft foam earplugs from the drugstore so you won't hear him, or set up a vacuum cleaner near your bed, where you can reach the switch from your bed, and plug it in. If he bothers you at night or starts yowling or scratching at the door, switch on the vacuum cleaner for a moment. The 'vacuum monster' coming to life should discourage him from bothering you - he should make the connection pretty quickly. If you want to let him sleep with you but don't want him to pester you while you're trying to sleep, the vacuum trick
should help for that as well.
Here's an article about excessive nocturnal activity in cats:
This link has information about the needs of an indoor cat - making sure all of his mental and physical needs are met will help to make him a better companion:
Hope this helps!
How to keep cat from bitting?
My cat is only 6months old(today actually) I know he is just play fighting and bitting but it sometimes seems serious. He will latch on to your arm with all his strength and sink his teeth in. I have talked to the vet and she isnt concerned. Its hard to describe. I think sometimes its play and sometimes its vicious. I dont know what to do. He gets this look on his face when he is gonna attack. Even when your not playing he will just come at you and bite you. But, he is a lover when he wants to be. I'm confused.
i thought i was the only one with this problem but mine is 7 months old and i was wondering the same thing...he will lay on my shoulder for a long time and then get down and then he will claw me and bite me like to tell me it is time to play... here i am with battle scars and worried my cat is weird and someone else is going through the same thing
Speak SHARPLY and just let him know You're not playing right now. My Stimpy gets all frisky and forgets herself now and then. Luck from Brian%26Stimpy
Its the age. Just draw a limit all the time with him. Do not let him bite at any time, even if you are playing. If he does tap on nose shout "no" and end the play. Also try a toy (cat nip) that he can get angry on, let him bite that toy, or any other toy he has. My ferret had the same problem. It took about 3 days to get under control, just continue with it all the time so they do not get confused.
I had this problem with my cat when he was a baby and now its a BIG problem. So big that he has to stay in my bedroom at all times, away from other family members and cats. its very sad!!
What we SHOULD have done to preven thtis problem is talk to our vet sooner. When my almost two year old cat was a kitten, he used to bite while playing as well. The vet said that when he does this that we need to stop playing and say "no!" in a firm voice. The fact that we stop playing immediately after the cat bites will upset the cat becuase kittens want to play! If you do this every time, the behavior will become less likley to occur. At the same time, make sure your kitten has plenty of little toys (my cat used to be content with just an empty toilet paper roll!!) so that he has some kind of chew toy.
Our problem was that my mother thought it was cute when he she let him do it!!
Get a water gun. It's humane and the kitten will get the point. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Kittens play like that but sometimes the bites can be more serious then play biting. What I do is when they bite me even if just playing i will holler out OUCH don't bite and then I put them down and ignore them for a few minutes. Sometimes that will work. Sometmes if it gets out of hand just get a water gun or squirt bottle. They hate the water and eventually they get the point. And also it will get to the point where all you will have to do is point the gun or bottle at them and they will be like don't suirt me!! I wat no part of that!! hehehe really it is effective and humane.
THis will sound wierd but I have a cat shelter and have discovered something about play biting. When he bites you, in a high pitched voice say YOW! that is the sound that kittens make when they are playing and one gets too rough. Your kitten may stop biting you all together or bite gentler. It won't work if they are biting because they are mad and doesn't work on claws, just play biting. It may take several Yows to get him to quit. It is how cats communicate. You will actually be speaking "cat" and will be telling him that he is hurting you. Give it a try and see if it works.
Got to love the kitten stage- They make great gloves to play with your cat or ferret or etc. We used it and we still use it when ours get to rough- but some animals need that excitement - its like us when we get to caught up in things we get carried away too.
Good luck
i thought i was the only one with this problem but mine is 7 months old and i was wondering the same thing...he will lay on my shoulder for a long time and then get down and then he will claw me and bite me like to tell me it is time to play... here i am with battle scars and worried my cat is weird and someone else is going through the same thing
Speak SHARPLY and just let him know You're not playing right now. My Stimpy gets all frisky and forgets herself now and then. Luck from Brian%26Stimpy
Its the age. Just draw a limit all the time with him. Do not let him bite at any time, even if you are playing. If he does tap on nose shout "no" and end the play. Also try a toy (cat nip) that he can get angry on, let him bite that toy, or any other toy he has. My ferret had the same problem. It took about 3 days to get under control, just continue with it all the time so they do not get confused.
I had this problem with my cat when he was a baby and now its a BIG problem. So big that he has to stay in my bedroom at all times, away from other family members and cats. its very sad!!
What we SHOULD have done to preven thtis problem is talk to our vet sooner. When my almost two year old cat was a kitten, he used to bite while playing as well. The vet said that when he does this that we need to stop playing and say "no!" in a firm voice. The fact that we stop playing immediately after the cat bites will upset the cat becuase kittens want to play! If you do this every time, the behavior will become less likley to occur. At the same time, make sure your kitten has plenty of little toys (my cat used to be content with just an empty toilet paper roll!!) so that he has some kind of chew toy.
Our problem was that my mother thought it was cute when he she let him do it!!
Get a water gun. It's humane and the kitten will get the point. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Kittens play like that but sometimes the bites can be more serious then play biting. What I do is when they bite me even if just playing i will holler out OUCH don't bite and then I put them down and ignore them for a few minutes. Sometimes that will work. Sometmes if it gets out of hand just get a water gun or squirt bottle. They hate the water and eventually they get the point. And also it will get to the point where all you will have to do is point the gun or bottle at them and they will be like don't suirt me!! I wat no part of that!! hehehe really it is effective and humane.
THis will sound wierd but I have a cat shelter and have discovered something about play biting. When he bites you, in a high pitched voice say YOW! that is the sound that kittens make when they are playing and one gets too rough. Your kitten may stop biting you all together or bite gentler. It won't work if they are biting because they are mad and doesn't work on claws, just play biting. It may take several Yows to get him to quit. It is how cats communicate. You will actually be speaking "cat" and will be telling him that he is hurting you. Give it a try and see if it works.
Got to love the kitten stage- They make great gloves to play with your cat or ferret or etc. We used it and we still use it when ours get to rough- but some animals need that excitement - its like us when we get to caught up in things we get carried away too.
Good luck
How to I STOP feeding stray cats?
In January I started feeding a couple of stray cats. I live in a rural area in the country. Much to my dismay, those couple of cats turned into 12. One of the main reasons I was feeding them was because of the snow on the ground - hard to find food, I imagined. Now, I know that 2 of them are pregnant and I can't imagine feeding all of my current strays along with all of the kittens! It's spring and I've gotten out my porch furniture, which is always covered in cat hair! My screen door is torn to shreds! And I think that it being nicer weather, they should be able to fend for themselves. I鈥檝e stopped feeding them, but they are still at my back door whenever I鈥檓 home. It breaks my heart, but I don鈥檛 have the finances to get them spayed/neutered, and there aren鈥檛 free services available in my area. Will they ever stop coming around looking for food? FYI 鈥?there are 6 kittens (probably 6-7 months old) and 6 full-growns. HELP!
