Thursday, May 7, 2009

How do you litter train a kitten?

One of our kittens which is about 2 months old, she isn't using the litter box on her own. The only way she uses it is when I put her in there. If I don't put her in there and she has to go, she goes on the rug. What is the best way to litter train her? Thanks for your help.
You are doing the right thing, she just isn't getting that "click" in her kitty brain. The mom cat would pick her up by the scruff and "drop" her onto the litter. You be the mom, pick her up by the scruff and drop her (not set her) onto the litter. Repeat this very often as well as everytime she has an accident. You needn't say a thing... you are the mom .
tell her nicely and then she will listen
glue her feet to the litter feet to the litter box.....
jk, thats mean
just keep putting her in there and praising her.
The next time she poops, place the poop in the litter box and take her to the litter box. Take her paw and scratch the litter. She should get the picture. I thinks it's strange she isn't using the box at 2 months. If you have her littermates and they are doing it and she's not.maybe she should see the vet, after you give my suggestion a couple of tries. Best of luck.
Keep her shut in an uncarpeted room, preferably a bathroom, with no rugs or bath mats on the floor. If her only choices are a tile floor or the litter box, she'll use the litter box. You can let her out after she's used the litter box consistently for several days. However, you'll still need to monitor her; some cats just seem to prefer carpet.
Make sure the litter box is clean, and you might try changing litters. My finicky cat liked Cat Attract, which is a more expensive brand.
Good luck!
Kittens are taught how to use the litter box from their moms. So, chances are she was seperated before she was able to learn this. Do as a mama cat would, show her where it is, pour some water in there and cover it w/ the litter. If you catch her in the act put her in the box and guide her along.
Taking some of her poop and putting it in will help, but you also will need to get another litter box. Typically one per cat is best as some cats don't like to share theirs. This may help because she may not want to use the one the other cat uses.
You need to clean up the places she used for a toilet with some sort of enzymatic cleaner like simple solution or natures miracle. Then she won't smell it and think "this is the place". The best thing to do would be to put her in the bathroom with a litter box, and all her other stuff. You might want to make a ramp up to the litter box with a piece of wood, just to encourage her. This way it will be easier for you to clean up, and she is more likely to use the litterbox if she is in a smaller area. Cats are usually pretty particular about their surroundings and don't want to eat close to where they "go". Visit the kitten often, but don't let her out. If you have a cage or a kennel, that would be even better than the bathroom.
Well cats usually have a natural instinct when it comes to going to the litter box but if your little one has problems just place her in the litter box when you notice her sniffing around. also try locking her in the bathroom with the litter box. If you keep putting her in the littler box, eventually she'll get the idea. The problem may be that her mother may not have been an indoor cat and never showed the kittens that the litter box is the bathroom. She'll be fine, cats naturally go for litter, try putting a little baking soda in the box, something about the smell makes animals go to it.
just keep doing what you are doing, in time she will use it on her own
take out your might think that it is the litter box...andyou sould also put the kitten on the litter box and move her legs in a back fourth motion in the litter for about a week or cat sould us her natural instink
Every hour put your cat in the litter box and tell your cat to go potty. and if it gose give your cat a treat.

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