Thursday, May 7, 2009

How do you get rid of bad cat's breath.?

My cat's breath is terrible. I can smell it even when he is cleaning himself a few feet away. He has treats that are good for his teeth, but is there anything out there for bad breath?
You need to have a dental cleaning done for your cat.

That bad breath is a tell-tale sign.

The reason for the bad breath is placque %26 bacteria.

Every time your cat swallows...that bacteria is showering his vital organs..and can lead to heart disease.

Most dental procedures are relativly inexpensive..

the sooner the better.

Good luck
u know dog greenies? try feline greenies! really, cats luv um!
Have you ever had your vet clean your cat's teeth? It might help. Breath that bad could be caused by some kind of oral infection or inflammation that a simple cleaning could clear up.
There are several things you can do...

One: You can brush your cat's teeth with special cat toothpaste and toothbrushes. This may take some training and time, but eventually your cat will get used to it.

Two: You can buy your cat 'grass'. Pet stores have special brands of grass, which I have found useful in killing bad kitty breath.
Unfortunately, all those "tarter control" treats for animals do very little to clean teeth.

It's very possible that he has a bad tooth, or a mouth infection. Both of which can cause strong oral odor. Kidney infections have also been known to change mouth odor, though it tends to cause more of a sweet smell.

If he's been having problems eating lately, especially if you feed dry food, than I would take him into the vet. If he's got a bad tooth or mouth infection, it will only get worse.

Information on proper dental care in cat's, written by a veterinarian.
You may want to get a vet to actually clean his teeth. Another thing you want to check is his food: Sometimes if there is a problem with the kitty's food, there will be with his breath too.

If the cleaning and a change in food don't help, get kitty a check-up: Sometimes bad breath could mean that the kitty has a serious health problem. In fact, your vet will probably want to give your cat a check-up anyway before cleaning his teeth, in case there's a potential problem with the anesthesia.

Good luck!
He may need to have a teeth cleaning. Pets get build up on their teeth, just like people. Have your vet take a look at his teeth to determine if they need to be cleaned.

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