Try posting ads on or in your local paper if it's free/cheap. Maybe others will be willing to help take them in so they are both fed and get regular veterinary care.
I'm sorry, I wish I had more advice, I feel for you!
Oh, if they're wild/feral you really need to call animal control. You're right, at that point they can't become domesticated. *sniffle*
maybe you can put them up for adoption, advertise on craigslist, newspaper, petfinder, freecycle, etc things like that
Once you have fed a cat it's hard to get rid of them. But it will happen with time. See if you can find a cat rescue and call around to see if there is anyone that might want to trap, spay/neuter and release.
Spray bitter apple on the furniture and on the screen door. Try only leaving a single bowl out. When enough of them find that there isn't enough food, they will leave, but you may be left with just few.
besides poison I'd say buy a great dane and pracitice saying "git da kitty"
I would take the cats into the Humane Society or something. Cats are creatures of habbit and once they learn, they will never forget. Poor kitties...
stop feeding the out side only pick one cat and feed it in side. that,s what we do.
Well, if you cant make yourself stop call the animal controll people, they can catch them and "fix" them (spay or neuter) and pass that expense along to whoever adopts them..other than that.. I dont know..just dont feed them..if they know you will they wont even TRY to go find food..Really, they should be put up for adoption. Try that out.
You can rent cat traps. Once the kittens are born and old enough take them and find them homes. Then catch the older ones and take them to get spayed or neutered. If there are still too many find them some homes. You are doing a good thing but they multiply and quickly too!
that is the worst thing to do is to feed a stray cat!!! Well if I were you IU would stop buying the cat food!! And if that didn't work I would lock myself in the house so I couldn't go outside and feed the stray cat!! That's all I have to say that will help you srry!!!
Open up a chinese restaurant?
Oh that's so bad.. Am I evil?
Um.. and then you can feed them chinese food!
whew.. redeemed !
They will not stop coming back because they know the you have fed them in the past. I would have recommended taking them to a vet hospital that does it for free but you already said that there were none in your area. I've had stray cats at my house since I can remember and no matter if we feed them regularly or just sometimes they always come back because they know that they can get food easily from you.
my only advice would be to put up a sign issuing free kittens to a good home..look up your local vets and tell them your situation, ask them about cutting you a deal on a bulk amount of cat spays/neuters (until that is done they will keep coming), also, you could bring them to the SPCA.we have 4 cats and they were strays.its hard to stop. i know i couldn't..if you just cant because you feel bad, you could buy a Giant bag of cat food and slowly feed them that. I agree they will be able to fend for themselves easier now that warmer weather is here.GOOD LUCK!
stop feeding them
call the animal control center
get a dog
I think you have opened a can of worms, here. You may be in "too deep" to do anything about it now. You know what they say: "people don't train cats, cats train people", and it sounds as if this is what has happened to you. If you ignore them long enough, maybe they will finally go away. But that could take awhile, and I know it's heartbreaking to seem them at your door like that.
This is hard to do...I can't walk away. However, I was told that by feeding them I was only making the problem worse. I called the animal control, and they put up traps to catch the cats. The traps did not hurt them, but lured them in to food and the door shut behind them. All of those cats were taken to the animal shelter, were fixed and put up for adoption.It is hard to do...but it is probably your only option.
I wish people would spay and neuter their pets to help alleviate this kind of problem.
The kindest thing to do would be to take the kittens indoors, away from their parents once they are eating regular food. Then try to find homes for them or take them to a shelter. Do some Internet research and see if there is an organization that helps with TNR (trap, neuter, return) in your area. If you can get them neutered and returned, they should defend the territory and not allow other animals to come to your home. Do not do this unless you are willing to keep caring for them, and do not feed them unless you are willing to TNR them. Some organizations offer very low cost or free neutering/spaying if you are doing this with feral cats and also offer assistance with trapping. They may also help you find foster homes for the babies. Really, as soon as possible, take the babies in and try to get them used to being handled so they can be pets. If you're not able to put in some effort, simply stop feeding them. I know it's so hard and breaks your heart to do (it would break mine). Search on the Internet for Feral Friends and Alleycat Allies as a starting point. Please take care of these babies if you can!
ask your parents if you coud keep them or ask a friend if they want one.well you could sell them to your family (BUT NOT TO STRANGERS)
i dont really have an answer for you, but its very sweet of you to feed unwanted stray animals, especially if they are wild. you have a good heart %26lt;3
I know it's heartbreaking but you do need to call and have them picked up! The bitter apple spray is GREAT to work on them getting off your porch, btw.
You can't undo what you've started but I'm sure you know by now not to do it again.
If you call in the Humane Society they WILL get put to sleep. IMHO -- and advertise them as barn cats. They are probably filled with disease and if someone comes over and gets hurt - even though they are wild, you are responsible
Good luck!!
When you put the food out gradually put less and less out, this way they will look for other food sources as well as coming to you.
When you stop feeding them maybe you could go out or on holiday so they aren't there to beg you.
Maybe you could try and rehome the kittens whilst they are still young otherwise the group might inbreed creating deformed babies.
I know that it hurts when you cant feed them all the time cuz you think that they willl suffer with out your help. They wont curl up and die some where cuz you stoped feeding them. They will learn to find food for them selves of find some one who is willing to feed them. Another option is that you can set some humane traps and take the cats into the humane society. They will tthen spay and nuter the cats. All of them. Most of them will get adopetd. I have worked with a farell cat like the ones you mentioned and even that one got adopted. Good luck!
Try posting ads on or in your local paper if it's free/cheap. Maybe others will be willing to help take them in so they are both fed and get regular veterinary care.
I'm sorry, I wish I had more advice, I feel for you!
Oh, if they're wild/feral you really need to call animal control. You're right, at that point they can't become domesticated. *sniffle*
maybe you can put them up for adoption, advertise on craigslist, newspaper, petfinder, freecycle, etc things like that
Once you have fed a cat it's hard to get rid of them. But it will happen with time. See if you can find a cat rescue and call around to see if there is anyone that might want to trap, spay/neuter and release.
Spray bitter apple on the furniture and on the screen door. Try only leaving a single bowl out. When enough of them find that there isn't enough food, they will leave, but you may be left with just few.
besides poison I'd say buy a great dane and pracitice saying "git da kitty"
I would take the cats into the Humane Society or something. Cats are creatures of habbit and once they learn, they will never forget. Poor kitties...
stop feeding the out side only pick one cat and feed it in side. that,s what we do.
