Thursday, May 7, 2009

How do you know if you can get rabies from a stray cat?

People who answered this saying that they can keep a cat in quarintine and have the cat tested and then put in a good home. Don't you realize that for an animal to be tested, they ahve to cut off it's head to check the brain tissue? If the cat gets tested...IT'S DEAD!!!!!
If you have been bitten or scratched by a stray cat than there is always the possibility they have rabies. You may want to get yourself checked, or better yet call the local humane society and have them bring the cat in, they can check it for rabies and hopefully find the cat a good home.

Edit: Maybe I wasn't clear enough, hopefully they will test the cat, find out it doesn't have rabies and find it a good home.
dont let it bite or scratch you? what is the situation here are you planning to keep the cat or something? a rabies shot is only about 20 bucks on the high end the low end some run as cheap as 14 dollars. you'll know if something has rabies trust me. acting wild and not letting you come near or getting way too close (wild animals who would not normally come up to a human often do when infected) foaming of the mouth, etc. you'll know.
i was bitten by a stray not too long ago, and cats have alot of bacteria in there mouth, you will need to get that taken care of rom your dr., but you will have to get the cat into quarintine for rabbies, call your doctor and and the local animal control
If the cat was acting oddly and you were scratched or bitten, you need to talk to a doctor. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!!! By the time you'd be displaying symptoms it would be TOO LATE! So, if you're concerned, call ASAP. Regarding the cat: to do rabies testing, they have to put it to sleep and then send its head to a lab to be tested (brain matter, I believe).

Like I said, you need to go ASAP because people still do die from rabies. Only 1 person so far (I believe) has survived the full onset of rabies, and your chances grow very slim once you show any symptoms.

So, if you think you've been exposed, YOU NEED TO SEEK A DOCTOR NOW!
It is almost unknown in the US for cats or dogs to have rabies nowadays because most of them are vaccinated, and the rest have nobody to catch it from.
The only way you are likely to get rabies is from the bite of a rabid animal. If the cat didn't bite you, don't worry.
If you have the cat, you can have it tested, if you're worried.
Even if the cat doesn't have rabies, though, cat bites often get infected. You may end up going to the doctor anyway.
If you are still worried, talk to your doctor about it.
If you are bitten or scratched by a cat, the cat should be quarantined for 10 days. If it does not die or show signs of rabies within those 10 days, you're probably fine.
If the cat bite or scratched you, you should go to a doctor right away.When you start showing signs than its to later to get treated.
Symptoms include:fever,fear of water,paralysis, and more
My brother was bitten by a stray cat when he was younger. At that time the only way to test for rabies, in the cat, was to kill the cat and run tests on the cats brain, as rabies is an infection of the brain.
If you are bitten, licked or touched in anyway that saliva gets into an open area by any animal there is always a chance of rabies, unless you know that the animal has had a rabies shot.
For more information on the rabies virus go to

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