My fiance's cat makes me crazy, esspecially at night when I am trying to sleep. Please tell me how to shut this thing up.
Cats are nocturnal by nature, so you'll have to work to 'reset' her schedule so she'll sleep through the night. Set aside time every evening to play with the cat with a toy it enjoys - 'da bird' is a great one, or a laser pointer - play until the cat is thoroughly tired, then feed it a good meal of high-quality canned food. The play %26 food will help mimic the cat's natural hunt/kill/eat/sleep cycle and help it to sleep through the night. If you see her napping in the evening, wake her up %26 play with her for a moment, so she'll be tired at night %26 want to sleep.
To get her to stop meowing, you must ignore her COMPLETELY whenever she meows, and give her pets %26 love when she's quiet. While the cat is meowing, do NOT: pet it, yell at it, squirt water at it, feed it, or even make eye contact - it's all attention in her mind. Try to pay careful attention to the cat %26 pet it when it's quiet - pour on the love and attention whenever you notice it's NOT meowing (that can be tough to remember, but it's very important to teach the cat to be quiet). The cat will make the connection, though it may take a little while. This does work - one of my cats used to meow almost nonstop, but now she comes up and sits next to me quietly when she wants attention. I tried all sorts of other things, but this is the only thing that worked for her.
To keep her from bothering you at night, set up a vacuum cleaner near the bed, where you can reach the switch, and plug it in at night. If she bothers you at night, switch on the vacuum cleaner for a moment. The 'vacuum monster' coming to life should discourage her from bothering you - she should figure that out pretty quickly.
Make sure she has plenty of things to keep her occupied during the day - if she doesn't have a cat tree to climb on, buy or build her one. I can't post links, but if you do a search for environmental enrichment for cats, there are some excellent articles with lots of good ideas for ways to keep her physically %26 mentally occupied during the day, so she'll sleep better at night.
ps. I'm assuming she's been spayed - if she hasn't been spayed yet, she could be calling out because she's in heat. In that case, getting her spayed will solve the problem. If this behavior developed recently, she may need a health checkup to make sure she's not crying because she may be developing a health problem that needs to be treated.
Hope this helps!
give it some cat toys to play w/ it's probably bored
ear plugs
well u could let it on your bed then it would feel comphortable and not meow
don't lock it up. let it have free roam, and it will shut-up. cat's are nocturnal, so that's why it's most active at night.
Feed it before you hit the sack. The food will usually make it sleepy.
Cat's are very active in the night. You might need to keep the door to the bedroom shut and invest in some earplugs. Some cats are simply more talkative than others.
My cat did the same until I let her come up on the bed with me to sleep. I also leave the door open so she can rome around the house. I also leave treats that she likes in a cup by the window for her to look out of. and plenty of toys here and there. Her favorite is a ball of string.
The other posts are right - you've got a bored cat on your hands. Make sure he's got food and water at bedtime, a comfy cat bed where he can curl up and feel safe, and some toys around. Try catnip during the day - it really mellows some cats out, but others get WAY hyper. He may need a cat friend too.
ok:according towards in how to "Stop the Cat from Meowing
well it's very Simple just tell your fiance please go feed that
pet some Food before bed time each night "
shut the door and turn the tv up loud
Just ask them to keep it down whilst you are sleeping and they will.
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