Well, if you cant make yourself stop call the animal controll people, they can catch them and "fix" them (spay or neuter) and pass that expense along to whoever adopts them..other than that.. I dont know..just dont feed them..if they know you will they wont even TRY to go find food..Really, they should be put up for adoption. Try that out.
You can rent cat traps. Once the kittens are born and old enough take them and find them homes. Then catch the older ones and take them to get spayed or neutered. If there are still too many find them some homes. You are doing a good thing but they multiply and quickly too!
that is the worst thing to do is to feed a stray cat!!! Well if I were you IU would stop buying the cat food!! And if that didn't work I would lock myself in the house so I couldn't go outside and feed the stray cat!! That's all I have to say that will help you srry!!!
Open up a chinese restaurant?
Oh that's so bad.. Am I evil?
Um.. and then you can feed them chinese food!
whew.. redeemed !
They will not stop coming back because they know the you have fed them in the past. I would have recommended taking them to a vet hospital that does it for free but you already said that there were none in your area. I've had stray cats at my house since I can remember and no matter if we feed them regularly or just sometimes they always come back because they know that they can get food easily from you.
my only advice would be to put up a sign issuing free kittens to a good home..look up your local vets and tell them your situation, ask them about cutting you a deal on a bulk amount of cat spays/neuters (until that is done they will keep coming), also, you could bring them to the SPCA.we have 4 cats and they were strays.its hard to stop. i know i couldn't..if you just cant because you feel bad, you could buy a Giant bag of cat food and slowly feed them that. I agree they will be able to fend for themselves easier now that warmer weather is here.GOOD LUCK!
stop feeding them
call the animal control center
get a dog
I think you have opened a can of worms, here. You may be in "too deep" to do anything about it now. You know what they say: "people don't train cats, cats train people", and it sounds as if this is what has happened to you. If you ignore them long enough, maybe they will finally go away. But that could take awhile, and I know it's heartbreaking to seem them at your door like that.
This is hard to do...I can't walk away. However, I was told that by feeding them I was only making the problem worse. I called the animal control, and they put up traps to catch the cats. The traps did not hurt them, but lured them in to food and the door shut behind them. All of those cats were taken to the animal shelter, were fixed and put up for adoption.It is hard to do...but it is probably your only option.
I wish people would spay and neuter their pets to help alleviate this kind of problem.
The kindest thing to do would be to take the kittens indoors, away from their parents once they are eating regular food. Then try to find homes for them or take them to a shelter. Do some Internet research and see if there is an organization that helps with TNR (trap, neuter, return) in your area. If you can get them neutered and returned, they should defend the territory and not allow other animals to come to your home. Do not do this unless you are willing to keep caring for them, and do not feed them unless you are willing to TNR them. Some organizations offer very low cost or free neutering/spaying if you are doing this with feral cats and also offer assistance with trapping. They may also help you find foster homes for the babies. Really, as soon as possible, take the babies in and try to get them used to being handled so they can be pets. If you're not able to put in some effort, simply stop feeding them. I know it's so hard and breaks your heart to do (it would break mine). Search on the Internet for Feral Friends and Alleycat Allies as a starting point. Please take care of these babies if you can!
ask your parents if you coud keep them or ask a friend if they want one.well you could sell them to your family (BUT NOT TO STRANGERS)
i dont really have an answer for you, but its very sweet of you to feed unwanted stray animals, especially if they are wild. you have a good heart %26lt;3
I know it's heartbreaking but you do need to call and have them picked up! The bitter apple spray is GREAT to work on them getting off your porch, btw.
You can't undo what you've started but I'm sure you know by now not to do it again.
If you call in the Humane Society they WILL get put to sleep. IMHO -- and advertise them as barn cats. They are probably filled with disease and if someone comes over and gets hurt - even though they are wild, you are responsible
Good luck!!
When you put the food out gradually put less and less out, this way they will look for other food sources as well as coming to you.
When you stop feeding them maybe you could go out or on holiday so they aren't there to beg you.
Maybe you could try and rehome the kittens whilst they are still young otherwise the group might inbreed creating deformed babies.
I know that it hurts when you cant feed them all the time cuz you think that they willl suffer with out your help. They wont curl up and die some where cuz you stoped feeding them. They will learn to find food for them selves of find some one who is willing to feed them. Another option is that you can set some humane traps and take the cats into the humane society. They will tthen spay and nuter the cats. All of them. Most of them will get adopetd. I have worked with a farell cat like the ones you mentioned and even that one got adopted. Good luck!
How to I heal my cat's bitten Tail?
My Cat was bitten months ago .. the wound is deep and had bleed for days from opening on and off... over the healing process... i wanted to put proxide on it but feared he would get sick from licking the wound.. now it is healing but its hairs keep getting caught and when i clean the wound to free the hairs puss is now oosing.. i know this is def infected,,, what do i do? instead of the vet..
I know it seems expensive to go to a vet, however, your cat DOES need antibiotics to recover from the bite. It sounds like it's pretty bad from what you've described. Call a local vet clinic and ASK them how much it would be to treat the animal. I know that Pet Smart has free office visits on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2-4. All you will be charged for is the antibiotcs.
You should have taken him to the vet months ago.
Please take him to the vet right now.
Its free to call the just call and ask for an should put a bandage around it...but make sure it goes all the way around so that the tape won't get stuck to the hair...
THAT WAY your cat won't get sick from what you are using on her to disinfect it.
I would put iodine on it, you know the orange stuff that stains your fingers. Cats are alot tougher than you think, it wont make him sick, after all he is licking the infected puss out of his wound. We have a feral cat colony that i work with, and naturally this stuff happens all the time. It's to expensive to run a cat to the vets for a small wound like that when you have 58 of them and i have always used iodine.
So your cat has been ingesting filthy pus from an infected wound for months, introducing purulent bacteria and rancid blood serum to its gums, stomach, and intestines, and you are too cheap to take your cat to the vet to have it treated properly? There is nothing you can do at home to treat systemic infection.
My condolences to your cat.
