Thursday, May 7, 2009

How do you get the smell of a cat out of your couch?

We've had a cat for about 3 years now, and about 2 months ago we gotten a 2nd cat, that was bout 6 months old. Starting yesterday, we noticed a 'funny' smell, but couldnt pin-point it. This morning, i noticed that there was a wet spot on the couch (the spot that the older cat was lying on) and it smelled the same. Horrid and rancid. We've tried to think of wat it is, and have came up with the soulution that the older cat is 'spraying' and the other cat cant spray, he's been nuter'd. My problem is that the couch is Suede. how do i get the smell out of Suede without ruining the fabric?? please, any suggestions will help. its a brand-new couch. less than a month old, and now theres a horrid smell eminating from it... and we dont know wat to do.
I had a cat that peed on everything and read that if you spray a vinegar and water solution on the area that, first it will break down the cause of the odor (white distilled vinegar) it will also prevent the pet from "visiting" it again. With suede you'd probably want to use 2/3 vinegar and 1/3 water... and use a soft brush to move the direction of the suede back into place if it's been disshevelled. hope this helps.
Buy an enzyme urine cleaner. Walmart sells pet stain and odor remover. You will have to get it very wet and leave it wet for the amount of time it says on the bottle. The enzymes eat the urine, and the smell.
First deep clean and make sure you have all the hair out of it, when I say deep clean i mean strong cleaners, then use fabreez..(it smells good, its strong, but not TOO strong)
I had a cat spray my sons baby stroller once. I tried EVERYTHING on the market. NOTHING would get rid of the smell...GOOD LUCK!
Take it to a professional cleaner, or call the department store where you got it from for advice. (Good Luck!) -Until then, use plenty of Febreeze!
Use Fabreze
Fabreeze just covers the smells up (and gives me allergic reactions). Use the Enzyme Cleaners (like Natures Miracle). We have a cat and a dog (used to have 2 dogs). Follow the directions for the cleaner to the "T".
The only thing that will work is an enzyme cleaner, you have to kill the bacteria that cause the smell. Things like fabreeze will only mask it.
Have a look at which gives good advice on cleaning up urine.

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