I don't want to sound harsh but sorry but the cat needs a vet soon or it will probably loose it's tale. It's badly infected and the cats in pain by the sounds of it. The infection will probably spread also. If cash is an issue there are loads of charities that can help such as the p.d.s.a. or the cat action trust if you are in the u.k. if not then most countries have a welfare service, if you phone a vet and explain this they should hopefully be able to put you in touch with someone who can help. Dont put peroxide on it. If you must use something use some lavender oil diluted in warm water to clean it, natural antiseptic that won't harm the cat. You obviously care about the cat or you wouldn't be asking advice, but the best you can do is get it to a vet. Good luck i hope it recovers well
Instead of the vet? When a person makes the very important decision to own a pet, they are agreeing to help their pet no matter what. It's like vows in a marriage.."through sickness and health." You agreed to own this pet. Now it's your turn to TAKE CARE of your kitty. Call the vet and ask what to do. This will be a free advice phone call. If he says to take her in, take her immediately. If you had a wound that was would help yourself, wouldn't you? Your cat it totally dependent on you.and off course she's licking herself because that's what her instincts tell her is best. Help your kitty.
The best thing to do is call the vet and ask them what you could do! If they say you better just bring the cat that will be the best thing to do!
My cat got his tail caught on a nail that was in the back of a cabinet once because he liked to go in the was in the middle of the night and we heard the worst sound a cat could ever make, so we had to put him in the bathroom so he wouldn't get blood all over the house. The cut wasn't very big at all, but it bled a lot. we ended up taking him to the vet and had to get his tail amputated, then he wouldn't leave it alone so they had to amputate it again and put something over his head so that he couldn't reach the womb. now hes 13 and healthy and only has 1/2 a tail!
oh and we also had to put medicine in his food for the pain, phenobarbital. and the vet told us that hes going to have physiological problems for the rest of his cat lives
Peroxide won't make your kitty sick form just licking it. It is a great way to clean and flush out an infected wound. If you can shave the hair around it, that would be ideal, so that you can effectively clean it. Then, put neosporin on it . Do this a few times daily, as long as your kitty will allow you. hope he heals soon, it's so hard when your furry babies are hurt.
I know it seems expensive to go to a vet, however, your cat DOES need antibiotics to recover from the bite. It sounds like it's pretty bad from what you've described. Call a local vet clinic and ASK them how much it would be to treat the animal. I know that Pet Smart has free office visits on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2-4. All you will be charged for is the antibiotcs.
You should have taken him to the vet months ago.
Please take him to the vet right now.
Its free to call the just call and ask for an should put a bandage around it...but make sure it goes all the way around so that the tape won't get stuck to the hair...
THAT WAY your cat won't get sick from what you are using on her to disinfect it.
I would put iodine on it, you know the orange stuff that stains your fingers. Cats are alot tougher than you think, it wont make him sick, after all he is licking the infected puss out of his wound. We have a feral cat colony that i work with, and naturally this stuff happens all the time. It's to expensive to run a cat to the vets for a small wound like that when you have 58 of them and i have always used iodine.
So your cat has been ingesting filthy pus from an infected wound for months, introducing purulent bacteria and rancid blood serum to its gums, stomach, and intestines, and you are too cheap to take your cat to the vet to have it treated properly? There is nothing you can do at home to treat systemic infection.
My condolences to your cat.
I don't want to sound harsh but sorry but the cat needs a vet soon or it will probably loose it's tale. It's badly infected and the cats in pain by the sounds of it. The infection will probably spread also. If cash is an issue there are loads of charities that can help such as the p.d.s.a. or the cat action trust if you are in the u.k. if not then most countries have a welfare service, if you phone a vet and explain this they should hopefully be able to put you in touch with someone who can help. Dont put peroxide on it. If you must use something use some lavender oil diluted in warm water to clean it, natural antiseptic that won't harm the cat. You obviously care about the cat or you wouldn't be asking advice, but the best you can do is get it to a vet. Good luck i hope it recovers well
Instead of the vet? When a person makes the very important decision to own a pet, they are agreeing to help their pet no matter what. It's like vows in a marriage.."through sickness and health." You agreed to own this pet. Now it's your turn to TAKE CARE of your kitty. Call the vet and ask what to do. This will be a free advice phone call. If he says to take her in, take her immediately. If you had a wound that was would help yourself, wouldn't you? Your cat it totally dependent on you.and off course she's licking herself because that's what her instincts tell her is best. Help your kitty.
The best thing to do is call the vet and ask them what you could do! If they say you better just bring the cat that will be the best thing to do!
My cat got his tail caught on a nail that was in the back of a cabinet once because he liked to go in the was in the middle of the night and we heard the worst sound a cat could ever make, so we had to put him in the bathroom so he wouldn't get blood all over the house. The cut wasn't very big at all, but it bled a lot. we ended up taking him to the vet and had to get his tail amputated, then he wouldn't leave it alone so they had to amputate it again and put something over his head so that he couldn't reach the womb. now hes 13 and healthy and only has 1/2 a tail!
oh and we also had to put medicine in his food for the pain, phenobarbital. and the vet told us that hes going to have physiological problems for the rest of his cat lives
Peroxide won't make your kitty sick form just licking it. It is a great way to clean and flush out an infected wound. If you can shave the hair around it, that would be ideal, so that you can effectively clean it. Then, put neosporin on it . Do this a few times daily, as long as your kitty will allow you. hope he heals soon, it's so hard when your furry babies are hurt.
How to hypnotise a cat?
you can't hypnotise a cat, you can tell it that it is getting sleepy, because they usually are, but not because of hypnotism.
and they are going to do what they want, not what you want.
you can be trained by a cat, but it doesn't work the other way.
rhythmically wave a bag of catnip back and forth in front of it.
There is no way to hypnotize a cat.
There is no way to hypnotize a human either.
How to handle feral cat?
By the back of the neck, and wearing leather welding gloves.
I wouldn't even attempt it!
wear leather gloves and jacket and hold on intell it Com's down and then feed it tuna by hand it will make its friend
I am not sure I understand the question. Is this cat in your house or running around outside? Either way, the only way to catch it will be with a live trap and some food. I have caught 4 kittens with a pet carrier with a string attached to the door. That was really hard, but I got them and they are over 1 year old now. You can rent a live trap at most farm stores and some pet stores. Also, sometimes, depending on your area, the Humane Society will loan out live traps. After you trap it, that is when the real fun begins. I have a cat in my house (one of the 4 kittens) that I cannot catch to pet. I catch her only for vet appointments and leave her to her own devices the rest of the time.
there is no real way to handle a feral cat. it is whatever is safest for you and the cat. la few years ago a feral cat had its kittens in my basement and when they were a little older we caught them with a have a heart trap. a trap that encloses the animal but does not hurt it. that is the safest way that I have found to handle feral cats.
I called my local animal control office and they let me use a trap for a $75 refundable deposit. The trap was simple to operate and I baited it some tuna fish. The cat was caught in a matter of minutes and the trap was designed to allow you to carry the animal without injury. Cheap, quick, and humane. Good luck and beware as the animal may be rabid.
Don't just go up and make a grab for the cat. . .try leaving food for it. . .do this everyday for as long as it takes for the cat to gain trust in you. . .it takes time and you may never get it to become a housepet, but you will eventually gain its trust.
Of course, if you're looking to remove this cat from the neighborhood, then perhaps you should call the animal control officer in your area.
Good luck.
Why are you trying to catch the cat? Is he possibly causing harm to you or one of your pets? If so, you should call animal control. They're trained specialists, so they won't hurt the cat; neither will they kill it, but they'll bring it to your local animal shelter.
If you want to keep the cat, I'd say just leave out some food for a while, keeping it fresh every day. That way, the cat will get to be familiar with you and start to trust you. Then perhaps you can move the cat food dish closer to the door, and maybe inside the door. You can establish a relationship without forcing him to live with you.
But if you want to bring it in for treatment and don't want to call animal control, be aware that feral cats act based on instict. Their claws and teeth are sharp and may have bacteria on them, so watch out for infections. Definitely wear gloves, but make sure they have a wide range of movement. Throwing a blanket on the cat helps because it calms down the cat, oddly enough (not seeing reminds them of their kittenhood, and they don't act out with as much ferocity). Have cat carrier ready, and make him comfortable in there (have a towel for padding).
Either way, be careful. It's not going to help anyone if you end up getting hurt while trying to care for a stray.
BE real careful. as i feed feral;s but i would not attempt to pick one up as they don;t even like humans 3feet from them' and will fight and bite,,,a lot of them humans have kicked at shot at starved and keep outside with not so much as a nice pet on the back. would just let them be,,,,
There are a million tame cats out there, why are you tampering with a feral one?
J. Smith, Animal Control Officer
For whatever reason, you suddenly find yourself with this wild, spitting, hissing feral. She is trapped in a cage, or a trap, or a box. Both of you are looking at each other from very different eyes. You are looking at her thinking warm, fuzzy thoughts about lap naps, purring kitties, rubbing a soft tummy and having a companion and she is looking at you with so much distrust in her eyes. Her thoughts are on dark corners, field mice, robbing garbage cans for food and she is wondering what in the world she did to deserve this sudden confinement?
To better understand and further reading of how to handle feral cat, please check at webpage below, you may get the best answer how to tackle the feral cat issue.
How to get the cat to 'cover-up' after doo-doos?
I adopted a 12 year old cat from the SPCA about 2 1/2 years ago. He's a lovely wonderful cat, but has developed a stinky habit. He refuses to cover his business up.
When I first adopted him he covered up every time, but noticed as the week went on he switched to never doing it. I was neither vigilant in picking it up, nor leaving it for extended periods. I was forced to get him a litter box with a hood and door so the smell stayed put, but he didn't like the door, so the smell still escapes.
I notice that without fail he paws the inside wall of the litter box right after, but never the litter. He did this even before I got him a covered box, he'd paw the wall it was next to instead.
The smell I'm hit with when I get home from a day out is atrotious. I need to get him to cover it up again. Any ideas???
Physically take the cat into the litterbox and dig his paw into the litter to make him cover it. This usually works. My male cat, has no problem digging in the litterbox for 10 minutes at a time, before and after eliminating. Kind of gross in fact! My female cat on the other hand couldn't be bothered with touching the litter period. She does some sort of hovering/balancing act on the edges of the litterbox in an attempt to not touch it. She's either afraid of it or just prissy. I like to think the latter of that. Thankfully my other cat has no problem covering it up for her. Tidy Cats just came out with a new litter, it's called Small Spaces. I don't know how well it works but it boasts that it's made for bathrooms, apartments and such and that it neutralizes odor on contact.
This may sound a little odd, but I made my cat do it. I would put her back into the box and use her paw to scoop litter onto her poo. She caught onto it a couple days later.
take his paw and do it for him for a bit and moybe he will catch on.
Some are just pure lazy. He is a guy you know. Our men are lazy about putn the seat down after going
Get him and put him in the box and make him cover it.
Some cats do that for life! 2 of my cats claw the wall, and everywhere BUT the litter. Maybe they don't want to get their paws dirty! Who knows what goes through a cats mind.
Just put in an air purifier (they have wall units at target than run on the electric plug and made for animal odors). And try the litter with the crystals in it. That works pretty good when they step on it.
Note: cats do not like covered litter boxes. It cuts off escape (to their imaginary dangers) and they also can't see if something is coming up behind them.
My cat sometimes doesn't do the best job of covering it. I just take the 3 seconds to either cover it myself, or to scoop the crap out of the box. I have to clean the box daily, anyway, so it's not really any extra work for me.
When I first adopted him he covered up every time, but noticed as the week went on he switched to never doing it. I was neither vigilant in picking it up, nor leaving it for extended periods. I was forced to get him a litter box with a hood and door so the smell stayed put, but he didn't like the door, so the smell still escapes.
I notice that without fail he paws the inside wall of the litter box right after, but never the litter. He did this even before I got him a covered box, he'd paw the wall it was next to instead.
The smell I'm hit with when I get home from a day out is atrotious. I need to get him to cover it up again. Any ideas???
Physically take the cat into the litterbox and dig his paw into the litter to make him cover it. This usually works. My male cat, has no problem digging in the litterbox for 10 minutes at a time, before and after eliminating. Kind of gross in fact! My female cat on the other hand couldn't be bothered with touching the litter period. She does some sort of hovering/balancing act on the edges of the litterbox in an attempt to not touch it. She's either afraid of it or just prissy. I like to think the latter of that. Thankfully my other cat has no problem covering it up for her. Tidy Cats just came out with a new litter, it's called Small Spaces. I don't know how well it works but it boasts that it's made for bathrooms, apartments and such and that it neutralizes odor on contact.
This may sound a little odd, but I made my cat do it. I would put her back into the box and use her paw to scoop litter onto her poo. She caught onto it a couple days later.
take his paw and do it for him for a bit and moybe he will catch on.
Some are just pure lazy. He is a guy you know. Our men are lazy about putn the seat down after going
Get him and put him in the box and make him cover it.
Some cats do that for life! 2 of my cats claw the wall, and everywhere BUT the litter. Maybe they don't want to get their paws dirty! Who knows what goes through a cats mind.
Just put in an air purifier (they have wall units at target than run on the electric plug and made for animal odors). And try the litter with the crystals in it. That works pretty good when they step on it.
Note: cats do not like covered litter boxes. It cuts off escape (to their imaginary dangers) and they also can't see if something is coming up behind them.
My cat sometimes doesn't do the best job of covering it. I just take the 3 seconds to either cover it myself, or to scoop the crap out of the box. I have to clean the box daily, anyway, so it's not really any extra work for me.
How to get rid of fleas?
I have a room that is infested with fleas. I am scared to use anything b/c a cat lives in that room. does anyone know of a way to get rid of fleas safely?
If you don't want to use flea bombs, which you have to leave the house empty for a few hours then you can
First, Bath your cat regularly, wash anything in the room that you can launder, use a flea powder on the floor, that you can vacuum up and then a home trick my mom has used is take a bowl and pour green dish washing liquid in it and place it on the floor, put a desk lamp right over top of the bowl turned on and leave it over night. The fleas jump to the light and get into the dish washing liquid and it gets rid of them. Why green? I have no idea that is what someone told my mom and it works. so best of luck.
Use Frontline on the cat. Ask the vet about the room.
fleas powder...
start off with a fleas comb theres one made especially for cats
use borax. you can find borax at walmart. its cheap and you can find it in the laundry isle. (where you find laundry soap) the best one to use is 20 mule team. my cat was infested with fleas and that is what we used to get the fleas out of our room. there is also a device you can plug into the wall that sends a electronic pulse in your room that fleas and other pests cant can find that at any pet store. this might sound weird but you can bathe your cat in diluted vinegar too. fleas hate vinegar and its safe for your cat to clean off itself. the only problem with vinegar is that it causes loose bowels. if that doesnt work email me and let me know!
Take the cat OUT of the room.
Step 2.
Get rid of the fleas on the cat.
Find another room for the cat to be in for a while.
Get rid of the fleas in the room.
Put the cat back in the room.
Best thing first is to get the cat flea dipped. It doesn't sound as bad as it sounds. they get a bath where it kills the fleas . I did that before .. best thing that worked. Don't bring her home till all fleas are gone from house.
Yep I said house .. they seem to be in one room like I thought.
I had a proffesional sprayer come thru my house.
take your kitty in right away the poor thing. Do you like mosquito's after you?? same irritating thing happening with your cat.
Then get advantage, my cat never gets fleas again. I don't let her outside either, too dangerous.
people who let their cats outside are uncaring , unresponsible cat owners because of all the danger their cat is in when they go outside.
Our current home was INFESTED with fleas when we first moved in (due to a dog who lived here previously). The fleas... OMG... they were everywhere. It was enough to make me think I was going nuts. I can only imagine the hell our poor cat was going through. And the fleas only got worse and worse despite my home treatments, including many of the ideas suggested above.
Finally, when I was ready to lose it, we broke down and shelled out the cash for a professional pest control service. They came in and did their thing, and came back again a few weeks later to get any that were missed the first time. During both visits, we checked our cat into the vet's office/kennel for a couple of days so he was not exposed. In the meantime, he was treated with Advantage Flea Medicine.
He never got sick from any of it and we have never had a flea problem since. Worth every penny!
buy advantage flea killer for the cat. some fleas will get poisoned from being on the protected cat and not be able to breed so soon all fleas will be gone. worked for me! takes a few days...
They have a new product called REVOLUTION.They gave it to us from the vet today.gets rid of fleas ticks and earmites
Be careful. There are products that are safe for dogs that can be dangerous to cats. Here's a good article to read:
I've had a dog for 15 years and a two cats for about ten years. this is what works and what doesn't for me:
I use Adams flea%26tick shampoo to bathe the animals. This gets rid of the majority of the fleas but they'll be back in about a week if you don't treat the carpet.
I use a flea powder on the carpet. Remove the pets for a day and powder the carpet. Use a broom to sweep the powder and work it into the carpet. leave it for about 4 hours. Then vacuum the powder thoroughly. This works completely for me.
I've had two summers that fleas attacked really bad on my pets. Shampoo only worked for about a week. The carpet powder was the only solution that worked for me. The Advantage oils that you apply to your pet's neck did not work. Neither did a flea collar. They reduced the problem but not nearly a solution.
Frontline on the cat. BOMB the house!!!
7 Dust!!
If you won't use a chemical pestiside, try mothballs (hung in closets) or Tea Tree oil sprinkles on fabric and flooring.
You could kill them or open the window so they can fly away or leave it that way!That's a good question you know.I think I had it once i forgot so anyway do it or leave it.It's always the best to do and remember that you can kill them with a shoe or something and open the window .O yeah theres something else you can get a net with no holes or get a jar and open the window and let them free.
frontline, worked for me.
If you don't want to use flea bombs, which you have to leave the house empty for a few hours then you can
First, Bath your cat regularly, wash anything in the room that you can launder, use a flea powder on the floor, that you can vacuum up and then a home trick my mom has used is take a bowl and pour green dish washing liquid in it and place it on the floor, put a desk lamp right over top of the bowl turned on and leave it over night. The fleas jump to the light and get into the dish washing liquid and it gets rid of them. Why green? I have no idea that is what someone told my mom and it works. so best of luck.
Use Frontline on the cat. Ask the vet about the room.
fleas powder...
start off with a fleas comb theres one made especially for cats
use borax. you can find borax at walmart. its cheap and you can find it in the laundry isle. (where you find laundry soap) the best one to use is 20 mule team. my cat was infested with fleas and that is what we used to get the fleas out of our room. there is also a device you can plug into the wall that sends a electronic pulse in your room that fleas and other pests cant can find that at any pet store. this might sound weird but you can bathe your cat in diluted vinegar too. fleas hate vinegar and its safe for your cat to clean off itself. the only problem with vinegar is that it causes loose bowels. if that doesnt work email me and let me know!
Take the cat OUT of the room.
Step 2.
Get rid of the fleas on the cat.
Find another room for the cat to be in for a while.
Get rid of the fleas in the room.
Put the cat back in the room.
Best thing first is to get the cat flea dipped. It doesn't sound as bad as it sounds. they get a bath where it kills the fleas . I did that before .. best thing that worked. Don't bring her home till all fleas are gone from house.
Yep I said house .. they seem to be in one room like I thought.
I had a proffesional sprayer come thru my house.
take your kitty in right away the poor thing. Do you like mosquito's after you?? same irritating thing happening with your cat.
Then get advantage, my cat never gets fleas again. I don't let her outside either, too dangerous.
people who let their cats outside are uncaring , unresponsible cat owners because of all the danger their cat is in when they go outside.
Our current home was INFESTED with fleas when we first moved in (due to a dog who lived here previously). The fleas... OMG... they were everywhere. It was enough to make me think I was going nuts. I can only imagine the hell our poor cat was going through. And the fleas only got worse and worse despite my home treatments, including many of the ideas suggested above.
Finally, when I was ready to lose it, we broke down and shelled out the cash for a professional pest control service. They came in and did their thing, and came back again a few weeks later to get any that were missed the first time. During both visits, we checked our cat into the vet's office/kennel for a couple of days so he was not exposed. In the meantime, he was treated with Advantage Flea Medicine.
He never got sick from any of it and we have never had a flea problem since. Worth every penny!
buy advantage flea killer for the cat. some fleas will get poisoned from being on the protected cat and not be able to breed so soon all fleas will be gone. worked for me! takes a few days...
They have a new product called REVOLUTION.They gave it to us from the vet today.gets rid of fleas ticks and earmites
Be careful. There are products that are safe for dogs that can be dangerous to cats. Here's a good article to read:
I've had a dog for 15 years and a two cats for about ten years. this is what works and what doesn't for me:
I use Adams flea%26tick shampoo to bathe the animals. This gets rid of the majority of the fleas but they'll be back in about a week if you don't treat the carpet.
I use a flea powder on the carpet. Remove the pets for a day and powder the carpet. Use a broom to sweep the powder and work it into the carpet. leave it for about 4 hours. Then vacuum the powder thoroughly. This works completely for me.
I've had two summers that fleas attacked really bad on my pets. Shampoo only worked for about a week. The carpet powder was the only solution that worked for me. The Advantage oils that you apply to your pet's neck did not work. Neither did a flea collar. They reduced the problem but not nearly a solution.
Frontline on the cat. BOMB the house!!!
7 Dust!!
If you won't use a chemical pestiside, try mothballs (hung in closets) or Tea Tree oil sprinkles on fabric and flooring.
You could kill them or open the window so they can fly away or leave it that way!That's a good question you know.I think I had it once i forgot so anyway do it or leave it.It's always the best to do and remember that you can kill them with a shoe or something and open the window .O yeah theres something else you can get a net with no holes or get a jar and open the window and let them free.
frontline, worked for me.
How to get rid of fleas in my house?
I have 2 adult cat, one of which had kittens 3 weeks ago, and i have a very bad infestation of fleas in my house...its horrible!
Can i use flea control methods like bombs, powders etc when i have 5 young kittens? And can i use frontline on the queen and her kittens?
Any advice also on getting rid of them ..i have tried to frontline both the cats, hoovered all the furniture and carpets etc, but they are still here!
You need to treat all animals and your house, regularly. USe stuff from the vets, not the pointless and often dangerous stuff from petshops/supermarkets.
Frontline is good, and the spray form can be used on puppies and kittens from 2 days old. You won't find stuff in petshops this safe!
Go to your vets. Buy Frontline spray for the mum and kitten, and something like Indorex or Staykil for your house - you will probably need to do two treatments with vacuuming afterwards, as you need to wait for leftover eggs to hatch before they will die.
Flea collars, shampoos, 'bombs' - all fairly pointless. Yes of course Frontline is more expensive - it actually works! And it is not 'poison' - the person who said that probably buys petshop rubbish, which often IS poison! Frontline isn't!
bug bomb! bug bomb! bug bomb!
Take them to the vet. Hope thiis helps and have a great day!
You will have to keep treating all the places the cats go on a weekly basis until you know they have all gone. If you ask the vet they will give up stronger stuff for the carpets and suchlike.
Bombs, definitely.
Dont use frontline its too expensive, I use 4 fleas a tablet form and spray the house with a can one that kills all the fleas I have 13 cats and only spray every three months
Get a flea comb - you can get these on ebay. Wash all of your rugs, bedsheets, towels, cat bedding, sofa covers, pillow cases , etc and hopefully this will help!
hoover the whole house first you need to spray the whole house with a flea killer that you can buy from vet you must remove all cats from the house while you do this ,wait a few hours the house spray lasts for 1 year and you must frontline the cat every month. ask your vet for advice about de fleaing the kittens and nursing queen as I dont know about them.
You need to get all living things cats, plants, kids, you, hubby out of the house and bomb that sucker. Also, when you are done give the cats a good flea dip or a bath, and try Revolution. It always kept fleas off of my cats. Last, anybody who lives in your house needs to take a long warm shower before lying down for bed or spending took much time on furniture. If your cat's have a bed or blankets they sleep on throw them in the wash because that's a nesting ground. Talk to your vet. Hope it helps.
I quit buying poison to put on my dogs, and started feeding them flea problem went away. If you can mix a teaspoon or so of minced garlic in your cats food, you might be surprised at the results...
Do some research on safe treatment of your home, since animals live in it, and once you get rid of the fleas hopefully whatever you choose to use on your cats, will keep the critturs away...
Also do some research online for flea control methods, and see what sounds best for your situation...
Put em all in a Suitcase`n`send em on a Package Holiday`to TATISLAVIA`
For the adult cats - Use Frontline EVERY month, and do not stop. The fleas will keep appearing until every egg entrenched in your carpet and in your hard, in your uholstery has hatched. Don't be fooled into thinking the 'Frontline isn't working' it's working, but each one of those fleas has to jump on your cat before it will die. If you have a safe place to keep the cats and kittens for a day, I suggest flea bombing your house as well, yes (turn up all the matresses against the wall so the gas hits all sides, same with couch cushions, etc..).
For the kittens - get a flea spray, like Adam's Flea and Tick, and spray a good dose on a hand towel. Bring each kitten to the towel, and wrap em up in it like a loose burrito (head exposed, of course). Do this for about 2-3 minutes a couple times a day until the fleas have disappeared.
And finally - DO NOT LET YOUR CATS BREED if you have an uncontrolled flea problem!! Spay and neuter them, or keep them away from each other, it's not fair to the kittens.
You've treated the animals which is good but now you must treat your house, frontline is excellent and kills anything on your animals but you have to rid your house of the lava and flees, flees can leave thier eggs in the area between the carpet and skirting boards! You must always read the instructions of anything before you use it, normally you have to make sure the animals are out of the room you are treating, I would advise you go to your vet for treatment for the house and animals, obviously you have been to the vet for frontline, but i have found buying from shops, supermarkets etc it doesnt work, the vets sell a spray for your house called Nuvan Top or they will have something similar which will be as good explain to the vet or the receptionist what animals you have and their ages etc make sure they know one of your cats has kittens and how old they are etc but im pretty sure you have to keep them out of the room you are treating for a certain length of time after you have sprayed and you will have to repeat this after a certain time to make sure you have got the lave aswell as the flees! Another tip is buy a flee collar a good make and put it in your hoover bag or Dyson drum leave it there for aslong as the collar will last its normally six weeks when you empty the drum just grab the flee collar with a carrier bag and after you have emptied the drum pop it back in then if you hoover up any flees or lave(eggs) the flee collar will kill them because flees and lave can live in your hoover! Some people say to just treat with flee spray only where your cat sleeps or lies or even visits my advice is to treat your whole house wether the cat goes there or not, its worth it in the long run and most definately be very thorough where your animals sleep again you will have to move them while you treat that area and make sure they can't get back into it until it is safe for them normally after 6 hrs it is deemed safe but again read the instructions and if you have children or anyone suffers from asthma be very careful. One more thing mum will automatically try to take her babies straight back to her bed as if that is where she delivered them that is where she feels the safest just keep a close eye on her.
you can get a product called flearid, you spray it on the carpets and furniture and when they come in contact with it they die same with the larvae. it`s lasts 6mths.
Please use a chemical free solution, especially with the kittens.
at high quality pet stores, they sell a powder called Fleabusters
flea bombs
front line is really good. my cat is a keen hunter and often brings a "take away" home to show us sometimes 3 times a night the little monster! which is where i think he gets all the fleas from! i find like nits on humans treatments can only do so much and frequent brushing is the only way to go in conjunction with the frontline. try adding some dilute tea tree oil and washing the carpets and a good hoover that will really beat the carpets when you go over them. good luck xxx
Can i use flea control methods like bombs, powders etc when i have 5 young kittens? And can i use frontline on the queen and her kittens?
Any advice also on getting rid of them ..i have tried to frontline both the cats, hoovered all the furniture and carpets etc, but they are still here!
You need to treat all animals and your house, regularly. USe stuff from the vets, not the pointless and often dangerous stuff from petshops/supermarkets.
Frontline is good, and the spray form can be used on puppies and kittens from 2 days old. You won't find stuff in petshops this safe!
Go to your vets. Buy Frontline spray for the mum and kitten, and something like Indorex or Staykil for your house - you will probably need to do two treatments with vacuuming afterwards, as you need to wait for leftover eggs to hatch before they will die.
Flea collars, shampoos, 'bombs' - all fairly pointless. Yes of course Frontline is more expensive - it actually works! And it is not 'poison' - the person who said that probably buys petshop rubbish, which often IS poison! Frontline isn't!
bug bomb! bug bomb! bug bomb!
Take them to the vet. Hope thiis helps and have a great day!
You will have to keep treating all the places the cats go on a weekly basis until you know they have all gone. If you ask the vet they will give up stronger stuff for the carpets and suchlike.
Bombs, definitely.
Dont use frontline its too expensive, I use 4 fleas a tablet form and spray the house with a can one that kills all the fleas I have 13 cats and only spray every three months
Get a flea comb - you can get these on ebay. Wash all of your rugs, bedsheets, towels, cat bedding, sofa covers, pillow cases , etc and hopefully this will help!
hoover the whole house first you need to spray the whole house with a flea killer that you can buy from vet you must remove all cats from the house while you do this ,wait a few hours the house spray lasts for 1 year and you must frontline the cat every month. ask your vet for advice about de fleaing the kittens and nursing queen as I dont know about them.
You need to get all living things cats, plants, kids, you, hubby out of the house and bomb that sucker. Also, when you are done give the cats a good flea dip or a bath, and try Revolution. It always kept fleas off of my cats. Last, anybody who lives in your house needs to take a long warm shower before lying down for bed or spending took much time on furniture. If your cat's have a bed or blankets they sleep on throw them in the wash because that's a nesting ground. Talk to your vet. Hope it helps.
I quit buying poison to put on my dogs, and started feeding them flea problem went away. If you can mix a teaspoon or so of minced garlic in your cats food, you might be surprised at the results...
Do some research on safe treatment of your home, since animals live in it, and once you get rid of the fleas hopefully whatever you choose to use on your cats, will keep the critturs away...
Also do some research online for flea control methods, and see what sounds best for your situation...
Put em all in a Suitcase`n`send em on a Package Holiday`to TATISLAVIA`
For the adult cats - Use Frontline EVERY month, and do not stop. The fleas will keep appearing until every egg entrenched in your carpet and in your hard, in your uholstery has hatched. Don't be fooled into thinking the 'Frontline isn't working' it's working, but each one of those fleas has to jump on your cat before it will die. If you have a safe place to keep the cats and kittens for a day, I suggest flea bombing your house as well, yes (turn up all the matresses against the wall so the gas hits all sides, same with couch cushions, etc..).
For the kittens - get a flea spray, like Adam's Flea and Tick, and spray a good dose on a hand towel. Bring each kitten to the towel, and wrap em up in it like a loose burrito (head exposed, of course). Do this for about 2-3 minutes a couple times a day until the fleas have disappeared.
And finally - DO NOT LET YOUR CATS BREED if you have an uncontrolled flea problem!! Spay and neuter them, or keep them away from each other, it's not fair to the kittens.
You've treated the animals which is good but now you must treat your house, frontline is excellent and kills anything on your animals but you have to rid your house of the lava and flees, flees can leave thier eggs in the area between the carpet and skirting boards! You must always read the instructions of anything before you use it, normally you have to make sure the animals are out of the room you are treating, I would advise you go to your vet for treatment for the house and animals, obviously you have been to the vet for frontline, but i have found buying from shops, supermarkets etc it doesnt work, the vets sell a spray for your house called Nuvan Top or they will have something similar which will be as good explain to the vet or the receptionist what animals you have and their ages etc make sure they know one of your cats has kittens and how old they are etc but im pretty sure you have to keep them out of the room you are treating for a certain length of time after you have sprayed and you will have to repeat this after a certain time to make sure you have got the lave aswell as the flees! Another tip is buy a flee collar a good make and put it in your hoover bag or Dyson drum leave it there for aslong as the collar will last its normally six weeks when you empty the drum just grab the flee collar with a carrier bag and after you have emptied the drum pop it back in then if you hoover up any flees or lave(eggs) the flee collar will kill them because flees and lave can live in your hoover! Some people say to just treat with flee spray only where your cat sleeps or lies or even visits my advice is to treat your whole house wether the cat goes there or not, its worth it in the long run and most definately be very thorough where your animals sleep again you will have to move them while you treat that area and make sure they can't get back into it until it is safe for them normally after 6 hrs it is deemed safe but again read the instructions and if you have children or anyone suffers from asthma be very careful. One more thing mum will automatically try to take her babies straight back to her bed as if that is where she delivered them that is where she feels the safest just keep a close eye on her.
you can get a product called flearid, you spray it on the carpets and furniture and when they come in contact with it they die same with the larvae. it`s lasts 6mths.
Please use a chemical free solution, especially with the kittens.
at high quality pet stores, they sell a powder called Fleabusters
flea bombs
front line is really good. my cat is a keen hunter and often brings a "take away" home to show us sometimes 3 times a night the little monster! which is where i think he gets all the fleas from! i find like nits on humans treatments can only do so much and frequent brushing is the only way to go in conjunction with the frontline. try adding some dilute tea tree oil and washing the carpets and a good hoover that will really beat the carpets when you go over them. good luck xxx
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